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Looking back on a year of Nano development - Presented by NanoLinks

I think this list speaks for itself. Thank you for this year Nano community and see you in 2021 for even more fun! We are only getting started 🚀

submitted by Joohansson to nanocurrency [link] [comments]

Ok It's Time for my...Annual *Pre-Burning Man Rant and Predictions!!

Ok It's Time for my . . . Annual Pre-Burning Man Rant and Predictions!!!
After 22+ years of attendance, I have watched this festival go from what was described by Wired Magazine in 1997 as, "what the internet would be like if it was happening in reality" to 2020 where, "What? In reality, this festival is happening on the internet" ?!? What a serious head fuck . . .
So strap in or strap on and get ready for disappointment . . . like virtually everything in this virtual world right now.
Here goes this year's Virtual Rant!
The Virtual Burn is going the be everything you think it could be . . . an underwhelming and depressing reminder that you are not going the real Burning Man this year.
While it is still better than nothing, nothing is an extremely low bar. Get ready for a clusterfuck of 8 separately-produced interpretive video game dreamscapes, made by skilled teams of programmers eager to prove that their world-building technology will be able to make future financial investors a shitload of money.
Burning Man 2021 is a 50/50 chance at best. 2022 is not looking that great either. Between The Org burning cash on side projects, the FEDs wanting to crack down hard and the Bureau of Land Management clearly pretty fucking stoked that they did not have to deal with the whole shitshow this year, it's going to be an uphill battle for the festival to return.
Huge changes will need to be made.
Those few gluttons for punishment who do decide to go to the playa this week will be treated to Burning Man without the Burning Man Experience.
It will take all the hard work, organization and preparation for survival in the middle of a harsh desert environment for a week of Burning Man . . . just without the Burning Man.
If there is one silver lining of the event not happening this year, it's the fact that I don't have to pack up my dust covered Burning Man bullshit from last year, drive 19 hours, then have to smuggle drugs inside my ass to make it past the BLM rangers just go camping in one of the most fucking miserable and inhospitable places on earth.
Without Shirtcockers, Megaphones and Massive Thumping Soundsystems, it's just a bogus camping trip in bad weather with a shitload of cops.
This year we will NOT be seeing the usual post-Burn MASSSIVE FLOOD of social media posts from Burners who lost their nice $60 water bottle/container somewhere on the playa, often accompanied by a story of why this particular water container was of importance because it has a strap on it, followed by a brief description of unique camps stickers on it and a photo of said missing water bottle/container. In fact, while we are starting to think about cutting costs -- How about lost and found stops giving a fuck about your overpriced water bottle. You lost it, Becky . . . let it go. You spent 20 times More Money on Cocaine for the week than the price of your fucking stoopid-Smart-Bottle-container.
This year’s Virtual Burn brings about more questions than it does answers.
How will Shirtcockers express their hatred of pants without a Burning Man? In a virtual world, they become no different than unsolicited dick pics.
How will Artcar Owners be able to swing their metaphorical dicks around without their Artcars booming Deep House music to show the world their girth. Sure, you can build one in the Minecraft world for this years Burn . . .But lets face it: No one is gonna be like "Who did that 3D CAD drawing, I totally wanna fuck them!"
What will all the Assholes with Megaphones do without Burners to heckle?
Without handheld amplified audio devices and wide-open spaces, they become no different than Internet Trolls.
How will Hippies on a Vision Quest be able find their spirit animal online? Without a guided shamanic ritual and Temple to burn, they become no different than someone playing Animal Crossing.
If there is no moop or trash to clean up in a virtual Burning Man how can Moop-shamers be able to prove to campmates and others that they are better at "doing Burning Man " than everyone else? In a virtual world they become no different than a Sarah McLaughlin Green Peace commercial.
How will Dooshbonnets and Dooshbags be able to gain followers on Instagram without the giant Robot Heart to climb?
How can they show the world that they not only have braved the pool of Piranhas chomping for position for line, negotiated past the all-seeing and all-knowing doorgirl with a clipboard, proving that they have climbed both the social and physical ladder to reach the top of the Robot Heart, so that they may look down upon the lowly dancefloor with both spite and pity for the unwashed masses who where not able achieve such greatness.
Without this accomplishment, they become no different than average Twitter users vying for Celebrity attention.
How will Burning Man DJs be able to disappoint us with poorly executed timing and bullshit Michael Jackson remixes? Without huge Soundsystems to bang out the worst in modern electronic music, DJs just become . . . The SAME TERRIBLE DJs just now on Twitch! #playatech #Djstreaming #Djsofburningman
Although each Virtual World must have been an amazing feat of programming in its scope and size, it kinda feels like a huge project that was done in a short amount of time. None of the Eight Worlds, in any way, reflect the typical Burning Man experience.
However, there are a few non-official super realistic Burning Man simulators out there.
By far the most realistic experience has to be the "Getting Out More This Year" Simulator.
The player is welcomed to a rich and tangible 3D World of Chris's DopeAss 70s RV, which is camped way out on 4:30 and H, where your avatar can spend all day and all night doing fun things like Ketamine, or other colorful interactive game play such as snorting Ketamine, and even interact with the virtual Chris’s chat box and watch his avatar do Ketamine.
Other game play options include doing Ketamine, talking about doing Ketamine and also doing Ketamine.
The more days and nights spent doing Ketamine, the higher the score! If you want to experience what a typical Burner really does the whole week, than this one is for you!!
Then we have: "Let's Go Party" . . . the online multi-player game where the objective is to get your group of more than 6 Burners to try and leave camp, and all go out to party together.
I did not have much fun playing. I was never able to leave the front of camp. 14 hours of game play later, Brenda still needs to go back for chapstick and Ricky can’t find his bag of blow. Then once Brenda arrives ready, Kaleporia is cold and needs a scarf. Darkwad David is going back to get some blinky lights for the 3rd time. Now Timmy can't find his cigarettes . . . Fuck.
“ManBun Boyfriend”. In this first person POV game, you (the ManBun) has little to no control within the game, with only a single "Ok, Sure" button to navigate within the world. The game play opens as the player is dragged out of bed at 6 AM by the onscreen girlfriend who takes you (the ManBun) on an treacherous journey of sunrise yoga classes, self help lectures, think and grow rich seminars, yoga, positive affirmation workshops, mindful guided mediations, yoga, healing arts ceremonies, wellness and well-being talks, yoga, vegan lifestyle in the new age conferences, yoga, mindful-and-wellness-group-chat and also yoga.
Extra points if you can score a selfie in front of the Giant BELIEVE letters!!
After 8 grueling hours of game play, it simply flashes a screen where girlfriend says "I'm Tired", and the “ManBun Boyfriend” simulator then restarts game play to opening sequence.
“DJs Girlfriend”. This simulation offers a similar experience to “ManBun Boyfriend”. However, in this first person POV game, you (the DJs Girlfriend) is invited to Follow "Dj GlockTrigger" on a dubstep-and-monster-energy-drink-filled adventure as you (the DJs Girlfriend) is rushed from empty dancefloor to empty dancefloor, while picking up extra points if you can find him a "line of blow". After 12 hours of game play the screen flashes "Hey babe I'm gonna go drink with the boyies" and game play is reset.
I am not that great at finance. Obviously. I’ve been to Burning Man 22 times. That should tell you enough about my poor financial / life choices.
But even this burnout Burner can do the math and see that the Burning Man Org is in financial trouble.
Burning Man may need to sell out to save itself. It would not be the first time..
Burning Man "sold out" to the PsyTrance community in 1997. To help ticket sales, the Bay Area was flooded with seriously lame underproduced Rave flyers. Or maybe Dr. Dre can toss in a few million to keep The Org afloat once again.
Or hey why don't we start tickling Elon Musk's balls again, and see if we can start choking on his shaft in return for some sweet corporate demon semen sponsorship.
The Org has already gone pinky finger deep with him. Like when Tesla brought out a full-on Electric Car Expo. That's right, in 2007, at Burning Man, right at fucking Esplanade & 9:00, they had what can only be described as an “anonymous car dealership” from “the green future”, complete with lengthy-worded displays filled with lofty promises of clean energy, infused with subtle corporate propaganda.
In the center of the exhibit sat a life-size solid black plastic model Tesla car.
As well as someone on guard 24/7 to make sure no one tagged or fucked with the stoopid thing. I personally got chased out for drawing a dick in the DUST on the window! All I know is they should have burnt it down or blew it up by the end of the week, but that lame ass mother fucker was still there on Sunday when I journeyed back to draw a dick on it again -- this time with a PAINT PEN. After executing a perfect fat-sacked-choad-headed-donger on the hood, I was once again chased out by rangers, this time with pitchforks screaming bloody murder for my head!!
Fuck you, Ranger Doug! You will never be able to prove that was Me!!!
So Look, it's not the first time The Org spread its asscheeks for a little bit of corporate dick on the side. They also bent over back in 2013 and let Mark Fucking Zuckerberg bring a Giant Golden 'LIKE' sculpture out there. I just hope they did the right thing by the end of week and it was killed with fire.
SO we know The Org is corporateBiCurious. Time to snuggle up, get out of the corporate cocksucking closet and cash in on the fact that this place sold out a long time ago.
Start flirting with attractive corporate entities like Mark Z, the Google Boys, Elon, Tommy Boy from Myspace, or maybe even P-Diddy to toss in some cash to get this fucking party started again!
Yo, Elon! How can we have Burning Man on Mars in 2050 as planned, if we can’t keep it going on Earth for the next 30 years?
At this point, The Org can spread their legs in the backseat of that Tesla and change next years theme to Space-X. I could give a FUCK!!!!! As long as we can keep Old Naked Dudes On Bikes rolling free.
Let some of these cocksucking limpdick corporations like Doritos -- who have already profited from using our Artcars and culture in a their fabricated commercials -- actually fucking pay us money and we will let them shoot a real commercial out there. Have fun pixelating the nipples out of the background actors. I COULD GIVE A FUCK as long as Shirtcockers have a natural habitat to dongslap and roam free. Let build the Temple! I sincerely really don't care what they do . . . as long as Assholes with Megaphones have wide open spaces to heckle Burners in the Black Rock Desert like GOD intended.
Maybe The Org will stop fisting themselves in the burnhole with all the Cultural-Direction-Bullshit and get down to brass tax here.
They have spent years trying to market the festival as a family-friendly-non-offensive-all-inclusive-experience for the suburban upperclass while still catering to the super elite.
We need The Org to provide the DPW and Tickets . . .
Not for Cultural Direction, or Large Scale Art Funding Circle Jerks, Abstract Charity Causes, International Involvement, or any of the Meaningless Feel-Good Propaganda tools they use to control the image of the festival!
The number one focus from here on out needs to be the festival itself taking place once again in Black Rock City!
This defacto-defunding of The Org is a blessing. Look, when it comes down to it, it's not about the lame fucking themes each year. It's about the Burners who come and contribute to the festival that makes it special.
It’s not about overpriced art grants, or Rich-Dick Theme Camp placement priorities. It about the shitty unofficial un-themed camp at 7:00 and J blaring Discotrance music on a distorted soundsystem while giving away room temperature margaritas!
I could give a fuck about all of the elaborate expensive blinking bullshit! Cuts cost! Make the Burning Man effigy from toothpicks for all I give a fuck. None of that shit really matters. The spirit of Burning Man is in the person giving away ice cream from a cooler out in deep playa on a hot afternoon.
The soul of the festival is in Old Naked Dudes on a Bikes rolling free across the desert!
The heart of the festival is the Nightmare Hippy Chick on Acid rolling around in the dust, screaming about her spirit vegetable.
Believe me if The Org had its way, Burning Man would be nothing but Transformational Mediation Seminars, Yoga Classes, Ultra Overpriced Sculptures, and TED talks about how to get rich quick selling a new type of investment portfolio.
I am perfectly happy with the crappy bars and half-assed theme camps that are there just to have a good time. We don't need The Org's unique brand of new age capital-elitism bullshit.
They have clearly dropped the ball on the Cultural Direction for years, and the less they steer the ship, the better, cuz we have already washed up on the rocks.
“Top 10 Burning Man Pictures You Must See To Believe!”
And once clicked, sure enough it’s nothing but a bunch of super basic-ass photos of some super-hot-Coachella-swinger-couple at sunset in front of the most gentrified “OMG I need to get a selfie in front that to show my followers on Instagram” artwork on the playa.
You already know exactly where these fucksticks took the stoopid photo is front of, OF fucking course it's in front of the BELIEVE letters. It’s Basically the "live, laugh, love" of playa art.
Really, I won't believe this ?!
What I won't believe is that their relationship is going to last beyond next week . . . cuz there’s a 90% chance they are gonna join the wrong gangbang at the Orgy Dome and suddenly someone is not happy about the amount of buttfucking the other one received.
Thanks Business Insider Magazine for exposing the public to the wild and crazy world that is Burning Man. Now every fucking Chad and Becky from Wall Street is trying to come here to get laid. "Bro if I was there I would bang so many Hot Chicks on top of those letters" . . . "OMG I LOVE those Letters!! We are SOOO going to Burning Man to meet our future husbands <3."
How about 10 REAL photos you won’t believe?
Too bad the cameras weren’t there to snap a picture of the guy who took a shower with a fat chick and midget porn star!
It’s a shame no one from the Daily Mail UK was there to catch video of the guy who was tripping his nuts off and could not figure out how to unlock the door of the porta-potty -- escaping only by busting through the plastic roof and climbing out the top several hours later.
Or how about that chick at the meditation camp that was able to summon a higher power of consciousness and transcended the spacetime continuum for a short/infinite amount of time!
Where the fuck was to catch a photo of the person who was hit with a rubber dildo when it was carelessly thrown from the top of the Space Pirate ship into the Mayan Warrior crowd.
Now That’s some real stuff that happens out there that I would be happy to clickbait on!
The Large Scale Art:
Instead of funding massive installations that end up being resold to casinos on the Las Vegas strip, why not treat them like large Rich-Dick Theme Camps -- give the Installation Artists 200 DGS Tickets, and in return, these assholes will be happy to spend shitloads of money on blinky light towers or whatever, just so they can lock in those sweet sweet reserved tickets for themselves and their friends.
The Tone:
The Utopian Blinkylight Dreamscape has been cool for the past 16 years . . . Buuuut . . . it has gradually fallen out of touch with the world around us.
For far too long, The Org has ignored camps or underfunded art that could be perceived as dark or controversial in any way, shape or form.
Yet again, another example of their Cultural Direction Tactics to market Burning Man as a blinky-light-mickey-mouse-Epcot-Center for wealthy-business-insiders-and-celebrities featuring a safespace-family-oriented-wholesome-body-wellness-green-living-environment for social-media-influencer-photo-shoots.
Burning Man has NEVER been a Safe place!
In 1998, I witnessed a beheading by guillotine at the Opera Performance that was so realistic I spent the next 5 hours (still frying balls on acid!) convinced that Billy Graham was right about this place being a Satanic death cult that would bring about the end of the world.
If the Barbie Death Camp incident at last years’ Burn taught us anything, it is that there clearly need to be risky and controversial works of art at the festival.
We can't be having pussy-footed Australians throwing temper tantrums like little punk bitches CUZ they don't like the way someone put Barbie Dolls inside an oven!
Why did that do-good-koala-humping-limpdick-ASS-licker think it was OK? Well . . .The Org has shoved the narrative that Burning Man is strictly "good vibes only" down our fucking throats so deep that we finally gagged from it.
Why the fuck was that guy even there? Well, he clicked on the Business Insiders’ “Top Ten Burning Man Photos You Must See To BELIEVE” and thought it was gonna be nothing but butterfly sculptures and Instagram Models in front of giant letters.
No Kids:
Yep. Sorry Minecraft Burners, but you are gonna have to wait until you are 21 to come to this party!
Renegotiating the insurance policy as an over-21 festival will save The Org millions and millions of dollars.
Out of 80,000 people, less than .05% are under 21 . . .yet we have to check IDs at every fucking bar !?
Every year the gate gets closed down and no one can filter in or out because someone asshole can't find their kid. This should be a HUGE red flag !
Law Enforcement uses the fact that minors are allowed at the event as justification to engage in predatory conduct such as undercover stings, camp raids and random tickets for unsuspecting bartenders who forget to check IDs.
Also I am not comfortable with the legal grey area the Shirtcocking and Titbouncing in the presence of minors creates.
And if it ever comes down to nudity versus allowing kids, I am sorry but we can't sacrifice the heart of this festival on account of the fact that you don't want to get a fucking babysitter for the week.
Your kids could give a flying-donald-duck-fuck about Burning Man! You and I both know goddamn well that given the opportunity they would rather play video games for the week at grandma's house then have to listen to Mom and Dad fight at Burning Man all week about who got buttfucked by whom at the Orgy Dome. . .
So the rest of us can be free to fuck, drink, smoke and wave our goddamn dicks and clits around whereever we see fit!!!
The Temple:
In the early days of the David Best Temples, they were constructed from the leftover hollows of wooden dinosaur jigsaw puzzle pieces.
It was low cost, recycled and pretty fucking cool!
Last year’s Temple was overdesigned, structurally unsound, and made from rare rustic-oak hardwood and redwood trees imported from China.
Let’s cut costs and just do what those guys from Belgium did in 2005. It's a Very Simple Plan. We get a shitload of old 2x4 boards and fucking Wing It! The Belgium Waffle House would have made a perfectly good Temple.
Garbage Dumpsters:
Yep, that's right. In the future we will have dumpsters at Burning Man! All the Survivalist and Moop-shaming Burners say it will destroy the festival. Guess what, Burn Nut? It's already common practice for larger theme camps to rent dumpsters that are emptied at the end of the week!! It's been going on for YEARS! So what?
Theme Camps will now have to pay a dumpster fee and there will be strict rules around any public dumpsters. Believe me The Org will provide the minimum amount possible to accommodate the BLM. It won't be nearly enough dumpsters for everyone to just toss all their trash, recycling and extra bikes into.
Don't worry, Radical Self-Reliant Survivalist Burnertypes, other people will still have to suffer packing up and dealing with their own trash on the ride home. Moop-shamers rejoice! You will definitely still be able to shame people for mooping and not cleaning up, if not even more so now. I don't see why we can't be Radically Self-Reliant by having dumpsters on site. We will still Leave No Trace, while leaving one less thing for surrounding communities to bitch about.
Build the Wall !!!
Ya fuck it! Build the Wall. So what? Honestly, it will be more aesthetically pleasing than that fucking orange fence. And if that is what the Feds want, that's cool with me -- as long as The Org gets to choose who does Security!
Thank fucking god we are not doing Burning Man this year.
With the world on fire all around us, it seems a bit tone-def to hold a giant rave utopia party!
I, for one, will be enjoying the week indoors under air-conditioning and rolling around in the heaps of cash I am saving by not going. I’m not attending a single workshop to expand my consciousness, not giving a single gift to anyone, and not being radical or self-reliant in any way.
Fuck your Virtual Burn.
I am Zapper Jones. I will see you in the Dust again . . . Sometime Somewhere in the Future!
submitted by zapperwippersnapper to BurningMan [link] [comments]

