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With just weeks to go until a controversial new law on casinos takes effect in Georgia, health workers in the capital, Tbilisi, say they have uncovered a worrying link between gambling and drug addiction.

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From the taiga to the British Seas, the White Army is strongest of all (Mini Russian campaign AAR)

From the taiga to the British Seas, the White Army is strongest of all (Mini Russian campaign AAR)
January 7th, 1936. A date which forever altered the destiny of the ailing Russian Republic. Police shot Kerensky's assassin so his true motive is lost to time, however, everyone had their own guesses: Bukharin and the socialists, Savinkov, a Romanov loyalist perhaps?
While The Duma sat paralyzed a true hero of the Motherland took action: Marshal Peter Wrangel, the Black Baron, and seasoned veteran of the Weltkrieg and the civil war took his troops and marched into St. Petersburg with the intention of ending the chaos that erupted on the streets in the wake of the President's demise. Upon a balcony he addressed a scared and nervous crowd of locals, and announced his plans to stabilize the nation both politically and economically. Martial law was declared for the duration of the crisis, checkpoints were erected, and curfews enforced. Many people were understandably frightened, they feared that a second civil war was just over the horizon, and that the assassination was merely step one in Bukharin's schemes.
Baron Wrangel did everything he could, and sacrificed greatly to maintain the fragile peace: He would personally attend labor negotiations in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and reach fair and thorough agreements with the striking workers. Although he personally may not have enjoyed it, he was clever enough to know this was better than them flocking to Bukharin's side and trying to start another revolution. Production of arms and other material fell through the floor, but it was more important that people kept their jobs and remained content. The first year of his reign was tumultuous and unstable, but against all odds Baron Wrangel did it. The Reds never rose their banners in anger, peace for the moment was secure, and everyone on all party lines could appreciate that.
With the threat of civil war passed Baron Wrangel and his cabinet sighed in relief and started to reorganize the country's politics. The Army was invited into more and more government positions, transforming into a Stratocracy. Local self government, made of councils of nobles and peasants alike, were called into session. The economy was starting to swing back in in upward direction but would need serious government investment as well as private. And here is where the first foray into foreign policy begins. Baron Wrangel announced his intentions to reclaim Russia's lost lands, stating that while peace and reconciliation was always on the table, he would also not be adverse to covert operations or military force as well.
Alarmed, Germany declared that it would protect the independence of the Don-Kuban Union as well as the other states in the Caucasus. Baron Wrangel couldn't afford to fight Germany now, he only just managed to prevent the total collapse of the country. Most army units were still missing equipment and manpower, so begrudgingly he accepted the news. War with Germany was inevitable, but not for now. He moved his attention to Central Asia, both Alash Orda and the Turkestani Khanate were annexed through a methodical campaign across the steppes. After an international incident with Sternberg and the Mongols, the Black Baron demanded the immediate surrender of all Russian lands currently in Mongol possession. Surprisingly, Sternberg caved in and the lands were transferred without a fight.
In the Far East things were rapidly heating up as the Japanese Empire had gone to war with the Qing, they and the National Protection alliance were giving Japan quite the difficult time advancing. Though Beijing fell at one point they had caused so many casualties in the process that things were still evenly matched. Once Supply and infrastructure concerns were addressed the Black Baron took a gamble: he covertly organized a plebiscite in Transamur about rejoining with the rest of their fellow Russians. It worked and Vladivostok was back in the hands of the legitimate government. Before the ink could even dry Wrangel ordered construction of fortifications all along the border with Manchuria and Japan. Again, gambling that Qing could hold up the Japanese and their allies long enough to prepare for the coming counter attack. It was also at this point that Wrangel ordered the development of medium and heavy tanks as well as halftracks, with additional instructions to begin stockpiling them for future use.
Once he felt that enough preparations had been made Baron Wrangel declared war upon the Japanese. He was suddenly very glad that he had invested in the line of forts, as even behind defensive positions the White Army had to fight like men possessed to defend The Motherland. All of this had to be juggled while on the homefront the Baron started an effort to industrialize en masse, building up an airforce and bases for them to operate from, as well as the tactical dilemmas that arose from the continuous and spirited Japanese attacks. This was the kind of war however Wrangel and the General staff were trained to fight: Thorough planning, defending, and devastating counter attacks.
