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The Rat Pile - fearsome foes for low level adventurers

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‘Crook-Tooth’ Brix

Small humanoid (goblinoid, shapechanger), chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 36 (8d6 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.

Str 11 (0) | Dex 18 (+4) | Con 13 (+1), | Int 15 (+2) | Wis 11 (0) | Cha 13 (+1)

Proficiency +2
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +4
Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +2, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical weapons not made with silvered weapons
(If you want to stick to the usual rules for lycantrophes, change the resistance to be an immunity instead)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Thieve's Cant, Goblin (can’t speak in rat form)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Keen Smell. Brix has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Sneak Attack (1/turn). Brix deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage when she hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally of Brix that isn’t incapacitated and Brix doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Nimble Escape. Brix can take the disengage or hide action as a bonus action on each of her turns.
Gutter. Gutter is a magical dagger that deals an additional 1d6 damage if Brix hits with an attack made with advantage.
Shapechanger. Brix can use her action to polymorph into a rathumanoid hybrid, or into a giant rat, or back into her true form, which is humanoid. Her statistics other than her size and AC are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. She reverts into her true form when she dies.


Multiattack (Humanoid Or Hybrid Form Only). Brix makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with wererat lycanthrophy.
Gutter. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) additional damage if the attack was made with advantage.
Throwing Dagger. Range Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.

Legendary Actions

‘Crook-Tooth’ Brix can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. ‘Crook-Tooth’ Brix regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Bamboozle. A creature within 10 ft. of Brix must succeed a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save Brix’s next attack made against the creature before the end of her next turn is made with advantage. Once a creature succeeds on the saving throw Brix cannot target the creature with Bamboozle until the end of her next turn.
Nick (1/round). Brix attempts to steal an item from a creature within 5 ft. of herself that she has advantage with attacks against. She makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Perception). If Brix’s total exceeds the target’s, she steals an item the creature is carrying.
Move. Brix moves up to half of her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Shapechange (2 Actions). Brix polymorphs into a rat-humanoid hybrid, or a giant rat, or back into her true form.

The Rat Pile

The crude signs along the gutters mark the territory of the Rat Pile. The Rat Pile are a ruthless gang of goblins who live in the shadows cast by the pristine buildings of the metropolis, just out of sight of society.
These goblins suffer no illusions of grandeur about their own standing. They know exactly what they are: vermin. They carry that designation with pride and laugh over the insults and slurs hurled against them. Their greatest joy is to impede on those who think of themselves as high and mighty, those who look down on them. They dispoil, they trash and steal, not for their personal gain, but solely out of spite, to upset the city folk who foolishly think themselves untouchable. Bringing pain and vexation to the upper class brings these goblin deviants sadistic glee. Any attempts to eradicate the Rat Pile have failed, for they are an infestation that gnaws at the very roots of the city, perhaps in the hopes that they may someday bring it down.
For Crap and Cackles. Most criminal organisations and gangs operate under the promise of wealth and power; this is not the case for the Rat Pile. They operate for the simple joy of disruption and to be a thorn of the sides of the high society, who from their point of view is anyone who can afford a decent pair of shoes. All they do, they do out of contempt. They steal not to enrich themselves, but to deny the rich their decadence. They assault and main not to intimidate, but to humiliate and humble those who think themselves untouchable. For the Rat Pile, any petty victory fills them with satisfaction that cannot be matched by any worldly goods.
Kin of Rats. The Rat Pile goblin’s kinship with the skittering rats of the metropolis undoubtedly inspired their name. To that end the goblins go as far as addressing themselves as rats and vermin. They see the rats as siblings, treating them better than they would treat other humanoids. This sympathy did not go unnoticed by the rats. Slowly but surely a mutually beneficial alliance was forged. It can be assured that the rats are never far from the Rat Pile goblins - even obeying their direct commands.
‘Crook-Tooth’ Brix. As seemingly unorganized and rambunctious as the Rat Pile are, they are not without leadership. Leading them - on top of the pile, as you could say - is a goblin known as ‘Crook-Tooth’ Brix. She is the worst troublemaker and most daring of the Rat Pile, always one foot ahead of the local constabulary. Brix has always managed to escape the arm of justice, being able to seemingly vanish into thin air if cornered. Brix wears an assortment of jewelry and rings as trophies and proof of her deeds, including gold teeth that she was able to steal right out of a noble’s mouth. It is needless to say that this goblin has earned herself the collective ire of the society above. Anyone that would present her head to the local nobility would surely be handsomely rewarded.