My writing portfolio

Rachel Schneider
ENG 477
Date 1/11/2021
Marsha Blackburn
A Writing Portfolio
I want to write my own fiction stories one day; I have had a book or two swimming around in my head so I will put the computer to good use and get that typed out one of these days. In this instance I chose my 5 stories and even though one is a marketing inquiry I had fun writing it, so here are my things and some background some of them.
Resume: It is a basic one because my photo ones were not particularly good, and this is an honest resume besides the ones I made for class and I did fudge on those.
Cover letter: I made up the cover letter though there is a penguin Books but it is always fun to use your imagination!
Hike with Drew: I got the concept from a Writer’s Digest and entered it into a contes I never got a response but good practice.
Short Story Vegas: Was one I did for another class but in here I changed it and the story was much better the second time.
Marketing Flyer: This was fun to do those are stock photos of the dogs and squeaky toys, but I like Pit Bulls and dog toys are fun as well.
Scott part 1-This is a story I am working on with another writer, warning its very sexy and some naughty words are in there as well.
Writing Samples: I made these three samples up one day because as I have looked for writing work, I have seen people want a sample of your work, so I came up with these.

3867 Houghton Ave Riverside CA 92501 📷
951-743-8911 📷
[email protected] 📷
Rachel Schneider 📷
Rachel7Tori-Twitter 📷

To get a career going in the fiction/short story writing industry my imagination can run with any scenario and to write is to live.

Bachelor of Arts in English | Grand Canyon University
2017 – 2021
Took 15 different writing courses, creative writing and even two fun marketing classes all to polish up my craft. Carried a 3.0 GPA and did the courses all online as well.
No Degree Obtained | Riverside Community College
June 1994 – December 1996
Took these college courses but did not finish got 32 Units of Child Development Courses though which is what I was going for

Cafeteria Worker 1
2008 Currently Employed.
Cook, Prep, serve food in a middle school setting, also clean, count inventory and do next day prep, cash handling and POS register experience.
Bell Ringer | Salvation Army
November 2007 – December 2007
Rang bell and collected donations for the salvation Army in front of various stores during the holiday season.

Food handlers Card
CPR First Aid certified

Grammar Proficiency
Spelling Proficiency
Can work from home

Have good use of social media and can help update or bring in new followers with my creative writing side. Have a Reddit account as well with 30 stories up on that site. Can speak a little Spanish and Hebrew as well.
[email protected]
3867 Houghton Ave Riverside CA 92501