The whole operation nearly came undone when the Mad Baron Sternberg decided to seize his own piece of the Chinese Pie. White Army units were already stationed along the Mongol border in case of such an occasion, another gamble by Wrangel was made and he declared war upon Mongolia while the majority of their forces were facing off against Qing. Advance across the steppes and mountains was slow going, even outnumbered and outgunned Mongol troops fought tenaciously at every step. Victory was inevitable, but how many Russians would lose their lives in the process was dependent on bigger factors, so the advance was kept to a methodical pace. Eventually Mongolia would indeed fall, and the troops that were fighting them were redeployed to the Manchurian front as now they had an additional avenue to flank and launch attacks from.
After new plans for the reinforcements were drawn up the attack into Manchuria could begin. With their armies split, Qing saved, and both sides inflicting millions of casualties upon the Japanese it was a relatively swift affair after the years of planning and waiting. Japan ceded Manchuria to Qing, Russia gained Sakhalin, Port Arthur, and the Kuril Islands. It was a fairly miserly set of gains as far as anyone was concerned. But considering the Pacific Squadron only numbered 10 ships in total, and many older people remembered the first Russo-Japanese war all too well, Russia would keep its complaints to itself.
Back in the European theatre, Baron Wrangel felt confident with his rear and flanks secure to once again go after the Caucuses. The so called Second Weltkrieg had started and now the German army was bogged down in Burgundy. He drafted a letter to the German embassy, demanding that their government end the support for the DKU. They relied with a short answer of "No" His plans foiled a second time Wrangel was now far less willing to be diplomatic with Germany and her allies. He organized covert actions be launched to destabilize the Hetmanate, and they declared war upon Russia, thereby leaving themselves exposed. This would be the most embarrassing part of what was so far a grand military career for Wrangel. In his memoirs Wrangel called the Don-Kuban campaign an ulcer upon his otherwise successful record. The Hetmanate fought Russia to a stalemate, eerily reminiscent to the Western Front in the Great War. But their reserves of manpower were obliterated, and Russia's ever growing, supply wasn't an issue here like it was in Mongolia. The DKU fought to the last man, fiercely resisting to the very end. With that debacle out the way Wrangel planned an invasion of Georgia, who was already at war with Germany, this and the annexation of Azerbaijan by Persia showed just how hollow a German guarantee truly was. Even more belligerent this time the Black Baron delivered an ultimatum to Beria and the Georgian government: surrender or perish. Beria chose death and White Army units stormed over the borders. After a brief campaign the Russian flag was hoisted in Tbilisi and Russia grew ever larger.
A brief period of peace was welcome after all the fighting, Wrangel used that time to roll out new divisions : Medium tanks and mechanized infantry under the command of General Markov. Heavy tanks being integrated into the regular infantry. The White Air Force had made itself a name over the skies of Manchuria and was expanded accordingly. The Armies were redeployed to the borders of the Reichspakt and Finland. Plans drafted and preparations made. During this window of peace one, arguably much more important development was made: The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and members of the Cabinet came to Baron Wrangel with a fascinating idea. Part of the reason for his coup in the first place was because the Romanovs could no longer be trusted to govern fairly nor effectively, but Wrangel would not abolish the monarchy either. So they proposed that he be Tsar, he was of noble blood, and a capable leader obviously. And so Wrangel was to be made the new Tsar of Russia at Dormition Cathedral in Moscow, huge crowds of civilians and soldiers alike gathered to witness the event, hailing him as the People's Tsar. A few observers on the inside of the chapel claim that the Baron wept single tear as the Patriarch crowned him Peter IV. Outside Wrangel made a short speech before the parade and party that evening, celebrating the work and honoring the sacrifices of the Russian people and was eager to continue his previous work into the future.
Tsar Peter once the pomp and circumstance was over got back to work, and made his first move against Germany: He purchased Ruthenia's state bonds, the government capitulated but the Germans had enough and declared war in retaliation. This was planned for, and the initial German attacks were fended off accordingly, now that every infantry division enjoyed the benefits of heavy tank support this was easier than ever before. Airplanes were scrambled to predesignated operating areas, the Baltic fleet was on Red Alert for the first time in over 20 years. The Germans were many and determined, unfortunately they had done enough damage to the Communards that Red France surrendered. But there was still one final card in the Tsar's Sleeve, one last gamble far greater and riskier than any previous one he had taken in his entire life: He arranged a secret meeting between himself, Edward VIII, and Napoleon IV. Discussing membership, and with Napoleon in particular, pointing out the similarities between himself and the man's legendary ancestor, and how he hoped he was worthy of his name. And once concluded formally announced that The Russian Empire would honor its previous alliance with the legitimate English and French governments effective immediately. This was a tremendous risk since neither of them had made any headway in liberating their homelands, but their battered and beleaguered forces would be necessary, if only to keep the Germans fighting a 2 front war. In addition, Wrangel had absolutely no intentions of stopping with Germany. He wanted to roll like a tide from the east, liberating and conquering Europe as he went, meaning war with the Internationale was a certainty.