Information Gathering

As one of the first steps in taking on the Rat Pile the players might gather information on the gang. You can let them roll Intelligence (History), Intelligence (Investigation), Charimsa (Persuation), or other skills that you deem appropriate to learn more about the Rat Pile.
DC 10 – The Rat Pile is a mischievous group of goblins who relentlessly cause trouble for the people of the city. Wherever they are, they leave recognizable marks and symbols smeared on the walls as a signature.
DC 15 – The Rat Pile is not a typical criminal group, since they are strangely idealistic for goblins. They do not care for power or money, instead they aim to bring about the fall of the society above. Their leader ‘Crook- Tooth’ Brix, for example, only wears jewlery she stole from the rich to mock her victims.
DC 15 (Nature) – The goblins of the Rat Pile have a semi-symbiotic relationship with the street rats of the city. Some of the Rat Pile goblins might be able to communicate with the city rats directly.
DC 15 (Investigation) – Following clues, past actions of the Rat Pile and overall city layout, the players are able to deduce the location of a Rat Pile hideout.
DC 20 – By mere chance, the players learn of a witness who on their way home from the local pub saw a goblin wearing jewleriy turn into a rat to disappear into a crack in the wall. The players can reasonably deduct from this that Brix might be a wererat or at least is able to polymorph into a rat.

Affiliated Creatures

Obviously as the Rat Pile is a gang of goblins, common goblins are an oblivious choice for their members. But since the goblins of the Rat Pile are not commonly equipped with the gear a goblin out of the Monster Manual has, consider using the goblin vermin instead.
With the Rat Pile’s kinship with rats, all kinds of rats are expected to be found where the Rat Pile operates. The Rat Pile tends to use singular rats as scouts, spies and lookouts, but don’t think you need to restrict yourself to common rats. Feel free to use giant rats and rat swarms in encounters with the Rat Pile goblins. When using rats in combat encounters, add a goblin rat wrangler to boost their strength and give the players additional tactical decisions during combat.
Brix herself is unlikely to fight alone. She may spy on the players in her rat form first. Make sure to give Brix additional goblins as backup in combat.

Goblin Rat Wrangler

Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.

Str 9 (-1) | Dex 15 (+2) | Con 12 (+1), | Int 10 (0) | Wis 13 (+1) | Cha 8 (-1)

Skills Animal Handling +5, Stealth +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the disengage or hide actions as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Rat Wrangler. Any rat, giant rat, or swarm of rats within a 10 feet radius of the goblin adds 1d4 to all their attack rolls. A creature can only benefit from the bonus of one rat wrangler at a time.


Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Rouse the Rats. A rat, giant rat, or rat swarm within 30 feet of the goblin, that can hear it, can use its reaction to make a melee attack.

Goblin Vermin

Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil

Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Speed 30 ft.

Str 8 (-1) | Dex 15 (+2) | Con 11 (0), | Int 9 (-1) | Wis 8 (-1) | Cha 9 (-1)
Skills Acrobatics +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the disengage or hide actions as a bonus action on each of its turns.


Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.


Scram (1/day). When the goblin vermin fails a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or a creature makes a successful Wisdom (Perception) check to detect the vermin, it can move up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. To do so the goblin must see the creature it that detected it.

Rat Pile Tactics

The Rat Pile will never engage in a ‘fair fight’ with player characters. Typically for goblins they will set up ambushes and fight in advantageous situations like dark alleyways, sewers, or dark buildings where they can benefit from their darkvision. They will also make use of hiding spots as much as possible, using their stealth and their nimble escape trait.
Members of the Rat Pile will try to escape if confronted in an unfavourable position, unless they heavily outnumber the enemy. So if you want to feature the Rat Pile in your game, keep in mind to feature combat locations that give the Rat Pile members advantage over the player characters. Alternatively you can feature a scene in which the palyers persue members of the Rat Pile through the cityscape.
Brix, being a wererat, is able to shapeshift into a rat. She uses this ability to escape if she gets cornered, or if a combat encounter doesn't go in her favour. She will also use this ability to spy on player characters as an unsuspicious rat. Another way to utilize her shape shifting is hiding in the midst of a rat swarm to surprise player characters in combat, or to use the swarm as a cover to escape.


The goblins of the Rat Pile have gathered an impressive hoard of stolen jewlery and trinkets they keep as trophies. Reward your players with gems and art objects as you see fit for raiding Rat Pile bases.
The Rat Pile is meant to be encountered at lower levels, therefore the treasure they yield should just be enough to set your players up for the next adventure ahead. If you feel generous, you can consider adding a magic ring or wondrous item among the Rat Pile’s stolen treasures. If you prefer handling out random rewards, here is a random table to roll on what your players find on members of the Rat Pile:

1d20 Loot
1-5 Nothing
6 A torn piece of painted canvas
7 A withered flower plucked from a noble's garden
8 A chessboard piece
9 A worn out lipstick
10 Head of a porcelain doll (worth 2 sp)
11 An empty leather purse (worth 4 sp)
12 A fine comb (worth 6 sp)
13 A small wodden figurine (worth 8 sp)
14 A golden shirt button (worth 1 gp)
15 A fine pocket mirror (worth 5 gp)
16 A holy symbol (worth 10 gp)
17 A gold tooth (worth 15 gp)
18 A silver earring (worth 25 gp)
19 An electrum bracelet (worth 35 gp)
20 A gold necklace (worth 50 gp)
Brix wields a magical dagger that she calls “Gutter”. It is one of her many prized possessions, probably stolen from the belt of a nobleman. if the players are able to take down Brix and the Rat Pile, her signature weapon would be a fine reward for starting adventurers.