Rachel Schneider


Penguin Books


Jennifer McGregor
Fiction Publisher
4587 Tropicana Rd.
Las Vegas NV 89102

I have included my resume for the short story writer for young adult novels. It has been a few years, but I currently work in a middle school, so I do see all the angst and sass that goes with being a young teen. I do hope my writing samples can help me move to the top of the list. I look forward to working with Penguin Books and letting kids know being a teen is hard at first, but it does not last forever.
Rachel Schneider
Rachel Schneider
3867 Houghton Ave
Riverside CA 92501
It had been a long cold winter Drew and I could not get out for a morning hike till today. Being 75 degrees, we did not have to wear many layers. He is an extremely sweet inquisitive boy who always asks a lot of questions. Why does moss grow on the north side of trees” he asks? Its times like this when it would be nice to have my husband here, but he is overseas where the work is. “well, it’s not just the north side it’s on the shadier side because that is where the moisture is.”
On we went looking at snails on the ground watching the deer pass by along a ridge. Being quiet as to not startle them. “Mom he whispered it’s a bunny den they are coming out for food, he leaves a few carrot and lettuce scraps from last night’s dinner. I walked down the path and spotted some glorious Blue Jays and a Downey Woodpecker. “Listen Drew the woodpecker is getting the bugs out of the trees.” My sweet Drew was staring at the Bunnies, they are cute and fluffy after all. We followed our path down further after the bunnies went back to the den.
The skies were getting cloudy, so I hoped the rain was not going to come back. Though the weather report said there was a chance. My little explorer with his school uniform on was undeterred, I wish I could wear shorts on a 75 day and not be cold, it is always nice to be young. Walking along our path we spot some squirrels running in circles around the tree. “Why do the chase each other like that” Drew asks. “Maybe it’s a game for them like ring around the Rosie.”
On we trek to our favorite stream where the deer family are taking their drinks. I tell Drew we cannot skip stones right now we do not want to scare them. We look through the grass for more of his favorite bugs, saw some worms just below the dirt by a tree. Looking up we see a big spider web being made between two branches. The crows were making their calls in the distance. We are finally able to skip our stones in the stream. He gets some great skips going, and we collect some new rocks for our little garden back home.
Walking past the stream we climb up the embankment and up along the ridge where we see a Fox off in the distance. He or she walks the opposite direction we are going so it is a relief we can continue to the clearing. Where there are more bugs, rocks, and Bunnies. We pass the Deer family as they run up the hill to were, they mostly frolic or maybe they live up there. We stop for a snack of Apples, Almonds, and some cheese sticks. When we were finished Drew put a couple of slices in his pocket to feed the Bunnies, I am sure.
“Mommy we’re getting to the clearing now we can see the Bunnies and the last time Daddy, and I were here I got some neat rocks too.” Drew told ne enthusiastically, I did love his passion for nature, though again my husband is much better at the nature stuff. I am a pastry Chef ask me about desserts and I am your woman, about why moss grows on trees and hello Google. Since Dad is unavailable, I step in and let him explore and see the world outside of the house and off the screen.
It is just another half mile and it is on to the clearing. He starts to pull me hand a little harder I know he is excited. We pass under the tree I glance up and see the Fox again. Then we stop and see “Daddy home……
Name: Rachel Schneider
Course: ENG 361
Date: 4/14/2020
Instructor: Debbie Graves
One Week In Las Vegas
The countdown started Friday at 2pm I got the week off from this thing I call a job (just over broke). The car was packed, it was time to hit the road. The traffic was average and climbing the Cajon Pass was not that bad. I stopped in Baker to have my favorite meal at Bob’s Big Boy, the chili spaghetti, no onions. After making my way back on the highway the traffic picked up going out of Baker, through to Primm and Stateline. I had to stop for gas at Whiskey Pete’s, so I also went in and got some snack goodies. My favorite trail mix and some cheese potato chips because vending machines are too expensive. The road was beckoning so off I went, traveling through Jean is always nice, not much to see. A prison, a few remaining casinos, some outbuildings, and a truck stop. There slogan was always fun 40 smiles closer than Vegas. You can get bored so be sure to pack some music you can have your own car concert. “I’ll face it with a grin I’m never giving in, on with the show” (Show Must Go on by Queen)
Finally, the Vegas skyline is in sight, the lights are not on yet, but they will be needing to navigate around the strip. I do say a few words the terrible drivers. This vacation was so needed my job is crazy, my kids are older now and do not need mom around anymore. Off they went to grandma’s house and I booked the week at the Delano, it is attached to the Mandalay bay so perfect access to all the fun of the strip, and just enough luxury to not look cheap. Getting the valet to take the car I check into my genuinely nice room I have a great view of the Luxor light (that comes off the top of the hotel) and the Excalibur. Now off to indulge in that genuinely nice bathtub and get some overdue reading done. My bathroom with a view has the Luxor light and that is the brightest light on the Vegas strip it comes right out of the top of the Pyramid shaped hotel. A brightness of 42.3 billion candela, you could read a paper from 10 miles straight up if you wanted to.
Once I was well soaked and finished with my chapters it was time to find something to eat besides my snack foods. After cruising the room service options, I settled on some Mexican food of chorizo and eggs with nice corn tortillas. That hit the spot so with the extra energy it was time to get out for a stroll of the property. The indoor pool is nice but small and I want to soak up the sunshine and get some exercise so I shall hit the outdoor pool tomorrow. Back in the lobby I grab those ads for things to do in the city so I can plan out the rest of my trip. There are thousands of things to do in Vegas. Do not be disappointed if you do not get everything done, that is what the next trip is for. I have a beautiful week and I want to have a good time and not have to wait for anybody, I can do what I want. I got those and cruised up through the lobby and toward the casino on my way there I saw a sign for a food and wine festival. With that guy Zac from the travel channel. Thinking hmm I did not know he was interested in food or wine. I went down and found my favorite penny slot game Lucky cat. After 15 minutes I came out putting 20 in and winning 500, so I called it a night and went to the bar to catch a hockey game and grab a fun fruity drink (I like tequila sunrise, (Tequila, grenadine, and cranberry juice). As I am rooting for the Golden Knights (local Vegas hockey team) I looked over to my left and there was Zac from the travel channel, and he likes hockey too this is awesome, and I am trying not to be a fan girl.
The game was in intermission and the Knights were winning so it was time for a new fruity drink so this time I turned around to get back to the bar and bumped right into Zac, boy was my face red. After some apologies and an offer to buy my next fruity drink (a Strawberry Daiquiri) it was a yes and I spilled that I was a fan. He told me he does have an interest in food and wine not just chasing ghosts with his crew. We had some great conversation and when the game came back on, we both sat in the booth cheering the golden knights to their victory. Now I am buzzed and standing up was going to be fun, but Zac was a true gentleman and helped me to my feet. He offered to buy me dinner. The Taco Hut was a good place the tortillas were fresh, and the company was so cool. The conversation turned to food, wine, travel, and some stuff about me. The midnight hour rolled around, and Zac had an early morning, so we said goodnight, but he was staying one floor above me, so we agreed to go to the diner in the lobby for breakfast or brunch. At 10am I was enjoying my company and this great stick to your ribs breakfast (scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns and some great watermelon) The food offerings in Vegas are so varied you can get everything from a hot dog and beer for 1.99 at the Orleans, to a 5-star meal at Caesar’s Palace the buffets are great too. Although sometimes you want a nice sit-down dinner.
The conversation was effortless the attraction was deep. We made plans to see each other again after the food contest he was judging was over. Saying goodbye was a bit hard but the hand holding was sweet and made me feel like a schoolgirl again. After saying goodbye and I did watch him walk into the convention hall I went back to my room to plan out the rest of my day. I chose a tour of the Mob Museum, they say that Vegas was built with Mob money, but it was a Mormon founded town that later Hollywood discovered. Then many people in Hollywood who were well connected (such as East Coast mobsters) financed Bugsy Segal to build the Flamingo Hotel. As I was putting my shoes on, I got a knock on the room door and as I opened it, I got some flowers (pink roses) and an all-access pass to the food and wine festival courtesy of Zac. Let us just say the Mob Museum can wait for later I got to go to a food and wine festival and spend the rest of the week with Zac. “hi Zac thanks for the flowers it was sweet of you to remember.” He said, “It’s always right to remember a ladies flower preference because that’s the right thing to do.” Smiling the rest of the day I meet other travel channel celebrities and got to taste some great foods and many different wines. The food and wine offerings at the hotels and restaurants are varied, the Las Vegas area have become very international, so the varieties are endless.
The week went by in a blur of food, wine, conversation, and some sweet dates. I never thought I would get over the break-up that happened the week before. Getting a private Vegas tour was something completely special. I did get to see the Mob Museum, Mandalay Bay Fine Art Museum, seven magic mountains, Pinball Hall of fame and a private dinner at the food and wine festival. My days in Vegas were down to one. We had reservations at Rivera right here at the Delano the view is amazing, the food is impressive with Italian and French offers. “I have had a wonderful time this week Zac thank you for mending my broken heart.” He looked at me for a minute and said, “it’s been a pleasure to get to know you and I would not mind visiting your hometown, you always have a reason to come back to Las Vegas. The next food and wine festival is around Christmas, this one will include chocolate.” Hitting the 15 early the next morning I have visions of Christmas, a pass to the food and wine festival, also a brand-new relationship to take back home with me.
The End
When writing a short story, you want to keep it from rambling and have enough details to keep it fresh. When your reader gets into the story you want them to feel like they are there with you, going to the food and wine festival, on that hike through the seven-mountains or touring the mob museum. The details are the thing to see and make sure to watch out for punctuation and common language. An average short story is within 6,00 words or 24 pages. If you wanted too you could go short-short story and that is between 500 and 2,00 words. That comes out to be 6 pages (Minot, Steven Ch. 7 pg. 41), talk about short stories. The story is all your length and style matter as much as how you want it to come into focus.
Minot, Steven and Theil Daniel Three genres the writing of literary pose, poems and plays Ninth edition Pearson Publications 2012
Bouncing Dog Toy Emporium
August 18,2019📷📷
24755 Holly Grove Way
Brookings OR, 97415
Dear Dogs, Rule the World
I am Rachel Schneider from the Bouncing Dog Toy Emporium we make extra bouncy dog toys for our furry friends. We investigated different marketing companies and choose you to do our direct to customer marketing. The way the website is set up the customers can get the product’s directly from you is easier than a multi-level marketing plan. The distribution of Bouncy Dog Toy will be a one level channel, we will provide the toys you market, and we sell them. I would like to get some videos of our company dogs Mac and Stella playing with the toys so you can post on the website. A link for the company can also be included so the consumers know where the toys came from, what they are made of and any other facts about Bouncing Dog Toy Emporium.
Sincerely, Rachel V Schneider
Mac and Stella company dogs and testers 📷
📷 📷📷 📷A sample of our products, our bounciest toys.
Scott’s Story Part 1
I am Scott Thorn, and I am going back to WDU for the first time in 15 years, I went here for a year but after I came out as gay there really were no gay dudes. I am all men but yeah lesbians were all around some BI guys but no real gay dudes. I went back to the mainland and attended Preston University I majored in administration and minored in Literature. I did at one point in my life have a girlfriend and wanted to marry her, but I could not quash the gay lifestyle. That part of my life is over and now the old school offered me a counseling job, have not done this in a while. I get to help students toward there after college career.
I sit here on this boat and keeping an eye on my 75 Triumph I have some nerves, but it is mostly about seeing this place again, so as the boat pulls up, I get my bike going and make a stop at my new on campus apartment. Its west facing because I like sunsets more than sunrise, so I did not know it needed so much work. I have some handy skills but a little at a time. The kitchen is decent and so is the bathroom. The floors will need some polish and the deck needs to be stained, this is a duplex, so I hope the neighbors are quiet. It is furnished and done nicely so I cannot complain too much, but back on the bike to see the Dean.
I get my bike set with the kill switch and walk up the way to the Admin building, I am pretty much the only one dressed. I am wearing my good black jeans and my dress shirt, in my favorite color Maroon. I do remember this place was obsessed with sex so I will stick out wearing clothes, as I enter the building at least more admin people are dressed. Miss Grant the secretary shows me to my new office, its spacious much bigger that my last one at Preston where I shared a cubicle with another person. I have files from past students and current ones, so I started filing them when Dean Kane walks in, booty shorts and a tank top. “Welcome back to WDU Scott, we look forward to seeing you succeed you come very recommended.” I could hardly concentrate because this Dean was hung but I persevered and said, “Thank you sir I look forward to helping young students find there after WDU careers.”
After he left, I had to get my rise to settle then I continued filing and looking through some files. Clarissa Love that was a name that got around even all the way to Preston. I think she does the Jax in the bedroom or something like that. I started looking around and thought I need some life in this office so I asked Miss Grant about decorating and she said I could do what I wanted but no painting, so I went to town and checked out a flea market. I found some pictures of the beaches of Canada, some old homes in the area and a few movie posters from Rocky horror Picture Show (it is my favorite). The flea market said they will deliver to the school tomorrow so I told them I will be there at 9am.
Now with my day done I get to the store to buy some groceries and realize this place uses sextons and I was down to my last few, so now I will need to exchange but thankfully a bank is nearby so I can get some of my mainland money exchanged. I pull up to my new pad off load my few groceries and notice some other tenant left beer in the fridge, talk about luck. I got the beer went to the deck and watched the sunset over the sky. It was going to be new here, but I needed a fresh start after getting dumped and losing the job because my ex was in upper management, never will I do that again. I will find someone who does not work in the school system. After I ate a roast beef and cheddar sandwich for dinner, watched some cooking shows it was time for bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I heard the neighbors having sex. Oh, goody they are not quiet. hope they do not have super energy either. Tomorrow is my first full day and I have decorating to do, fantastic they stopped, that is the thing with us older people we do not fuck like bunnies anymore. As far as I know the neighbors are lesbians so who knows.
Sample 1- If I try my hardest, I could muster up enough courage to ask the prettiest girl in school to prom. I had a suit; bolo tie and I will shine my old boots up. The thing is my courage is not as strong as my best friend Nick, now there is one brave dude who just asked the girl I wanted to go to prom with and of course she said yes. I gather myself close my locker and put on my best smile for them both. Nick and I high five and I hug her, trying to be genuine but it is hard. I head to my Social studies class and sit down next to Megan she looks at me with some concern I tell her what happened, she then asks me to Prom…...
Sample 2-Wishing I did not have to be here I sit at the back of the funeral and think about my old high school principal. I grew up in a small town and everyone knew everyone, we only had one school and you went there for kindergarten through senior year. After my graduation I packed up my old car and headed out to what I thought was the real world. Living in a bigger city only helped spur my loneliness so who says you cannot come home again, well Mom for starters because I abandoned my family, I am not welcome at home ever again (so tired of her drama), so I am staying at Principal Mason’s house yes, the same principal that I am at a funeral for I held her hand as she lay there succumbing to cancer……
Sample 3-If you really want to get over a breakup getting back on the horse will help things along. I thought that too seven lousy dates ago so here I am on date number 8 and I am not seeing any birds singing or rainbows in the sky. He steps away to take a call he is a particularly important lawyer after all (I need to fix my picker) after he comes back, he says it go time the jury has come back so off he goes. I finish my drink and head back to my brownstone close by, I pass the new chocolate shop that just opened, and I get inside and see chocolate heaven. Looking around I do not see him at first but there he is my old college lab partner Sam I just saw a rainbow…….
submitted by RachelVictoria75 to u/RachelVictoria75 [link] [comments]