Advance came and went in bursts, the Ukrainian and Romanian Fronts folding quite easily, but the Germans holding Lithuania and the Baltic very well. But once out maneuvered and surrounded Germans had little choice but to surrender. With the Baltic pocket closed the White Army advanced rapidly into Poland, and took up positions on the internal border with Germany as the final Jumping off point. During this, White Army units also marched through Finland, Sweden, and occupied Norway. The advance was slow and steady, more due to poor infrastructure rather than resistance. Once the border of Germany was reached, Wrangel gave an order for an advance along all fronts, to march to the Atlantic coast. At this point the ability of the German army to provide effective resistance was shattered, momentum had swung in the favor of Russia and seemed unstoppable. The German government fled abroad and victory was at hand as the White Army marched into Berlin.
"My enemies are many, My equals are None. In the land of Khans and bandits, they said the Steppes could never be conquered. In the Hills of Manchuria and the Pacific Ocean, they said Japan could never be humbled. In the realm of forest and snow, they said Russia could never be reborn... Now they say nothing. They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer of thunder and death. I say, I am Peter the Great, I am Tsar..." Peter IV, as he observed the shattered ruins of Berlin from the roof of the Reichstag.
Despite the overwhelming victory the celebration was short lived, Betrayal from an unexpected source. The Austrian Empire suddenly declared war upon Russia, units that were bound for France had to suddenly be shifted to the southern border. Tsar Wrangel denounced the Austrian Kaiser, publicly declaring that his sudden treachery had condemned millions of his people to death and that the Russian government would accept nothing but total surrender. True to his word, millions of Austrians and Hungarians did in fact die. It took months of holding the lines, small fallbacks, and lots of airpower deployed, but the White Army marched south all the way to the Adriatic.
Following the Austro Russian War the army moved west again, quick campaigns against Flanders and France pushed the remnants of Reichspakt out of the European Continent. And from here more waiting began, the Unionist Britain still possessed a huge navy, and it seemed the Entente was out of steam. So Tsar Wrangel started a plan to modernize the navy, and not a moment too soon as some ships from before the Weltkrieg were still in service. Many years passed, most technological effort was put into the navy and strategic bombers. Unionist Britain would need to be reduced to rubble if any invasion was to succeed. As new ships were filtered into strike force the most unwelcome of new was passed to Wrangel and his staff: The Baltic Fleet had found and engaged the Unionist fleet. More preparation still needed to be made, there was no way the small, still mostly out of date Baltic Fleet could hope to stand up. The Tsar and Admiralty waited hours on pins and needles for the reports to come back, sure that most of their ancient capital ships would be at the bottom of the ocean by days end... But the radio operator was ecstatic and overjoyed, apparently the Unionist fleet took terrible losses and was in full retreat. And the Baltic Fleet suffered no loss of ships. The still budding Russian navy just stared certain death in the face and spat in its eye. Several bottles of high end vodka were taken out of storage and popped open in celebration that night.
Most other naval engagements would be much smaller in scale, and mostly done by bombers. But the losses piled up and up, and Strategic bombers were currently flattening everything that wasn't infrastructure in Britain. Now that naval supremacy was established invasion plans were finalized, and the finishing touches were laid on Russia's nuclear program, the atom bomb was dropped on the outskirts of London, opening the way for the White Army to storm the beaches. More nuclear weapons were dropped on cities in the north, specifically because they hadn't been bombed previously be conventional munitions. The campaign was swift and deadly, Mosley and his totalists fighting on to the bitter end, apparently the "Grand Protector" committed suicide rather than surrender.
Other events including finishing off the German government in Exile, more nukes, invading Turkey for Greater Armenia and Constantinople, invading Persia so I can finally get that Azerbaijani oil, Joining the war against the Bahratian Union, nuking them too. All in all Im mostly satisfied, but felt like I got cheated out of Manchuria and Korea. But its July 1951, the laptop is giving it all shes got cap'n