Magic dagger (uncommon), requires attunment
When a creature attuned to this weapon hits a creature with an attack made with advantage, it deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage.

If you want to see more of my 3rd Party 5e material, consider checking out my reddit profile, blog or twitter! You will find over 300 free monsters there, as well as other installments of the fearsome foe series such as Targaangh, He Who Eats Dragons and Old Stinkeye.
I hope you will find some use or inspiration reading through this - let me know what you think! :D
submitted by Tuz-oh to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

An Incident I Experienced - Route I-91 N Central Massachusetts to New Hampshire ‘96 or ‘97

Maura’s story makes me recall the memory of an incident which happened to me in the same general geographical area in 1996 or 1997. I was an undergrad student at Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire, which is located in the southwest corner of the state. My college boyfriend and I were driving back to school in each of our cars, from Connecticut after a weekend of visiting our families while the cars were getting minor auto work done by a local trustworthy mechanic. I think it was late autumn because it was cold but there was no snow on the ground. We were driving through Massachusetts on I-91 North at dusk, me behind my bf most of the way. It was while passing through the towns of Northampton and Amherst that I first noticed a car that continued to drive right near me, even though the highway was completely uncrowded. After a while it began to feel really unsettling. To test the driver I changed up my driving by switching lanes and speeding up a bit. After a few minutes I got back into the right lane and slowed down. The driver of the car mimicked everything I did. I could see the way my bf was in his car looking in his mirrors back at the driver that he sensed something was weird (these were the days before cell phones, so we couldn’t communicate). At an exit in Greenfield, Massachusetts we pulled off at a rest stop and the guy did as well. He parked a bit away from us out of the lights of the rest stop facilities and didn’t get out. As soon as my BF and I got out of our cars we both acknowledged to one another “that driver is tailing us!”. We went inside to a vending machine area to get something to drink, stretch our legs and agreed that we had to keep an eye on that car. When we pulled out back onto the highway the lurking driver did too and continued to follow us in the same way he had done prior to our stop. We continued north on I-91 over the border of Vermont, getting off at Exit 3 in Brattleboro to pick up Route 9 East which quickly has you over the state line into New Hampshire and put us towards Keene. At this point we had probably been followed about 35 miles. Off the exit a short drive was a small independent convenience store and my bf used his signal to turn in and I followed. The creepy driver did exactly the same. Mind you, there wasn’t much around there at all. I don’t know what it’s like in that region now, but back then there were no lights on the highways to speak of or streetlights on routes. It was pretty unpopulated with lots of woods; by now it was obviously no coincidence that this guy just happened to be going exactly the way we were with the same stops. We pulled into the lot of the convenience store on one side of the parking lot and the driver parked about 50 feet away. It was dark out at this point and as mentioned the area wasn’t brightly lit. I could see that the car was a dark blue or grey, medium to smaller sized sedan. From the distance where I was the driver was half in the shadows but he appeared to be a plain, nondescript white guy in his late 20s to 30s. My bf came to my window and told me to stay in my car. I could see in his posture and face that he was pissed. He turned around, strode to the driver’s side window, and motioned for the driver to roll the window down, which he did about halfway. In a no nonsense voice my bf demanded “Can I help you? You’ve been following us since central Massachusetts! What is the problem?!”. The guy stammered “I um, uh no I wasn’t following you. I got off the highway because I, um, had to use a pay phone”. My bf cocked his chin in the direction of the exit of the parking lot and told him “you need to move it along”. Instead of getting out to use the pay phone like he claimed he’d needed to, he shut his window, pulled out of the place and left in the direction of getting back onto the highway. We were both freaked out. As soon as we got back to our apartment we called 911 to report it, who from there connected us to the NH state police, I guess because getting off at that exit deposits you into New Hampshire and that’s where that convenience store was. We explained the whole incident, gave as good a description as possible, and the license plate number. Then that was that. In hindsight I realize how dangerous the whole episode could have become and I’m glad I wasn’t driving on my own. This is the first time I’ve written about it, and I’m doing so here because like Maura, I was a pretty college-aged woman who appeared to be driving alone after dark within the same region. It was about eight years before Maura disappeared, but maybe there are others who will read this and whom had something similar happen to them in the same area during the 1990s - into 2000s.
submitted by BKhammy to mauramurray [link] [comments]