RT Rundown May 9, 2020 - May 15, 2020

Last Week
This post lists everything Rooster Teeth has released from May 9, 2020 to May 15, 2020. The organization of this post follows the order of the links on the sidebar on the website. First exclusive content is surrounded in asterisks ( *EXAMPLE*) while content that is currently exclusive but will be available publicly later is followed by an asterisks and the date in which it will be free (EXAMPLE*Free May 23rd.) This does not include content that will lose exclusivity on the day this post is made (May 16th.)
*RT PODCAST POST SHOW #596 - Dude’s Do Shit*
*RT PODCAST - Stuck At Home - Geoff Learns to Appreciate Halo*
ALWAYS OPEN #136 - Who Had A Crush on Bart Simpson?
*STILL OPEN #136 - Being A Protagonist in A Rom-Com*
ALWAYS OPEN - Just The BOIS - Save That Money!
CHUMP #11 - WHO Got A THONG for Christmas?
*CHUMP CHANGE #11 - You Gotta Stop Gyrating*
GOOD MORNING FROM HELL - Jack Nicholson and the Return of Gambo
BLACK BOX DOWN - A Fight In Flight
HARD MODE - How to play Hide ‘N Seek in Quarantine
RT INBOX - Blaine’s Island of Doom
RT LIFE - Can the Boys do their own Makeup?
*RT EXTRAS - Gang Beats with RT Core*
RT EXTRAS - No Pain, No Gain - with Blaine!
RTTV SPECIALS - Online Shopping Adventures
ROOSTER TEETH STREAMS - Gus & Chirs Play With Airplanes - Sim Airport!
ROOSTER TEETH STREAMS - Screen Time: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
ROOSTER TEETH STREAMS - Welcome to Trash Island
OFF TOPIC #232 - Fit For The New World
*LAST CALL #232 - Getting Jacked for 2020*
FACE JAM - Wienerschnitzel World of Wieners
ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER - Time Alone With Dante Basco - Keeping The Lights On #07
ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER - Runaway Successes with Eric Baudour - Keeping The Lights On #08
AH ANIMATED - That Time Raft Got Weird
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES - I Build a Stabbing Machine
BETWEEN THE GAMES - Achievement: Corn Dog (AH Vault)
LET’S ROLL - Oxygen’s Getting Real Low - Deep Sea Adventure - Tabletop Simulator
PLAY PALS - Stilt Fella - What Game is This?!
ROULETSPLAY - Infinite Falling Limbs - Viscera Cleanup Detail
ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER STREAM ARCHIVE - Doing The Monster Smash with KieraPlease and KillingKrystal
ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER STREAM ARCHIVE - A Barbarian Named Sorry - Role Initiative
ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER STREAM ARCHIVE - Post Team Does Octodad: Dadliest Catch
LET’S PLAY - Get to the Roof! - Halo 3 LASO ODST (Part 3)* Free May 17th
LET’S PLAY - Push The Button! - How Many Hacks Are There!?
LET’S PLAY - Trash Gavin Gets Fab in Animal Crossing New Horizons
LET’S PLAY GTA V - I’m the Juggernaut!* Free May 18th
LET’S PLAY GMOD - Boomerangs Are Better than Lightsabers - TTT* Free May 20th
LET’S PLAY MINECRAFT #422 - Upping Our Diamond Game - YDYD 3 Part 7* Free May 22nd
*LAST LAUGH - Male Lactation, Pedophilia, and Ronald Reagan - Episode 4*
*NO IDEA - We Build Ikea Furniture With Toddler Toys*
FILMHAUS - Judgement Day: Perfect Movie Battle Royale Part 2
FILMHAUS - Mandalorian Season 2 Cast is Getting Crowded
DUDE SOUP #278 - Tony Hawk and Arnold are BACK, and Quibi Blames Coronavirus
DEMO DISK - Share the Load - w/ Jack Pattillo
YOUR COMMENTS - What Else Can I Motorboat?
FULLHAUS - Net Zeroes (UNCUT) - Internet Cafe Simulator Funny Moments
FULLHAUS - We’re Nuts For Busting (UNCUT) - Ghostbusters Funny Moments
GAMEPLAY - Obstacle Courses and Bidets - Funhaus Animal Crossing Island Tour Part 2!
GAMEPLAY - Loading the Chamber of Secrets - GTA Online Casino Heist Part 5
GAMEPLAY - Our DRUNK Game Show: 20 Second Showdown
FUNHAUS LIVE - Adam and Lindsey’s Thumb School Part 2
FUNHAUS LIVE - Animal Crossing Fun w/ Jacob and the Gang!
RTAA - Covid Dreamin* Free May 18th
*BACKWARDZ COMPATIBLE - Minecraft: Building Bases*
*BACKWARDZ COMPATIBLE - CTRL+Z: Xbox Games Showcase Disaster!*
SELECT ALL - Top Hog! - Sonic the Hedgehog Tier List | Top Tier
SELECT ALL - Lost in Rotterdam - Map Crunch Game
I HAVE NOTES - College: To Go or Not To Go?
INSIDE GAMING ROUNDUP - Modern Warfare’s Size Is Infuriating
INSIDE GAMING PODCAST - Send News #12 - Unreal Engine 5 Looks INSANE
INSIDE GAMING SPECIAL - How To Make A Telenovela
INSIDE GAMING DAILY - Nintendo’s Still Making Our Lives Hard
INSIDE GAMING DAILY - Microsoft Planning To Sabotage PS5
INSIDE GAMING DAILY - Will The Tony Hawk Remakes Disappoint Us?
INSIDE GAMING DAILY - Ninja Failed Mixer
INSIDE GAMING DAILY - Unreal Engine 5 Demo Was Hiding This?
INSIDE GAMING LIVE! - The Lego Black Market - Model Employees
INSIDE GAMING LIVE! - Community Is Family - Stay Zen with Kdin #5
INSIDE GAMING LIVE! - Halo: The Master Chief Collection
INSIDE GAMING LIVE! - How To Play Big Mutherf***in Crab Truckers
DEATH BATTLE CAST #178 - Ghosts, Dragons, and a Sneak Peek!
*SUDDEN DEATH #178 - Bring Chad The Wookie*
TTT - EATEN ALIVE BY CROCODILES (w/ Achievement Hunter)
SIMON’S PECULIAR PORTIONS - Hole In Wall Voted Top UK Tourist Spot
SIMON’S PECULIAR PORTIONS - Horse Allowed On Plane, Flies First Class
WE HAVE COOL FRIENDS - GameSpot’s Lucy James Is Losing Her Accent
WE HAVE COOL FRIENDS - IGN’s Ryan McCaffery on Xbox, Tesla, and Anxiety
KINDA FUNNY PODCAST #69 - How Close Can We Get To Marisa Tomei?* Free May 17th
KINDA FUNNY LIVE REACTIONS - Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 & 2
KINDA FUNNY LIVE REACTIONS - WOW. This Is What Next-Gen Can Look Like Unreal 5
KINDA FUNNY LIVE REACTIONS - Paper Mario The Origami King Reveal
KINDA FUNNY LIVE REACTIONS - Ghost of Tsushima State of Play
KINDA FUNNY GAMESCAST #17 - Game of the Year So Far
KINDA FUNNY GAMESCAST #18 - UPDATED Video Game Predictions and Bets
KINDA FUNNY GAMESCAST #19 - What Was The Most Hype Game Launch?
KINDA FUNNY GAMESCAST #20 - What’s The Value of a $60 Game?
KINDA FUNNY GAMES DAILY 05.15.20 - Ghost of Tsushima’s Reveal is a Month Late
DC DAILY May 11th, 2020 - Daddy Issues
DC DAILY May 12th, 2020 - Brian Michael Bendis & Gene Yang Superman chat
DC DAILY May 13th, 2020 - Meagan Tandy & Nicole Kang Interview
DC DAILY May 14th, 2020 - Marv Wolfman Talks TV & Comics
DC DAILY May 15th, 2020 - Stargirl Special
BEYOND THE PINE #141 - What’s wrong with K-Pop stans?
RWBY - Remix Weiss & Arma Giga Zip Up Hoodie
RWBY - Remix Ruby & Jinn T-Shirt
RWBY - Remix Ren & Nora T-Shirt
submitted by NotMarilee to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 23rd - Tue, Oct 29th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Oct 23rd