The Motherland reunited.
submitted by Kaarl_Mills to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

r/Bitcoin recap - May 2019

Hi Bitcoiners!
I’m back with the 29th monthly Bitcoin news recap. (sorry a bit late this month)
For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popularelevant/interesting stories in Bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.
You can see recaps of the previous months on Bitcoinsnippets.com
A recap of Bitcoin in May 2019
Regulation & Politics
Archeology (Financial Incumbents)
Price & Trading
Fun & Other
submitted by SamWouters to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

[Event] Bit by Boring Bit

March 29th, 2023
Tbilisi, Georgia
The official currency of Georgia is the Lari. It is roughly worth around one-third of an American dollar, and can be minted as a coin or printed on a bill worth up to 200 GEL. However, it is not the Lari that drives the conversation surrounding currency in the nation of Georgia. While it is the most commonly used and is unlikely to ever be replaced barring crisis or conquest, the currency causing the greatest commotion in the country right now is not tied to any government, not bound by any nation or central bank. And in an increasingly digital world, it may serve as one of the best investments Georgians have ever made, or it may prove to be one of the greatest follies in economic history.
Most people across the globe would not expect Georgia to have any stake in cryptocurrency, but the small Caucasus country is actually ranked second in the world for cryptocurrency mining, behind only the giant that is the Chinese economy. The driving factors of this craze, which is mostly centered around Bitcoin but includes other currencies such as Zcash, Ethereum, LiteCoin, and others, are Georgia's relative lack of regulation surrounding crypto compared to other countries, and the availability of affordable and accessible hydroelectric power. Entire buildings have been set aside to serve as data mines, and the Alazani Valley is quickly adopting crypto-mining alongside wine-making as its premier industry. From home offices to even entire political parties, the Georgian people believe that cryptocurrency may be the industry that sets their economy apart and brings their country into the future.
However, the advent of crypto also indicates a philosophical position in regards to the nations economy. Georgia hosts one of the freest markets in the world, and prides itself in the fact that it is consistently regarded as one of the easiest nations to start and perform business in. It would then follow that for many, the rise of bitcoin represents the continuation of this trend toward economic freedom, with many hopeful that the existence of international cryptocurrencies will eliminate the need for central banks and usher in a new age of capitalism. A new political party, the Girchi party, even advocates the privatization of all state assets through the issuing of a national Georgian cryptocurrency. While this view is not widely held or taken seriously in most circles, it does reflect a growing mentality in Georgia.
On the opposing side, many other economists are wary of the effect that this "digital gambling" may have on the nation, and point that data mining ultimately creates few jobs and is not sustainable, as well as offers few benefits to Georgia compared to other nations that Georgia outsources to. They believe that the "Bitcoin Bubble" is bound to burst any year now, and that while limited investment is benefit, it would behoove the country to refrain from banking too much on the success of an unregulated, untrackable online currency.
For now, the national government has decided to continue its current stance of subsidizing limited amounts of electricity for cryptocurrency mining for companies that have proven their fiscal responsibility and are able to submit proof that their operations are sustainable and beneficial for all Georgians in the long-run. While the current policy is to avoid unnecessary risks and monitor the industry to prevent the rise of scams, the state has committed itself to the belief that Georgia cannot experience the economic growth that it needs without taking a few calculated risks.
submitted by planetpike57 to Geosim [link] [comments]