EA Forum Digest 26 Jan 2021

GWWC January 2021 Newsletter

We've finished up the 2020 giving season with our biggest year on record!
Welcome to our 1,787 new pledges and thank you to all of you who've continued to use your income to help improve the lives of others
We hit some incredible milestones in 2020: 5,000 members of The Pledge, $200M in reported donations, and $2B pledged in total.
So far our members donated more than $16 million in 2020 alone!
Members: If you've not yet reported your 2020 donations, we encourage you to do so using the pledge dashboard.
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Highlights from 2020 | Upcoming Events | News ** | **& | ** Updates** | Community | Giving | Causes | Share Our Ideas | Useful Links

How does Amazon deforestation actually work? It's not about soy.

Thanks to fmoreno and Gavin Taylor for kindly revising a first draft of this text.
TL;DR: The Amazon rainforest is greatly relevant for climate change. Some people have been blaming Brazilian exports in general for its deforestation. However, this is not true: when it comes to agricultural exports, the deforestation yields no relevant economic gains for the country, but responds for a significant portion of its carbon emissions. Though threatening the agricultural sector have shown some effectiveness in pressuring the government into taking action, this might end up misfiring. It'd be way easier just to ban exports from the Amazon region.
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Qualia Research Institute: History & 2021 Strategy

Isn’t it perplexing that we’re trying to reduce the amount of suffering and increase the amount of happiness in the world, yet we don’t have a precise definition for either suffering or happiness?
As a human collective, we want to create good futures. This encompasses helping humans have happier lives, preventing intense suffering wherever it may exist, creating safe AI, and improving animals’ lives too, both in farms and in the wild.
But what is happiness? And what is suffering?
Until we can talk about these things objectively, let alone measure and quantify them reliably, we’ll always be standing in murky water.[3]
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Core Team Intro | Timeline of QRI | Board of Advisors | Strategic Advisors | How We’ve Used Money So Far | What We’ve Accomplished | What We Would Do With More Funding | Pay Our Existing Team | Expand Our Team | Invest in Compute | Physical Location | 2021 Research Agenda | Significant Organizational Transformations | Upgrading Organizational Capacity | Increasing Scientific Standards | Emphasizing Clarity | Building Professional QRI Publishing Pipeline | Create a Top-Down Hiring System | Much More Room to Grow | The Importance of Understanding Valence

(Autistic) visionaries are not natural-born leaders

This is a linkpost for I figured readers of EA Forum would enjoy it because I suspect that lots of people here think that people like Elon Musk, Larry Page, and Steve Jobs were destined to lead (like I did in the past). I no longer think this is true and this has implications for those who would like to build an organization but are hesitant because they don't feel like they're natural leaders.
These narratives create the impression that all the people mentioned above are not just visionaries who changed the world but that they were also natural-born leaders who magically knew how to run a company right from the moment of birth all by themselves and without help from anyone else.
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Steve Jobs | Elon Musk | Larry Page

Apply now to be an EAGx event organizer

The Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA) is accepting expressions of interest from community members who may want to organize an in-person EA Global x (EAGx) conference in the second half of 2021. We are particularly keen to support applications from the following areas: US West Coast, US East Coast, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
The deadline for expressing your interest is 11:59 pm PST on Sunday, 7 February.
In December, CEA published our plans for 2021, which focus on three broad areas: recruitment, retention, and risk reduction.
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Summary | CEA’s plans for 2021 | What is an EAGx conference? | Where we expect to fund EAGx events in 2021 | What skills are required to be an EAGx organizer? | What support will CEA provide to organizers? | How to apply | What are the benefits of being an organizer? | Questions

EAGxVirtual 2020 lightning talks

Following a rigorous selection process, we are pleased to present the following five-minute EAGxVirtual 2020 lightning talks:
We've lightly edited these talks for clarity. You can also watch them on YouTube and read them on
Moderator: Hi, everyone. Welcome to EAGxVirtual 2020 lightning talks. We're about to watch 12 videos submitted by attendees just like you, on topics ranging from biosecurity, to cultivated meat, to donation pledges, to imposter syndrome. Some of our speakers represent EA organizations. Others are individuals presenting their own thoughts and experiences, or research that they've done in their spare time.
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Cecilia Tilli: Antimicrobial resistance: A cause that joins global health and development with longtermism and biosecurity? | Noga Aharony: Aiming toward a biosecurity career from grad school | Jennifer-Justine Kirsch: The next frontier: Lessons learned from an EA fish startup | Sid Efromovich: Introducing Generation Pledge | Michael Aird: Why we need a database of existential risk estimates | Jessica McCurdy: The case for virtual cross-university fellowships | Roy Head: Development Media International and COVID-19 | Juan Bartolomé García Martínez: Microbial protein as food for the apocalypse | Jack Lewars: Open a 'One for the World' chapter and change the world | Frankie Andersen-Wood: I'm not qualified to give this talk | James Fodor: Pitfalls of Bayesian reasoning | Chloe Dempsey: Cultivated meat: Does the Chinese consumer have an appetite?