Thursday, Oct 24th

  • 🎓 Community Conversation: Incarceration Reform (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us at SOKC as we have a conversation as a community about incarceration reform, and recent measures that have passed the state legislature. Our speakers are as…
  • Fall Leaf Science (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us as we explore why leaves shed their green for more colorful hues in the fall and what makes them green in the first place. We’ll play a game, do an…
  • 🎓 Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: A New Play by Aaron Sorkin (Oklahoma Children's Theatre - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Join us October 23-27, 2019 in Burg Theatre for our Mainstage production of Harper Lee's TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, a new play by Aaron Sorkin. Oklahoma City University…
  • Haunt the Harn (Harn Homestead Museum - Oklahoma City) Enjoy Haunt the Harn, a family-friendly event for children of all ages. Kids are invited to trick-or-treat at each of the…
  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th
  • 🏃 Koda CrossFit at Together Square (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Thursdays 5:45-6:45pm September 5–November 21, 2019 $5 per person, pay upon arrival All levels Bring water Together Square is the perfect spot to discover the…
  • Lucero in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Enjoy an evening of inventive music by country-punk rockers Lucero at The Jones Assembly. Long been admired in their…
  • Macabret: A Spooktacular Halloween Revue (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Oct 26th The UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond hosts the annual Macabret: A Spooktacular Halloween Review musical theater performance. This…
  • Macabret: Spooktacular Musical Theatre Review (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:30pm Join us for an evening of some of your favorite rockin’ tunes sung by some spooky characters in our annual Halloween Fundraiser, MACABRET: A Spooktacular Halloween…
  • Medicare 2020 (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm Medicare changes for 2020. Supplements, advantage plans, and prescription plans. Education event. @[139181842792560:274:The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal…
  • Newcastle Nightmare (Newcastle) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Newcastle Nightmare is a unique haunted attraction located south of Oklahoma City that chills and thrills guests who dare to…
  • 🎓 October Women's Network Breakfast (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am Topic: My story: Women in Sports, Yesterday and Today Speaker: Dawn Turner, Marketing & Branding Director for the Oklahoma City Thunder RSVP on the chamber website,…
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • Oklahoma River Cruises' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Tired of the same old Halloween parties? Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an adventure on…
  • 🎨 Opening Reception & Artist Talk by Le'Andra LeSeur (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 5:30pm Artist Talk + Workshop: Movement as Resistance Join interdisciplinary artist Le'Andra LeSeur as she focuses on the power of movement within our souls to free our…
  • 🎨 Patience Grasshopper (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 4:00pm
  • Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Start Time: 10:00am Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season.…
  • PUSH Theatre's Dracula (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm Head to USAO's Davis Hall Little Theatre to see PUSH Physical Theatre bring Bram Stoker's 1897 horror novel…
  • Scary Tales (Overholser Mansion - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Visit the Henry Overholser Mansion in Oklahoma City for a spooky tour around Halloween. Scary Stories invites visitors out…
  • 🎨 Sister Act The Musical (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Glenn Slater Book by Cheri Steinkellner & Bill Steinkellner Additional Book Material byDouglas Carter Beane Based on the Touchstone…
  • 🎓 Size Queen: Harold Stevenson and the Politics of Looking Lecture (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm Join us for a lecture by Dr. Sam Watson, Assistant Professor of Art & Design - Art History and Women & Gender Studies at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay.…
  • Spike's Spooktacular (Sam Noble Museum - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm Spooktacular offers visitors a chance to dress in their family-friendly costumes, earn prizes and explore the fascinating world of natural history at the museum.…
  • Spike's Spooktacular Fall Fest (Sam Noble Museum - Norman) This fall, treat your family to a not-so-spooky Halloween celebration at Norman's Sam Noble Museum. Adults and kids…
  • Norman Swap Meet (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Come to the Norman Swap Meet to buy and sell parts for cars, trucks, street rods and more. Auto memorabilia, import…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • 😂 Theater Thursday: OKC Improv (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Thursday, October 24, 1-2pm FREE with admission to Pumpkinville Best for ages 6 and up This class will have you giggling while learning to think on your feet with…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Thru Sat, Oct 26th El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • 🍴 Vegan | Vegetarian Lunch (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am Lunch returns Thursday, October 24th 11am-2pm

Friday, Oct 25th

  • Allegaeon with Inferi & Paladin (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Allegaeon with special guests Inferi and Paladin $13 in advance, $18 at the door
  • 🎭 Bandstand - Tony Award® - winning Broadway musical (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm From three-time Tony® winner and Hamilton choreographer, Andy Blankenbuehler, comes an inspiring new American musical that explodes with infectious music and…
  • Boo on Bell Fall Festival (Main Street - Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 The annual Boo on Bell Fall Festival in Shawnee celebrates the autumn season with family-friendly activities galore. Dress…
  • 🎡 Boo On Bell Fall Festival (Downtown - Shawnee) Our 18th annual fall festival is called Boo on Bell St. and it takes place in historic downtown Shawnee, on Bell Street as well as Main Street.It is a day long…
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Northwest Missouri (Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Northwest Missouri
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Volleyball vs Nebraska Kearney (Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Volleyball vs Nebraska Kearney
  • COIN in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Nashville indie pop quartet COIN will make their way to The Jones Assembly in Oklahoma City. With an upbeat blend of…
  • Dracula (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Get in the Halloween spirit with an unforgettable performance of Dracula by the Oklahoma City Ballet. This show, which…
  • Fall Fest (Westminster Presbyterian Church - Oklahoma City) Celebrate the season at the Fall Fest. Held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City, this free festival…
  • 🎓 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Dress to sweat! Free Latin inspired dance fitness class. Space is Limited. RSVP. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government ChooseGuthrie Guthrie Chamber of…
  • Halloween Carnival (Oklahoma City) Celebrate the spooky holiday season in a safe and fun environment at the Halloween Carnival in Oklahoma City. Hosted by St.…
  • 🎓 Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: A New Play by Aaron Sorkin (Oklahoma Children's Theatre - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Join us October 23-27, 2019 in Burg Theatre for our Mainstage production of Harper Lee's TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, a new play by Aaron Sorkin. Oklahoma City University…
  • Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Tired of the same old Halloween Parties? Come Haunt the River and enjoy the decorated boat, haunted tunes, light snacks and cash bar. This cruise is an adult only…
  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • Edmond Historic Ghost Tours (Downtown - Edmond) Day 1 of 2 Learn about the history of Edmond and take a tour of the Downtown Area where many founding fathers of the city lived and worked. Tour guides dressed in late 1800s…
  • 🎨 Holmes and Watson (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Carpenter Square Theatre continues its 36th Season with the area premiere of “Holmes and Watson” October 18-November 9. Playwright Jeffrey Hatcher’s twisting,…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Josh Turner in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm See Josh Turner, one of the youngest members of the Grand Ol' Opry, as he showcases his award-winning voice at the…
  • Macabret: A Spooktacular Halloween Revue (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) 1 day left The UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond hosts the annual Macabret: A Spooktacular Halloween Review musical theater performance. This…
  • Macabret: Spooktacular Musical Theatre Review (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:30pm Join us for an evening of some of your favorite rockin’ tunes sung by some spooky characters in our annual Halloween Fundraiser, MACABRET: A Spooktacular Halloween…
  • 🏆 The McCabe Honors Program LU Homecoming Weekend (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Medicare 2020 (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm Medicare changes for 2020. Supplements, advantage plans, and prescription plans. Education event. @[139181842792560:274:The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal…
  • 🎓 Money Smart Date Night (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 5:30pm Join us for a couples-only date night while you learn more about your money personality and how this influences your financial decisions. You'll learn how to…
  • 🍴 Monster Ball (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Join us Oct. 25 for Monster Ball, a thrilling new event hosted by The Associate Board, beneftting the Oklahoma City Ballet. Join us Oct. 25 for Monster Ball, a…
  • Native Ink Tattoo Expo featuring Saliva & Puddle of Mudd (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) Gather your tribe and head to the Native Ink Tattoo Expo at the Grand Casino Resort in Shawnee. Visit with more than 100 top…
  • Newcastle Nightmare (Newcastle) 1 day left Newcastle Nightmare is a unique haunted attraction located south of Oklahoma City that chills and thrills guests who dare to…
  • OKC Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. Visitors to the…
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) 1 day left Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • Oklahoma River Cruises' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Tired of the same old Halloween parties? Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an adventure on…
  • Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Start Time: 10:00am Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season.…
  • 🍴 Pumpkinville Party (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Friday, October 25, 6-8pm $12 members/$15 nonmembers REGISTER HERE (9 volunteers needed)
    Grab your favorite costume and get to the Pumpkinville Party! Enjoy an…
  • Roy Book Binder (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Scary Tales (Overholser Mansion - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Visit the Henry Overholser Mansion in Oklahoma City for a spooky tour around Halloween. Scary Stories invites visitors out…
  • 🎨 Sister Act The Musical (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Glenn Slater Book by Cheri Steinkellner & Bill Steinkellner Additional Book Material byDouglas Carter Beane Based on the Touchstone…
  • SMO 21 (Science Museum Oklahoma - Oklahoma City) Adults are invited to experience Science Museum Oklahoma after hours during special SMO 21 events. Guests can participate in…
  • Norman Swap Meet (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) 1 day left Come to the Norman Swap Meet to buy and sell parts for cars, trucks, street rods and more. Auto memorabilia, import…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) 1 day left El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • 🎓 UCO Musical Theatre Shadow Day (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 9:30am Take an inside look at our UCO Musical Theatre program. Meet current faculty and students, tour the UCO campus, and audition to be part of the incoming 2020-2021…
  • Unmasked 2019 (IAO Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm unmasked is the premier annual celebration of Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment Advocacy for Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association. It provides...

Saturday, Oct 26th

  • Artistry in Wood (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 The annual Artistry in Wood event, hosted by the Oklahoma City Woodcarvers Club, features local and regional artisans…
  • Backwoods Country Music Show (The Centre Theatre - El Reno) Come to the historic Centre Theatre in downtown El Reno to experience the Backwoods Country Music Show. Featuring…
  • Boo on Bell Fall Festival (Main Street - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 The annual Boo on Bell Fall Festival in Shawnee celebrates the autumn season with family-friendly activities galore. Dress…
  • Dracula (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Get in the Halloween spirit with an unforgettable performance of Dracula by the Oklahoma City Ballet. This show, which…
  • Fort Reno Historic Spirit Tour (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Come along on an exciting and spooky spirit tour at El Reno's historic Fort Reno. This spirit tour includes plenty…
  • Gypsy Glam Fall Festival (Eldon Lyon Park - Bethany) The Gypsy Glam Fall Festival invites all ages and pooches out to celebrate the season with a bit of family-friendly fun.…
  • The Hall of Fame Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Grand American Arms Shows hosts The Hall of Fame Gun Show at Oklahoma State Fair Park. Over 750 tables will be present and…
  • Halloween Train (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Gather up your crew, costume up and head to the Oklahoma Railway Museum for a unique holiday celebration during the…
  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • Edmond Historic Ghost Tours (Downtown - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 Learn about the history of Edmond and take a tour of the Downtown Area where many founding fathers of the city lived and worked. Tour guides dressed in late 1800s…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Juke Joint Murder Mystery Dinner (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Prepare for an evening of murder, mayhem and the mob during the Juke Joint Murder Mystery Dinner. This Oklahoma City…
  • KATTFEST (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Enjoy a packed line-up of big names in the hard rock and metal world with a KATTFEST 2019 ticket. Held at the Zoo…
  • Macabret: A Spooktacular Halloween Revue (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Last Day The UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond hosts the annual Macabret: A Spooktacular Halloween Review musical theater performance. This…
  • Midwest Arms Collector Gun & Knife Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 For more than 15 years, the Midwest Arms Collector Gun & Knife Show has produced quality gun and knife shows. Be sure to…
  • National Weather Festival (National Weather Center - Norman) The annual National Weather Festival in Norman highlights the many weather-related organizations and activities in central…
  • Native Ink Tattoo Expo featuring Soul Asylum (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) Gather your tribe and head to the Native Ink Tattoo Expo at the Grand Casino Resort in Shawnee. Visit with more than 100 top…
  • Newcastle Nightmare (Newcastle) Last Day Newcastle Nightmare is a unique haunted attraction located south of Oklahoma City that chills and thrills guests who dare to…
  • OKC Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. Visitors to the…
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Last Day Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • Oklahoma Mineral & Gem Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Explore educational displays, watch expert demonstrations and discover a variety of unique items including beautiful jewelry…
  • Oklahoma River Cruises' Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Last Day Tired of the same old Halloween parties? Take a spooky voyage and leave the safe harbor behind for an adventure on…
  • Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season.…
  • Saturday Norman Farm Market (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Scary Tales (Overholser Mansion - Oklahoma City) Last Day Visit the Henry Overholser Mansion in Oklahoma City for a spooky tour around Halloween. Scary Stories invites visitors out…
  • Norman Swap Meet (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Last Day Come to the Norman Swap Meet to buy and sell parts for cars, trucks, street rods and more. Auto memorabilia, import…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Last Day Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Last Day El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • Trick or Treat City (Midwest City) Each October Midwest City sponsors a wonderful, safe trick-or-treat opportunity for children and their families at the Joe…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Fri, Nov 1st The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…

Sunday, Oct 27th

  • Artistry in Wood (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The annual Artistry in Wood event, hosted by the Oklahoma City Woodcarvers Club, features local and regional artisans…
  • 🏃 CAC Soonerthon 5K (Oklahoma Memorial Union, Meecham Auditorium - Norman) Soonerthon 5K and 1 mile "Fun Run" is an event benefitting the University of Oklahoma's student philanthropy: Soonerthon. Soonerthon is an event hosted by the Campus…
  • Dracula (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Get in the Halloween spirit with an unforgettable performance of Dracula by the Oklahoma City Ballet. This show, which…
  • 🏃 Ghost Runners 5K Dog Run (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) The Ghost Runners 5k Dog Run is USAT&F sanctioned & certified. Runners are eligible for state and national records and rankings. The Dog Jog is not a sanctioned…
  • The Hall of Fame Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Grand American Arms Shows hosts The Hall of Fame Gun Show at Oklahoma State Fair Park. Over 750 tables will be present and…
  • Halloween Train (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Gather up your crew, costume up and head to the Oklahoma Railway Museum for a unique holiday celebration during the…
  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Last Day Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • 🏃 The Junior League of Norman Monster Dash (Reaves Park - Norman) The Junior League of Norman is excited to host the annual Monster Dash 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run . This is a SUPER fun family event that is open to ALL ages. Costumes…
  • Midwest Arms Collector Gun & Knife Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 For more than 15 years, the Midwest Arms Collector Gun & Knife Show has produced quality gun and knife shows. Be sure to…
  • OKC Fall RV Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Bring the family out to peruse the selection of recreational vehicles at the Fall RV Show in Oklahoma City. Visitors to the…
  • Oklahoma Mineral & Gem Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Explore educational displays, watch expert demonstrations and discover a variety of unique items including beautiful jewelry…
  • Pumpkinville (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Make your way to Pumpkinville at the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City to celebrate the fall season.…
  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Fri, Nov 1st The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…

Monday, Oct 28th

  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Fri, Nov 1st The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…

Tuesday, Oct 29th

  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Fri, Nov 1st The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…

See Also

submitted by eventbot to okc [link] [comments]

Summary of the 2019 New South Wales State election parties & independents

This is a cross post from a Medium article I wrote about this, I thought it might be interesting as the state election is next week.