"The king of American real estate" is transformed into "the king of American obsession", or what is waiting for Georgia from Donald Trump

My dear Georgia, when will you finally have worthy allies and friends in the face of world powers? Or maybe you just do not deserve them yet?
What do we keep on counting on American President Donald Trump? We could count on something else under his predecessor Obama. But not now.
I remembered how on July 12, US President Donald Trump literally drove the representatives of Georgia and Ukraine out of the cabinet where the closed session of the NATO member countries was held. Then it was forgotten that the Georgians shed their blood together with the Americans in Afghanistan. True, he later came to his senses and again reassured Georgia, promising that she would join the ranks of NATO, but when it does, it was not said again.
On the same day, the American president criticized the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who allegedly “sponsors” the Russian “Nord Stream-2”, but does not pay the proper amount for the needs of the alliance. According to Mr. Trump, the actions of Frau Merkel are devoid of logic. Hear: are devoid of logic? And this is said by Donald Trump.
By the way, while we are pinning great hopes on a powerful American state, the powerful so-called “resistance movement” Donald Trump is growing in him. This was recently reported to the New York Times by an anonymous employee of the administration of the White House.
The dilemma that Trump, according to the employee, does not fully understand, is that many of the high-ranking officials in his own administration are working hard from the inside to rip off at least part of his plans and at least somehow limit his terrible inclinations. As stated by the anonymous author, “members of the movement believe that their first duty is to serve the US, and that the president continues to act in a way that damages the health of the republic.” That’s why many of those appointed by Trump have promised to do everything possible to preserve American democratic institutions, restraining Donald’s erroneous impulses and waiting until he finally gets out of control.
The anonymous author continues: “The root of the problem is the president’s immorality. Anyone who works with him knows that he is not tied to any obvious underlying principles that determine his decision-making. Despite the fact that he was elected a Republican, the president demonstrates a small affinity for the ideals long supported by the conservatives: freedom of speech, freedom of people, freedom of markets. At best, he used these ideals only in his personal scenarios. In the worst case, he just attacks them directly. In addition to his systematic statements that the press is “the enemy of the people,” President Trump’s messages are usually anti-trade and anti-democratic. “
According to the assessor, the style of the president’s leadership is swift and controversial, but petty and inefficient. High-ranking officials from the White House confidently acknowledge in the executive authorities their daily distrust of the comments and actions of the commander-in-chief. Most of them work only to isolate their personal interests and financial transactions from his whims.
“Meetings with him deviate from the topic and from the main course, he participates in recurring disputes, and his impulsiveness leads to unprepared, poorly informed and sometimes reckless decisions that have to be played back. He can literally within a minute change his mind and cancel the long-accepted important political decision, “the White House employee continues.
Interestingly, Trump does not attach any real significance to the ties that link the US to allies and like-minded people, including not only NATO and the EU, but also countries such as Georgia and Ukraine.
“There were earlier rumors referring to the 25th amendment, which will begin a complex process to remove the president. But no one wanted to accelerate the constitutional crisis. Therefore, we will do everything possible to manage the administration in the right direction, until — one way or another — it will all end. Of great concern is not what Mr. Trump did as president, but what we, as a nation, have allowed him to do with us. We have weakened our own laws and allowed this discourse to weaken our society, “the American emphasizes.
So, we see direct signs of “dual power” in the White House, and we can assume that in the coming months there will be new resignations “on their own”.
Trump himself had for his whole life only two strong desires connected with Georgia.
One thing about building two skyscrapers: Trump Tower in Tbilisi and Trump Riviera in Batumi. In both cases, it was a casino. As you know, then Donald Trump was actively interested in gambling, and an agreement on investments was reached in 2010 and 2011 during two meetings between Georgian President Saakashvili and an American billionaire in the famous Trump Tower in downtown Manhattan.
About the second desire, Trump said at a meeting with the Miho Trump Tower: “Today, Georgia has made fantastic achievements and was at the forefront of many indicators, including anti-corruption and security for businessmen. I am happy that I can conduct business there. Mikhail Saakashvili is the idol and dream of the whole world. The US should be proud of such a friend and partner. I would like to see such a great leader and my great country! But today it’s just a dream. “
Today, his dream, apparently, comes true — judging by the outward signs, soon he himself, like Miho, will tie his ties on the air ….
Now you see who we want to trust our future with.? And even if another president comes, he will also be from the same environment of the unbalanced American establishment. Look at what kind of undercover struggle they have there — they do not care for us at all. They will continue to lobby their personal interests, as if not going beyond the strict framework of promoting the interests of the American and world oligarchic leaders.
As for me, I am more impressed by states with sober leaders who are capable of leading their own country and partner countries to prosperity and stability without humiliation and pressure….
submitted by jonathanshow2234 to u/jonathanshow2234 [link] [comments]