Four podcast episodes on animal advocacy

I co-host a podcast called Hear This Idea, aiming to showcase "new thinking in philosophy, the social sciences, and effective altruism". Mostly, it's a vehicle for me and Luca to speak to inspiring or interesting EA-adjacent people, and to be a platform for ideas that aren't yet part of the 'core EA curriculum'.
In the spirit of Michael Aird's suggestion of sharing all EA-related content on the forum, I'm posting because we recently wrapped up a four episode mini-series relating to animal welfare and animal advocacy. We also wrote a longform article to go with each one. I've summarised each episode below.
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Impact of Charity Evaluations on Evaluated Charities' Effectiveness

In relevance to ongoing outreach work in EA Israel, an upcoming Charity Effectiveness Prize, and our local charity-evaluation work, I've become interested in how does the evaluation process affects charities who are under evaluation.
I can (sort of) quantify and understand the direct impact of the recommendation on the top charities. I can also (sort of) imagine the kind of impact the recommendation process has on popularizing cost-effectiveness (although I'd love to read a detailed report on the topic).
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80,000 Hours: Where's the best place to volunteer?

People often ask us where is best to volunteer.
We haven’t researched this topic very much, because volunteering doesn’t typically seem like the best way to have an impact. Here are some notes covering three reasons why we usually prefer donations or advocacy to volunteering, followed by some quick tips on how to find an effective volunteering opportunity.
The first problem is that volunteers need to be managed. If untrained volunteers use up the time of trained managers, it’s easy for them to cost the organisation more than the value they add to it. The reason many volunteering schemes persist is that volunteers are more likely to donate in the future. For instance, when FORGE cut their volunteering scheme to be more effective, they inadvertently triggered a big drop in donations.
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How to find a high-impact opportunity to volunteer

No, it's not the incentives — it's you

There are many bad incentives in science. These incentives often make it advantageous (at least in the short term) to produce misleading studies and behave in other ways things that do not serve the public interest or the advancement of human knowledge.
There are also bad incentives in many other areas of life. Much of Tal Yarkoni's article also applies to those areas. I don't endorse everything in the original post (see the links that follow), but I've selected some excerpts I think are especially versatile, useful, under-discussed, etc.
13 more paragraphs...
My notes | Excerpts | But that would be extremely naïve | A colossal moral failing, and a bad argument | Does "following the incentives" even help you? (Part 1) | Does "following the incentives" even help you? (Part 2) | Bad habits are hard to break
submitted by dspeyer to eafdigest [link] [comments]

Hemp, Inc. Settles Longstanding Lawsuit with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

HEMP (ASK @ 0.005)
This is a HUGE press release! (Thanks to cbrown146!) Grab a coffee! Lots of stuff to read! I could not put all the info because there is a 40000 caracter limit when posting. lol!
Hemp, Inc. announced that it has settled the longstanding 5-year old SEC civil case.
Hemp, Inc. and Bruce Perlowin have agreed to settle the civil suit against them without admitting or denying the SEC’s allegations. Perlowin is transitioning from CEO to Chief Visionary Consultant (CVC) and will not be managing the day-to-day tasks of the company. He will, however, remain as the true visionary Hemp, Inc. shareholders have come to admire and respect.
The Company remains committed to its longstanding goals and will be aggressively moving forward to add new blood and new ideas to the management of the company. In the first quarter 2021, Hemp, Inc. will expand its knowledge base by bringing in a new CEO and new members of its Board of Directors.

What is Hemp, Inc.? With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for :
The Company is on a mission to be a powerful engine for social change and economic revival, worldwide, by providing hemp products that are eco-friendly, sustainable and healthy. Hemp, Inc. executives believe there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan.
It has been Hemp, Inc.’s intent to continually invest in building its hemp infrastructure, especially since none existed previously. In fact, the Company has instinctively been following the same path as Amazon… reinvesting profits and operating capital back into building the infrastructure. This is a business strategy that has been proven and works well.
All the years leading up to this point were building and finishing the largest hemp infrastructure in America and now the Company is focusing 90% of its efforts on marketing and generating revenues.
The result, so far, has been almost crossing the million dollar mark in revenue in just 10 weeks!