The NSW State election is approaching. I decided it was time to find out what each of the parties had to say about their policies. What follows is a brief summary of all the independents and political parties running stand for. I have done by best to provide a good faith reading of these parties and, when relevant, have attempted to clearly notate any editorial comments.

Legislative council parties:

Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers

The Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers are an agrarian, social conservative, and libertarian party whose policy platform is based around ending the government regulation of environmental protections and standards, as well as laws about maintaining native biodiversity which often conflicts with crop plantings. Their main goal is to remove the ability of external forces (governments, courts, or activists) from interfering with the direct commercial goals of land owners as they prize individual property rights which they believe as violated by land reform legislation. Beyond this, they also aim to assist NSW farmers by pushing for drought assistance to combat the current prolonged drought, as well as pushing for further tax cuts aimed at farmers.
Like many other current right-wing groups, they have coalesced behind supporting the end of renewable subsidies and pushing for the building of more coal power stations. Uniquely, they also want to end the interconnection of NSW power to other states in a pseudo-isolationist move. This also means that they oppose many policies about regulating carbon and other pollutants, however as they also support deregulated fishing they are currently signalling their difference from the NSW National Party by wanting to prevent further mass fish deaths in the Murray Darling River.
As part of their right-wing libertarian streak, this consists of ending most government regulation of gun control, whilst also signalling support of ‘tough on crime’ policies and supporting the police and prison guards.

Socialist Alliance

The Socialist Alliance is a traditional socialist political party who are focused providing a more egalitarian society where wealthy individuals and corporations pay aggressively higher taxes to fund re-distributive policies increase the standard of living for lower income peoples. They also want to expand public transport along with taking privatised assets back into public ownership.
They also want to switch to a renewable energy economy and make NSW explicitly anti-racist and a safe haven for refugees. They also believe that our current electoral system is flawed so they wish to introduce a series of electoral reforms to introduce electoral recalls at all levels, and make all levels of government proportional instead of our current mix of representative and proportional government.

Sustainable Australia

Sustainable Australia is focused on what they see as the issue with our current immigration rate. Under their ideological view, having a high immigration is detrimental to Australia as it causes “over-development”, as their website claims, as well as increasing housing costs, and environmental damage. Whilst not explicitly stating it, they appear to be planning on addressing the predicted losses in economic growth from their policies through diversifying the economy. This anti-immigration view covers refugees, as whilst they will allow them to enter the country they believe they should stay around their local region and work be done to improve safety there.
From their policy platform, it appears as if Sustainable Australia wants to limit overseas trade as they have policies on restarting Australian manufacturingjobs, which would assist our economy if we were no longer utilising low cost overseas manufacturing sources. However, they appear to be on-board with the current environmental consensus as they want to transition to a renewable energy economy and want to protect natural lands.


As one of the minor major parties, most of their policy platform should be somewhat known. It is dominated by their positions on the environment where they want to rapidly transition towards an entirely renewable energy sector, as well as more general policies about reversing environmental pollution of air, land, and water-bodies. Broadly, they are the most prominent socially and economically progressive party in NSW at the moment. However, they are anti-genetically modified crops [Ed. note — this is due to a flawed belief that ‘organic’ food is better than modified, which is not supported by any current research consensus.]
Of note is a current “civil war” within the NSW Greens between the two faction which respectively believe that the Greens should be focused entirely on the environment, and the other who believe that they should be a vehicle for broader democratic socialist policies. However, there has yet to be any noticeable policy arguments (publicly at least) around this, so the factional struggle may be personality based.

Animal Justice Party

The animal justice party is a leftist political organisation based strongly around broadening animal rights and protections. The majority of their policies are to do with ending the killing, or harming of animals in any way. Seem to want to end the use of companion animals (pets) in general but are addressing that bit by bit by limiting how you can adopt animals. They also view population growth as bad for animals and the environment and thus believe we should keep growth at replacement rate, which implies limiting immigration. However, limited policy detail on environmental and climate action policies, broadly says we need a carbon tax and to shift to a renewable power economy.


Advance is actually a coalition of the Advance Australia Party and the Motoring Enthusiasts. Their policies goals seem to be addressing housing affordability, increasing Sydney’s desirability as a tourist destination, anti-gambling — specifically Barangaroo, desiring the return of the Sydney Monorail — which appears to be driven by their distaste of the Light Rail, pro-electric cars, and “fixing the roads”. Not sure on their political alignment, appear to be a centrist neoliberal party without a social justice platform or any re-distributive policies.


Ah, FLUX. FLUX is not a political party in the traditional sense as they have no actual policies in of themselves. They’re a single issue party, which wants to more or less end our Representational Democracy model and replace it with an electronic platform which is a mix of Direct, Representational, and Delegate Democracy where you use ‘an app’ to either directly vote, or nominate someone to vote for you on every piece of legislation in parliament. Legislation, which I assume is also crowd sourced?
[Ed. note — INTERESTING. Meow-Ludo Meow-Meow (real person) who has been a candidate for the Science Party (formerly the Future Party, now running as the James Jansson group) for the last couple of elections has moved to FLUX and is the candidate for Willoughby. You may know him as the dude who put the OPAL chip inside his hand.]

LaboCountry Labor

NSW Labor has a typical modern centre-left policy platform. However, of note is their recent moves to ban single use plastic bags, phase out single use plastics, invest ~$140 million into local recycling projects, and of particular note they claim to want to seek a treaty with the NSW indigenous peopleswhich would replicate similar treaties in Canada and New Zealand. This treaty would cover: recognition of historical wrongs, addressing health and education services, and language rights.
This election, NSW Labor is trying to differentiate themselves from the Liberal Party by emphasising their goals to decrease housing and hospital costs, as well as addressing industrial concerns, such as wage theft and underpayment, as well as providing increased services such as more education facilities and free public transport for children. Another policy difference is their goal to divert the currently allocated funds for stadium redevelopments towards other policies such as renewable powered air conditioning for public schools.
They also wish to legislate 10 days paid domestic violence pay, in addition to investing $158 million towards building new domestic violence and sexual assault courts, increased victim compensation, and increased funding to shelters and advocacy groups.

Liberal/The Nationals

The Liberal/National coalition will be running this campaign based on their record over the last eight years which has constituted increased building of private toll motorways as well as the building of more commuter lines, specifically the light rail and North-West Metro. The party however has been dogged by their more draconian policies around nightlife and music policiesin general. This has been paired with their alleged failures on environmental policies based on the recent spate of mass fish deaths in regional NSW resulting from widespread rorting of water resources by the large commercial cotton farms.

Australian Conservatives

The Australian Conservatives are a factional splinter of the Liberal Party of Australia. They were started by Cory Bernardi who left the party because of his views of the “corrosive left” of the Liberal Party. As such, they are an extremely conservative party. Their policy agenda does not meaningfully move away from orthodox right-wing business politics, and government regulation, as they are libertarian on this front. Their main focus is on ‘white resentment’ politics. This is as their most detailed policy statements deal with ending “gender reassignment” and “political indoctrination”. Their main goals is to realign Australian with their conservative views on what it means to be an Australian, that is to be white and hetero-normative [Ed.]. Broadly they are quite similar to the current Republican party in American in terms of their social and economic views. This party is part of the current wave of populist(whilst not actually being populist as their policies will benefit the 1% primarily) “Western Civilisation” politics based around Nationalism and anti-leftism.

Keep Sydney Open

Keep Sydney Open appear to be a civil libertarian party based around getting the government and its regulation out of the music scene and Sydney nightlife. Their main party agenda is the end the Sydney Lockout laws and the current government’s policies around policing music festivals. Have no really stated political goals outside of this niche beyond some language around a stronger ICAC, and introducing 24 hr public transport. Of note, not actually running a candidate in the Seat of Sydney, where the lockout laws apply.

Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats are an aggressively libertarian party whose only elected member is David Leyonhjelm. The main thrust of this party is promoting “individual liberty”, which is mostly expressed as reducing the ability of governments to enact regulatory legislation, and letting businesses pay less tax. They see effectively no place for the government beyond Defence, and maintaining property rights.
Editorial: the Liberal Democrats use a very American strategy of campaigning, which is “triggering the left”. They’ve also engaged in sexist and racist behaviours in their effort to gain votes from the same constituency of One Nation, Australian Conservatives, and Men’s Rights Activists.

Voluntary Euthanasia Party

The VEP are a single issue party, and that is enacting legislation for voluntary assisted dying. They appear to be a party dedicated to ensuring quality of life up until death through both allowing death to happen on your own terms, increasing palliative care, and improving access to medical cannabis. Beyond that, they claim to be a moderate progressive party and will vote on a case by case basis for all legislation under that framework.

Christian Democratic Party

Otherwise known as the Fred Nile Christian Democratic party. A Christian religious party aiming to “glorify God in government”. Under that framework, are pro-business. Their main niche is ensuring that NSW remains a tacitly Christian state by legislating SRE classes (they’re the ones who made SRE mandatory and that you have to specifically opt out, whilst also making information about that hard to find). This party is extremely conservative about sexuality and gender identity and believe that there is only two gendersand you should only be heterosexual, and thus want to remove the Safe Schools program.

Small Business Party

Another neoliberal business party whose policy focus is on cutting business taxes and regulation, claiming they’re a drain on the economy. This extends to wanting to reduce housing Stamp duties and power prices. Also are anti-immigration as they claiming current NSW immigration is unsustainable and there is no place for them here. [Ed. note — current immigration rate is reason we’re not in a recession at the moment.]

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation

One Nation is the most prevalent of the current Australian mainstream populist (whilst not being popular) ‘white resentment’ political parties. Under the NSW leader Mark Latham — who has a colourful past — the party has taken a specifically Men’s Rights Activist lens as it has explicit platforms on their idea that white men are being repressed in our society.
Outlaw the new Left-wing discrimination against men, boys, Christians and white people, including a ban on discriminatory ‘employment quotas’ and segregationist ‘safe spaces’ — One Nation policy outline
This platform extends towards explicitly racist policies, and removing recognition of transgender people’s rights. These policies manifest themselves through their anti-Islamist rhetoric, claiming that they’ll end “Islamic Radicalisation in schools”, being anti-multiculturalism, and putting forward a policy that only individuals who “pass” a genetic test [Ed. note — which is bullshit] can get Indigenous peoples specific social welfare.
These policies around Indigenous peoples also extend to the Indigenous Land Reform Councils as they claim they’re hoarding billions of dollars which should be taken. Like other prominent white resentment parties, One Nation also supports pro-business reforms such as protectionist policies to maintain monopolies, and cutting their taxes and regulations, as well as being anti-renewable energy and fixated on coal power.