gambling in georgia tbilisi video

In Georgia, the last months of 2020 have demonstrated that the industry provides a pivotal role in the Georgian economy. An overview of Georgia’s gambling market. The gambling industry of Georgia has been financially reliable for many years now, offering more possibilities than you may have previously imagined. Top Tbilisi Casinos: See reviews and photos of casinos & gambling attractions in Tbilisi, Georgia on Tripadvisor. Georgia Gambling Conference is a practical event dedicated to topical issues of offline gambling, their marketing features and prospects. The theory and practice from the reports will help you get a systematic understanding of affiliate marketing, as well as get acquainted with real business cases. We pay special attention to the Georgian gambling market and its prospects. Georgia Gambling Conference. At the Georgia Gambling Conference, attendees can explore an expo floor of companies and learn from a programme of expert speakers. The forthcoming Georgia Gambling Conference has been scheduled for 17 March 2021 in the capital city of Tbilisi. Georgia has a total of 1 casinos and pari-mutuel facilities at your disposal which are spread out across 1 cities throughout the state. The city with the most is Brunswick with 1 casinos. Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Georgia. Out of all casinos in Georgia you'll find Emerald Princess Casino Cruise to be the biggest. The Casino Adjara is located at 26 Merab Kostava St, Tbilisi, Georgia. Visit the Casino Adjara information page for more details on this casino. The second largest casino in Tbilisi would be Casino Iveria Tbilisi with 180 gaming machines / table games. Georgian casinos, cruise ships, horsetracks and dogtracks - the complete gambling landscape of Georgia. Includes Georgia casino details, gambling news and tweets in Georgia, area maps, Georgian entertainment, coupons offers... Gambling in Georgia: Second Report 7 II. Introduction Gambling is a popular industry worldwide, as is clearly demonstrated by statistics relating to this market. According to one study, 51% of the world population participates in such activities at least once a year.1 Therefore many strive nowadays to open company and operate gambling business here. Georgia’s gambling establishments are located near Muslim countries where Gambling is illegal. Therefore Georgia attracts many wealthy visitors for this specific reason. In 2019, Gambling amounted 9% of total business sector in Georgia.

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