Hemp, Inc.’s eleven divisions are as follows:

Division One – The Industrial Hemp Infrastructure
Division Two – The Hemp Farming Infrastructure
Division Three – The Hemp Extraction & Pre-Roll Blending Infrastructure
Division Four – The Hemp Educational Infrastructure
Division Five – The Hemp Marketing Infrastructure
Division Six – Accessories, Products and Services
Division Seven – Research and Development
Division Eight – Industrial Hemp Investments and Joint Ventures
Division Nine – Industrial Hemp Consulting
Division Ten – Educational Entertainment
Division Eleven – Medical and Recreational Marijuana

Division One – The Industrial Hemp Infrastructure
The Industrial Hemp Infrastructure (Division One) currently consists of two hemp processing facilities across the country, with two more under development, which will include an in-house third party testing laboratory.
The largest of the two is its multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation in Spring Hope, North Carolina. It’s the largest “industrial hemp processing center” in the western hemisphere and has grown to become one of the pre-eminent centers of the industrial hemp industry. The 85,000 square foot facility sits on 9-acres.
It is environmentally sustainable and was built from the ground up in hopes of “Making America Hemp Again.
" With a patent pending manufacturing process, the North Carolina facility is operating full time to process millions of pounds of the Company’s unique kenaf-hemp blend, to manufacture all-green natural loss circulation material (LCMs), called DrillWallTM.
The DrillWallTM is to be sold to the oil and gas drilling industry, along with an all-green natural oil spill absorbent, a second industrial kenaf-hemp product called Spill-Be-GoneTM.
"We currently have :
In addition to the company’s industrial hemp processing facility in Spring Hope, North Carolina, Hemp, Inc. also rents one of the most sophisticated local processing centers (LPC) in White City, Oregon which focuses on :
The Company’s main focus is the “King of Hemp®” pre-rolls and high CBD smokable buds… a new phenomenon of smoking hemp which has caught the marketplace by storm.
Hemp, Inc. and their associates also have 4,500 acres of land in Golden Valley, Arizona (100 miles from Las Vegas, 20 miles north of Kingman, AZ).
Out of the 4,500 acres of land, 500 acres are designated for the Veteran’s Village Kins Community (VVKC) for Arizona. Hemp, Inc. is preparing 80+ acres, of the 500 acres, for hemp cultivation. The company aims to boost the economies of these towns by offering affordable hemp processing services, which incentivizes local growers to add hemp to their crop rotation.
The company is continuing to scout new locations for local processing centers in :
Thus far, Hemp, Inc.’s Local Processing Center (LPC) in Oregon has employed over 200 employees during its 2018 harvest season and over 300 employees during its 2019 harvest season.
As of first quarter 2020, the Company has employed close to 50 employees who are:
Division One Products:
· DrillWallTM (a loss circulation material)
· Spill-Be-GoneTM (an oil spill cleanup product)
· Hemp bioplastics
As of first quarter 2020, Hemp, Inc. is fulfilling a $1 million dollar sales agreement, through its subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing (IHM), for its DrillWall™.
According to CEO, Bruce Perlowin, the Company has executed a sales agreement to sell $1 million worth of DrillWall™ over the course of one year.
IHM received its first
We expect the remaining balance from the $1,000,000 over the next few months,” said Perlowin. IHM is based in Spring Hope, North Carolina, and is the production facility for DrillWall™, along with other industrial hemp products.

Division Two – The Hemp Farming Infrastructure
The Hemp Farming Infrastructure (Division Two) consists of hundreds of acres of hemp and kenaf growing in

The progress Hemp, Inc. has made in its agricultural endeavors, over the course of four years, has been amazing. This year marks the fifth year that Hemp, Inc. has been growing hemp.
(To see Hemp, Inc.’s agricultural progress from 2016 through May, 2020, visit Bruce Perlowin’s personal Facebook page at and scroll through posts from 2016 to the present. Visit to see the videos of Hemp, Inc.’s grows in multiple locations.)
Hemp, Inc. also has two “Small Family Hemp Farm” models. The “Small Family Hemp Farm” in North Carolina is situated on 12 acres and consists of a cloning room, a greenhouse, and enough land to grow 2,000-3,000 high CBD or CBG hemp plants. (This model farm can be seen on Bruce Perlowin's Facebook page, in the Aug. 22nd - 26th, 2018 posts.)
The model shows farmers how to grow high CBD and CBG hemp plants, operate a greenhouse and turn a barn into a cloning room to earn up to $100,000+ a year.
This shows an example of how the “Small Family Hemp Farm” can be duplicated and reappear on the American landscape. After all, the original small family farms in America were able to survive economically by growing hemp as their main cash crop and the first five presidents of the United States were all hemp farmers.
A model “Small Family Hemp Farm” is located in Dolan Springs, Arizona. This “Small Family Hemp Farm” is referred to as “The Orchard” since it has a sizable organic orchard. There are 2 acres on which hemp will be grown; a cloning room; cold storage; and a greenhouse that is planned to be installed. This year mostly CBG hemp will be grown.
This year, according to Perlowin, the company is consulting on a 55-acre grow in Oregon, partnering with “Tractor Richard” for 40 acres of CBG hemp and 100 acres of kenaf in Mohave Valley, Arizona.
(See Bruce Perlowin’s Facebook page post for May 19, 2020.) The 10 – 40 acres in Golden Valley, Arizona for the Veteran Village Kins Community is based on how many people will sign up for the Hempathon (1 acre joint venture grows with Hemp, Inc.), hundreds of acres in North Carolina (a combination of hemp and kenaf), and an undetermined amount in other states.
It should be noted that the number of acreage and the amount to be grown has fluctuated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, Perlowin says collective sales from all of these grows will be extremely significant in terms of
“This year is about sales and marketing for us. Right now, I believe we have the largest footprint of bio-diverse hemp products with vertical integration in the hemp industry in America today. We are always looking for joint ventures where we have or can expand our footprint,” commented Perlowin.
Moreover, “A to Z” services for the farmers are available - from :