Seniors United Party of Australia (group G)

The Seniors United Party is pushing forward a policy agenda aimed specifically at senior citizens, such as being focused on increased funding and undoing of Liberal/National cuts to superannuation. They also wants oversight and regulation of aged care providers. However, like many other parties running in this election, they are a anti-immigration party and wants to see reduced in overall migration levels.

Monaghan and Monaghan (group H)

This is a husband and wife duo from the northern beaches and the majority of policies appear to be focused on a “not in my backyard (NIMBY)” agenda in regards to the Northern Beaches. However also wants to ban brothels and 24/7 gambling, and very specifically the Woolworths in Mosman.

Jeremy Buckingham Greens splinter group (group L)

Buckingham is a former Greens MLC who left/got kicked out of the party over allegations he committed an act of “sexual violence”* towards a staff member. This was investigated and dropped due to insufficient evidence to substantiate the allegation. Teamed up with Alan Jones to help stop coal seam gas mining
His policies are a little hard to nail down as his content is limited on his website, but based around his previous statements it broadly aligns with the environmental aspects of his former party, the NSW Greens. Of note however, is his desired collaboration with American Tech Baron, Elon Musk, to build a tunnel through the Blue Mountains from Western Sydney to Lithgow.
\allegation was revealed under parliamentary privilege by Newtown MP Jenny Leong. May have been done as part of the current NSW Greens civil war over whether or not they should be a climate action party or a more broadly socialist party.*

James Jansson (group S)

A re-branding of the Science Party as they aren’t registered at State level. Focused on increased transportation, housing density, etc. Seem to be greenish Radical Centrist party with focus on changing regulation and increasing funding without really rocking the boat or doing anything substantial.

Various Independents

Tony Edwards: no clear policy directions stated, with more of a general anti-right perspective.
Ellie Robinson: Anti-corruption platform and wants to address climate change, disability rights, animal justice, indigenous rights.
John Brett: anti-national debt candidate, focus on removing foreign involvement and getting more people back into trade jobs.
Ron Bogan: pro euthanasia, helping out senior citizens, pro-National Energy Guarantee (therefore neoliberal on climate action), focus on the Shire and Western Sydney. Campaign slogan — “put a bogan in parliament”
John Hunter: no information online about him.
Bryn Hutchinson: “progressive independent” — focus on police accountability and a NSW Human Rights Act.
Danny Lim: this is the guy with the billboard hanging around Newtown and the city who’s billboard said “Tony [Abbott] you cvn’t.” From what I can find, running principles of egalitarianism, anti-racism, broadly leftist, pro-renewable energy, investing in public healthcare, removing private healthcare insurance rebate, increasing refugee intake.
Andre Brokman: found his Medium blog — pro-Council amalgamations to increase centralisation and reduce ‘chaos’ in Sydney planning, appears to be a transportation enthusiast. His bio: “Andre Brokman is a full time city planning student and part time uber driver”
submitted by rigormorty to sydney [link] [comments]