Division Two Products include:
· The King of Hemp® Pre-Roll Blends
· High premium CBD flower from the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon, North Carolina and Arizona
The super-premium King of Hemp® pre-rolls are in full production and use Hemp, Inc.’s A and B hemp colas. The A and B hemp colas are derived from Oregon-grown Pre-98 OG Bubba Kush, one of the top selling cultivars on the market. The strain, rich soil and climate lend themselves to these colas being among the highest quality buds, positioning them to be some of the best tasting for consumption.
Advocates say Oregon has a uniquely suited climate, politically and agriculturally, to dominate the fast-growing industry. Given that Oregon farmers have demonstrated the ability to grow world-renowned products, it makes sense that they would be able to produce some of the best hemp buds in the world.
Hemp Inc.’s grow operation in Oregon is among the best in the state and has yielded some of the highest quality hemp colas on the market. The company believes that they will hit the 20% mark of their grade A buds and the rest of the Company’s high-quality colas will be used for their new line of pre-rolls.
The King of Hemp® pre-roll line offers high-end products that are an effective and flavorful, smokable alternative to cigarettes and other hemp consumption methods. The remaining A and B colas used in the newly launched King of Hemp® pre-rolls are compliant with the 2018 Farm Bill, federal regulations, and regulations in the markets where they are available for purchase. The King of Hemp® pre-rolls can be purchased individually or in packs of 6. Each pre-roll is 1 gram and does not exceed 0.3% THC.
As of the first quarter, sales from the pre-rolls total $3,435.
The packaging (boxes) for the pre-rolls were delayed for two months due to COVID-19 but executives say everything is back on track and they have 100,000 boxes in inventory as well as 100,000 tubes for the pre-rolls in inventory. With everything back on track, pre-roll sales are expected to explode with massive revenues to be generated next quarter.
Consumers can also shop on the newly redesigned website for the King of Hemp® pre-rolls and hemp tinctures. Each pre-roll contains a smooth, nearly odorless natural hemp smoke. They are tightly rolled into a filtered cigarette rice paper for the ultimate discreet smoke. Many users have said the King of Hemp® pre-rolls present a calming experience, perfect for alleviating feelings of anxiousness and gaining mental clarity.
The King of Hemp® tinctures also hit the market with steady sales. While there was a slight interruption in sales due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sales are now back on track. The tinctures available on are fast-acting CBD oil tinctures that contain the full spectrum of hemp oil extracted from the flowers and leaves of hemp plants grown by the Company. It contains .3% or less THS so it’s federally legal nationwide.
Within the next 30 days, the Company expects to roll-out the second product in the King of Hemp® (KOH) product line “Midnight Express” in honor of Billy Hayes who made the name famous in the 1978 movie “Midnight Express” chronicling his suffering at the hands of Turkish authorities for trying to smuggle hash shish out of Turkey.
Hemp, Inc. is also hosting the Hempathon at the Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona. Contestants are growing 1 acre of hemp in a contest with other growers from around the country. Hemp, Inc. is providing
The Hempathon entry fee is $5,000 and a 50/50 revenue split. Winners of the Hempathon will share in several awards and prizes of up to $50,000.
The Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona has 6 domes and the overnight RV camping sites (see Bruce Perlowin’s Facebook page post on 5/16/20) are being set up so people can stay on the land during the Hempathon grow. Live streaming video cameras are also ready, so the world can watch the “The Great American Hempathon” in real time.
Also, as part of the Hempathon, Hemp, Inc.’s Hemp Academy (Arizona) will offer classes in one of its geodesic domes during the Hempathon, which will include hemp experts, product developers, field trips to the grow area, and more. This hands-on, interactive, educational experience is the chance of a lifetime for people to learn about this new emerging multi-billion dollar industry from hemp industry experts.
A 44-ft geodesic dome will be set up to show movies, documentaries and courses on everything from bio-dynamic farming, permaculture, organic farming practices to bees, predator pest control, soil amendments, cloning, grafting and other peripheral agricultural course materials.
“Knowledge is power and by sharing knowledge, we all grow together,” says CEO Perlowin.
Those interested in signing up for the Hempathon should contact Chris Tinney [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