u/vernazza's unnecessarily long guide to Budapest

Free 30+ page travel guide about Budapest, Hungary and bits of Central Europe. Enjoy!
Information correct as of summer 2020. If you find anything incorrect or would like to make requests, suggestions (or just want to say hi), please do that here! You should also drop by in /budapest to see past questions and to get advice from multiple people.
I would also greatly appreciate your post-trip feedbacks about whether my recommendations worked out for you or not! Restaurants, clubs can undergo radical changes and it's not always possible to keep track of every single one.
The local charity I support is the Hungarian Food Bank Association. For every €1 donated they are able to save €30 worth of perishable food and have it reach underprivileged Hungarian families. If you find this guide useful, please consider donating to them!
Some links use URL-shorteners, so I could track how many of you are using this guide. Nothing fishy waiting for you behind them.
See my suggestions in the comments below about:
The situation is subject to change momentarily, this information is current as of September 2020. Eastern Europe as a whole has largely been spared from the worst of it, including Hungary, and the risk of transmission is low.
Presently foreigners are banned from entry altogether. Exceptions are in place for people with ties to the country (family members, studies, work, those holding residence permits), and people transiting by car on designated highways.
The situation will be revised monthly, with experts saying the second peak is expected for December-January.
In the country, you need to wear a mask on public transport, inside shops, malls, cinemas, museums. You don't need to wear them inside restaurants, cafes, bars, but they must close by 23.00. Social distancing rules are in place, but largely ignored.
Hungary has a continental climate with 4 seasons. Summer is the main season, a slightly less busy time to visit is April to mid-June and September to October, but the weather is less predictable. Those uncomfortable with 30+C (>85F) temperatures should visit around then as 35+C (>95F) is not uncommon in the summer. November through March has -5 to 10 (20-50F) and possibly gloomier weather – but fewer tourists.
Currency: the Hungarian Forint (HUF, Ft). Fair exchange rates for Euros is around 330-335Fts, for US Dollars around 300. Only use currency exchanges where the buy/sell spread isn't greater than 5-6Fts for these two currencies!
Citizens of 62 countries do not require a visa to enter the Schengen Area and can stay for maximum 90 days within a rolling 180-day window. See here if you don’t know what that entails. EU member countries that are not members of the Schengen Area are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania, and the United Kingdom, visits to these do not count toward your 90 days. Non-EU countries part of the Schengen Area are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, visits to these do count toward the cap.
Because we both know you want to do your own research, use:
See the city in 4K, or with Rick Steves.
However nothing beats having a physical guidebook in your hand! Lonely Planet has the best and most recent issue.
Read up on the concept of coconut and peach cultures, as sometimes the reserved and distant behaviour of locals can be misinterpreted by ‘peach’ visitors as rudeness – nope!
This is a comprehensive itinerary, but leaves out the best museum of the city: the House of Terror, a solemn museum of the Nazi and Soviet occupation and crackdowns (get the audio guide or be prepared to peruse dozens of pamphlets). There's an attendance limit, so you might need to wait up to 30-45 minutes to get in when it's the busiest. When you are around Deák Ferenc tér, drop by in the Tourinform office (Sütő utca 2., the small street near the church) to stock up on free maps, printed guides of the city. WeLoveBudapest prints a comprehensive and free one every year around June.
I suggest 4 full days to discover Budapest, or 3 faster paced ones. Make it 5-7 if you'd like to make a few daytrips (Szentendre - open-air ethnographic museum, cobblestoned, quaint center, Esztergom - Central Europe's largest cathedral and religious center, Visegrád - medieval castle, Eger - medieval castle and wine region). Most of Hungary’s highlights can be visited in 2 weeks. For more details on countryside and international trips, see my comment below.
Meal times and habits are typical to central Europe: breakfast is usually done at home, not much of a culture of eating out in the morning. But a large number of new wave breakfast places have popped up in the past years, which offer ample opportunities for visitors, normally from 8am. Lunch is at midday, after 1pm most places are going to be fairly empty and many will stop serving lunch after 2pm. The standard time for dinner is 7pm, bookings for later than 8pm are unusual. Lots of restaurant kitchens close at 10pm (with the restaurant following suit 30-60 minutes later), finding a meal after that hour is challenging for anything other than street food.
Gellért is the most aesthetic, Széchenyi the largest and most popular among foreigners (Sparty can get crazy with lots of drinking, puking and sex going on in the pools, but it is wildly overpriced and 100% aimed at visitors). Rudas is a Turkish hamam with swimwear optional, single-gender weekdays (women-only on Tuesdays, coed and swimwear-mandatory on the weekend). Lukács is plain and personally I’m not a fan of it – tourists only visit it because it’s included free with the Budapest Card. For more details on the baths, see this.
For off the beaten path sights, ride the D11 or D12 public boat lines for a cheap alternative to paid cruises (travelcards only valid on weekdays, otherwise 700Ft), check out the Pinball Museum, Hospital in the Rock or check out this section for a lot more off the beaten path ideas.
Hungary has the world’s highest effective VAT (=sales tax) at 27%. Non-EU/EEA tourists are eligible for VAT refund on their qualifying purchases if they complete the paperwork (min. €175 value per transaction, passport+reclaim form stamped by customs official).
The most popular and best accessible mall of the city is WestEnd on Nyugati tér. Arena Plaza is larger by floor area and carries a couple brands that can’t be found elsewhere, but is less centrally located (10min walk from Keleti train station). Don’t expect to find bargains on clothing or electronics, prices are similar to Western Europe and over North American or Asian ones.
For more information on shopping and VAT refund, see here.
Paprika Market is a decent souvenir shop in the sea of overpriced, terrible quality crap on Váci utca.
Magma Gallery for contemporary and affordable jewelry, ceramics and home decor items by local designers is just one street over on Petőfi Sándor utca.
Check out the antique bookstores alongside Múzeum körút between Astoria and Kálvin tér, some have Socialist-era posters available for sale from 30€ and up, that could be a unique gift/home decor to take home. Ecseri road flea market for more antiques, go early on Saturdays.
Hungarian cuisine is hearty and filling, with a heavy use of meats. Must-try foods are:
For authentic recipes, recommendations for recipe blogs or cookbooks, tips for cooking traditional Hungarian meals, see here
For edible souvenirs to bring home with you:
Grocery stores include Spar, Tesco, Aldi and Lidl. Avoid CBA and Coop, low quality for high prices. Small convenience stores, many 24/7, also dot the city at higher prices.
The most popular and best accessible mall of the city is WestEnd on Nyugati tér.
Alcohol is sold at every one, but some (mostly residential) districts enact a ban on the sale between 22.00-06.00. The central Pest districts don’t have such limitations in place.
Tobacco is sold at tobacconists (‘nemzeti dohánybolt’ ). These shops are also exempt from the evening alcohol sale ban if you find yourself in such a district. Flavored cigarettes are banned in Hungary, so no Black Devils or Sobranies.
Budgets (per person)
For reasonable comforts, I would suggest aiming for at least €50 per day excluding accommodation. Hotel prices significantly vary in and outside high season.
Getting around
Do not buy the Budapest Card, it is not a bargain, even if every travel blogger seems to think otherwise! You would need to visit at least 3-4 museums a day to break even and the free visit to the pretty plain Lukács Baths could mean you’d deny yourself going to the much more interesting mainstream alternatives, such as Gellért or Széchenyi. The discounted museums are second-rate and typically not what most visitors choose to hit up on their own.
Do buy a public transport travelcard, the 1, 3 or 5-day unlimited options require no validation or ID (common reasons for fines). For week-long stays, the 7-day travelcard needs an ID number and that you have the document on you at all times. Please do not try to get around by using single tickets!
The travelcards are economical (from €5/24h to €15/week) and easy to use: no validation, you just show it to the controllers. Validity starts immediately by default, or you can select a later starting date (always from midnight). 7-day and monthly passes require an ID/passport number, and you must have the ID on you whenever you travel, otherwise you risk getting fined! Groups of 4 or more can also buy the even more economical '24h group travelcard', but all persons must travel together using that.
Common reasons for fines
Ticket inspectors (must have an anonymized badge and armband) are notoriously brash, speak subpar English. Paying on the spot lets them give you a discounted fine of 8000 instead of the regular 16000 through postal order or wire transfer, they aren't looking to scam you if they offer you that. Fines are pursued internationally through collection agencies, multiplying the original amount once their fees are added.
Cheapest way to get to the city from the airport is by public transport. I suggest paying the 900Ft supplementary ticket for the 100E bus. The southern portion of the M3 subway is under reconstruction, during that period the 200E buses go beyond their usual terminus, Kőbánya-Kispest and take you to Nagyvárad tér station, where the subway runs from. The purple ticket machines at the airport and all over the city take chipped cards. Shuttle bus is a good compromise between price and comfort and depart when full or close to.
Ignore touts walking up to you offering cabs in the arrival hall, use the official Főtaxi booth immediately outside the building. Rates are centralized: flagfall 700Ft, 300Ft/km, 75Ft/min waiting. The fair price to the centre is around 7-9.000Fts. Rides inside the centre are typically under 3.000. All taxi companies have passable reputations with a few horror stories about each, Főtaxi (+36-1-222-2222), 6x6 Taxi (+36-1-666-6666), City Taxi (+36-1-211-1111) are a few. There are some stories of even company cab drivers trying to rip off naive-looking tourists, especially around train and bus stations, so consider legal Uber-alternative Taxify/Bolt (Android, iOS). Uber is banned.
Most companies have apps, but they have terrible design and might set an unchangeable pick up location 5-10 minutes away from you. It’s much better to order by phone, they have English-speaking operators. If you must use an app, choose Taxify.
Cabbies are the only ones eclipsing the ticket inspectors in notoriety. I cannot emphasize enough: DO NOT USE THE ONES WITH ‘FREELANCER’ ON THE FRONT DOORS!!! These drivers are nicknamed 'hyenas', work independently, they always have rigged meters and are known to sometimes assault customers who don’t comply with their ridiculous demands. If you hail on the street, be absolutely certain you’re getting into a company cab (logo on the front doors).
A known scam by the hyenas, fraudsters and illegal street exchangers is giving you worthless currencies with similarly high denominations as the Forint – namely the Indonesian Rupiah or the old Belarusian Ruble.
Bag handlers at the airport steal from unsecured luggage. Never put any valuables in your checked luggage!
Overly friendly, attractive women approaching you in broad daylight 'to practice their English' and taking you to scammy cafés where you'll be charged €300 for a bottle of bottom-shelf champagne are also to be avoided. Recently a Redditor reported the same happening to him through Tinder, so be very suspicious of anyone insistent on going to a particular establishment. The scam café was Hajós Café on Hajós utca. Another known scam location is Café Fidelité on Révay utca.
Otherwise general safety cautions should be exercised: watch your valuables in crowded spaces for pickpockets, be wary of overly friendly strangers approaching you and introducing the idea of going to a club or bar by their 5th sentence or of people pretending to be authority.
Policemen typically wear dark blue uniforms and white shirts , sometimes with a visibility vest and can be identified by the numbered metal badges on their chest and their separate police ID card which you can ask to inspect before complying with their orders. Scammers use fake police IDs to part you with your cash under the guise of inspecting the notes for counterfeits. Always ask to see it first: this is real, this is fake – notice where the real one has a serial number, the fake says POLICE. If the issue is anything halfway serious, ask to be escorted to the nearest police station – it will scare away scammers playing dress up.
The emergency number is 112 for police, ambulance or firefighters, there are English-speaking operators (works throughout the EU).
If you get pickpocketed, notify both the police and in case of losing your travel documents, your embassy. Thieves are usually courteous enough to leave papers near trash bins, so walk around in the neighbourhood to see if you can recover them. If you find someone else’s, hand in to the nearest police station.
Getting around
the city is easy, Budapest has one of the best public transport systems of the continent. Use Google Maps for orientation and getting around! Tickets and passes with rates are listed here.
All EU/EEA citizens aged 65+ travel for free on all Hungarian public transport, including trains, distance buses. Picture ID and administrative 0 Ft ticket required. Age 65 is not included.
Student discounts are available to full-time students in EU/EEA countries with a valid student ID. If it doesn’t have it, also carry a picture ID. EU citizenship not required, you only need to study there full-time (not applicable for exchange students unless they get ID issued). The monthly student pass (3450) is cheaper than the 72h travel card (4150) for identical benefits.
The 4 subway lines are coded by numbers and, unofficially, colour (1-yellow, 2-red, 3-blue, 4-green). The busiest, M3, is under renovation until 2021, but remains in partial operation, see details here. The entire line shuts down after 8pm and all day on weekends (replacement buses operate), and one section of the line is always out of service. For 2019 it’s the southern segment, between Kőbánya-Kispest and Nagyvárad tér. During this time the 200E airport bus will take you to the more central Nagyvárad tér stop (from where the subway runs) instead of its regular terminus of Kőbánya.
In Budapest driving is not recommended for the perpetual lack of parking spaces, congestion and because there's really no need to. If you must arrive by car, pick a hotel with parking, use the free parking lot at Kelenföld subway station, street-parking by StarPark at Podmaniczky utca at ~€8/24h, or opt for a more central location (such as one of CarE Park’s garages ) at ~20€/24h, €100/week and do not use it for getting around in the city. Public areas are metered in the entire centre, typically charging 1.5€/h with a cap of 3 hours on a ticket.
The Bubi city bike system is available for anyone’s use. The rates are very favourable (500Ft for 1-day, 1000 for 3 for the pass), but a deposit of €80 will be docked when you register and might take a few weeks to release. First 30 minutes are free, after it's 500Ft/30min on top of the daily pass' price.
Two e-car sharing systems compete in Budapest. I suggest using MOL Limo, as you can complete your licence verification remotely (do it before arrival, they might take a day or three if they are backlogged). Despite the name, the cars are tiny, automatic VW up!s, the majority electric and all automatic. Age limit 18, min. 1-year old national licence, foreign ones accepted, €20 registration fee and €0.25/min rate. Coverage includes basically every area of note to tourists in the centre, except the Castle and underground garages (as well as the airport). Expansion is planned for the future. You cannot park (leave the car) outside the coverage area, but you can drive through.
The best rated tour bus company is Big Bus, Giraffe (aka. the red Hop On Hop Off ones) tends to get mixed-to-negative reviews. Segway tours also available.
Free thematic walking tours of the city depart in front of the lion fountain on Vörösmarty tér daily. A tip of 2000-2500Ft/person suggested, but they're are chill about it, you can give less if you're on a budget.
River cruises run during the day and the evening, including dinner (usually not great, save for one) or party in the latter case. The most popular is Legenda, partiers choose Boat Party.
One standout cruise is Pannónia Gastro Boat that goes above and beyond the standard quality of service of other operations and often host guest chefs from innovative countryside restaurants.
Public transport alternative is the D11 or D12 boat lines between Boráros tér going up to Népfürdő utca (or getting off at Jászai Mari tér or Margaret island 1 or 2 stops prior). Tram 2 between Jászai Mari tér and Boráros tér hugs the Danube on the Pest side and loops around the Parliament for a similarly nice experience. Seasonal operations, normally from March through October.
The currency of Hungary is the Hungarian Forint (1EUR=330HUF, 1USD=300HUF in November 2019), but I’ve listed prices in Euros (€). Check for current rates here.
Don't exchange Forints at home, bring USD/EUGBP in cash or a chipped card with you – the withdrawal fee is far smaller than what you’d lose by the atrocious rates available to you at home (exception: neighbouring countries).
With cards, Visa, Mastercard are best, Maestro acceptable. Avoid Amex, Diners Club and other uncommon non-European issues.
CAD/AUD/JPY/CNY will be exchanged at slightly worse rates, but still much better than if you’d exchange Forints at home. I don't recommend bringing currencies other than the ones I've mentioned and those from neighboring countries, but if you do, Tichi Change exchanges almost every valid currency in the world at as good of a rate as you could realistically hope for.
When the ATM asks you if you want to be charged in your home currency, say no and opt for Forints or you'll lose up to 30% due to the poor conversion rate! Learn more about the rip-off of dynamic currency conversion here and steer clear of the ATMs operated by Euronet. Besides the dynamic currency conversion ripoff, they will also prompt you to withdraw ridiculously high amounts of money (equivalent of $500 or more) that you will not be able to spend in 3-4 days.
Don't exchange any money with bright orange Interchange they use ripoff rates (>30% spread). They hava e monopoly at the airport and are also present throughout the city in premium locations, such as Váci utca. Street exchange is illegal and a good way to get scammed.
Tons of fine currency exchanges around the city, the best USD and EUR rates are at Gold Change but use your eyes: the buy/sell spread shouldn’t be more than 1-3% apart for these, or 2.5-5% at banks. Exchange offices and banks do not take cards! You may only use them for ATM withdrawals.
Make sure to bring an unlocked phone, ideally a dual-SIM one.
The 3 main carriers are Vodafone, Telekom (T-Mobile) and Telenor. The best prepaid package is Telekom's Domino Fix with the 1/3/30-day unlimited 4G add-on, costing 990+9900Fts (€32) for the 30-day option. SIM cards need to be activated after purchase, so buy them at brand stores where help is available instead of supermarkets or gas stations.
Roaming fees within the EU have been abolished in 2017, you will be able to use your SIM in any EU member country, but not as if it would be local. I.e. a Vodafone Hungary-issued SIM will be roaming on Vodafone Austria’s network. Some 'reasonable' data caps remain in place, which are determined by the cost of your service.
Outside the EU there are punitive data rates. I once managed to rack up a $90 bill for 5MB by accident.
Rates are for high season (late April through September, Christmas, NYE), might be 50+% lower on other dates
Location: if you plan on sleeping, the party district (VII., inside the ring road) should be avoided, as well as VIII. outside of it and around Keleti train station for safety reasons/because you can get nicer digs elsewhere. An under the radar gem of an area is VII. between Múzeum körút and the ring road. Buda is nowhere as dead as tourists collectively imagine it to be (especially around Széll Kálmán tér), don’t shun it if you find someplace nice there.
Eat at
For more detailed restaurant recommendations, see this comment. August visitors, check the restaurants' websites and Facebook to see if they aren't on holiday!
The quality of service is a common source of complaints, don't take it too hard if it happens to you. Tip is 10% most of the time, unless you’re really dissatisfied or find yourself absolutely elated. Many top end restaurants add a ~12% service charge to the bill, tipping on top of that is not expected, though naturally it will be appreciated.
Neither regular, nor ost fast food restaurants do refills. The only exceptions are all KFCs and a few Burger Kings.
Smoking is banned at all restaurants, bars and basically every facility open to the public. Designated smoking areas can be found outside on the street.
Try pálinka (~40% ABV fruit brandy), Unicum (herbal bitteaperitif, like Jäger), bikavér from Eger and Szekszárd (lit. ‘bull’s blood’, a full-bodied red), Tokaji aszú (similar to white Port, made of hand-picked berries with noble rot, named the "wine of kings, king of wines" from the 18th century) or fröccs (spritzer, white or red wine mixed with seltzer – a lifesaver in the summer)!
More details in the shopping section.
Or get really local and ask for ’fény’, carbonated vodka foam over raspberry syrup. You’ll see the fény (=light) at the end of the tunnel in no time!
Eat a freshly fried lángos at market halls (acceptable toppings: sour cream, garlic, cheese, perhaps ham and cabbage - certainly none of that tourist stuff with nutella, Hungarian sausage or kebab...) and fried sausage from a butcher shop such as 1951 establishment Balla Hús in Városház utca or the more contemporary Belvárosi Disznótoros eatery. The gallery of the Hold utca market hall hosts quality street food vendors, Karaván food truck yard right next to Szimpla.
For more detailed recommendations, including strip clubs, casinos and more, see this comment.
A casual evening
Ruin pubs
Mainstream clubs
Rock and miscellaneous
Gay bars
Get out
See train schedules on Elvira, check for buses on (this site combines bus and train schedules, but has no English version, check for the orange or blue icon on the left side to see which is which).
Daytrip options include
For multi-day excursions, including to lake Balaton and detailed information on car rental, countryside and international tourism opportunities, click here
submitted by vernazza to hungary [link] [comments]

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