Division Three – The Hemp Extraction & Pre-Roll Blending Infrastructure
The Hemp CBD Oil Extraction & Pre-Roll Blending Infrastructure (Division Three) originally consisted of a Supercritical C02 Extractor. After operating for over a year it has been determined that Hemp, Inc. will not be involved in the extraction industry and has changed its direction to focus primarily on the King of Hemp® pre-rolls and The King of Hemp® high CBD smokable flower. The CBD oil that was extracted from the 2018 hemp grows in North Carolina has been made into pure crystalline CBD isolate which was added to the Company’s “King of Hemp®” branded line of pre-rolls that are now in the marketplace across all 50 states.
In lieu of building its own extraction laboratories, Hemp, Inc. plans to utilize the facilities of other labs in the industry to manufacture its own line of CBD oil products while they continue to build and expand the infrastructure for pre-rolls and high CBD smokable buds.
The Company will hire or joint venture with other, already existing, labs to manufacture :
With 150 different cannabinoids, over 300 terpenes, and more of each being discovered almost monthly, the product range and possibilities in this area are endless.

Division Four – The Hemp Educational Infrastructure
The Hemp Educational Infrastructure (Division Four) includes Hemp, Inc.'s Hemp University which focuses on educating and empowering Hemp farmers and entrepreneurs with knowledge, processing, infrastructure and support. The educational seminars, through the Hemp University, are held periodically (as needed). These seminars teach farmers and landowners how to create a profitable income stream by maximizing the per-acre crop revenue. Through this division, Hemp, Inc. has trained well over 500 farmers in its first two years by doing a total of nine Hemp University seminars in North Carolina and Oregon, which included:
The New Leaf Symposium and Golden Grow Awards Gala - January 26, 2020 (Jacksonville, Oregon)
“The New Leaf Symposium’s” focus was “Regeneration" to celebrate optimism and resilience in the industry, the power of the plant, and faith in the hemp-producing community. The event sold out with over 180 attendees. The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly possible and the speakers were hailed as the best yet.
The educational symposium concluded with the “Golden Grow Awards Gala”. The Golden Grow Awards Gala honored Oregon's top cultivars and put Oregon’s best farmers head-to-head for some of the most prestigious hemp-industry accolades. There were four categories judged in the awards:
(See Bruce Perlowin’s personal Facebook post on 1/28/20 for a short video on this symposium.)

Division Five – The Hemp Marketing Infrastructure
While marketing is a critical facet of any business operation for increasing revenues, Hemp, Inc. believes there must be a keen focus on the infrastructure.
The demand for CBD, CBG and other hemp products is massive, some even say the demand is insatiable. In order to supply that type of volume/demand, there has to be a strong foundation or infrastructure in place.
While Hemp, Inc. continues to grow a rock solid Hemp Marketing Infrastructure, CEO Perlowin reminds us that this infrastructure has to be able to support a meteoric industry growth. The cannabidiol (CBD) market is on track to grow to $23.7 billion through 2023, according to the Brightfield Group.
The firm also estimated the smokable hemp market to be valued at $11.5 million in 2018, a growth of 250% from 2017. “This is why we consistently focused on infrastructure for so long. Since we made that a priority, we are now positioned to go into an aggressive marketing mode,” says Perlowin.
In late January, 2020 the first King of Hemp® Store had a soft launch in Kingman, Arizona.
This 5,000 square foot Wells Fargo bank building is in the heart of Old Town Kingman next to historic Route 66 and will showcase everything hemp, including the KOH pre-roll line, flower, tinctures, health and beauty products, and Hemp Blue’s hemp denim jeans ( The retrofitted, once Wells Fargo Bank building, will also retain the working vault.
The company has also recently joint-ventured with the retail store “Hemp Healthcare”, in Dolan Springs, Arizona, to sell high-end cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp-based products.
“Hemp Healthcare” is home to an array of renowned CBD and hemp products, including Hemp, Inc.’s cosmetic and wellness line that includes :
The retail storefront is conveniently located off Highway 93 in Arizona, in a highly trafficked tourist area. Specifically located on Pierce Ferry Road, “Hemp Healthcare” is next to “Dolan Station” – a location that welcomes numerous tour buses daily with visitors from around the world that stop there on trips to the Grand Canyon.
On some days, up to 40 tour buses stop at this location, filled to the brim with tourists on their way to the Sky Walk at the western realm of the Grand Canyon. The Company expects a very good return later this year. It should be noted that due to COVID-19, tour buses are not currently running but the store has become incredibly active due to COVID-19.

Division Six – Accessories, Products and Services
Division Six focuses on the sale of hemp industry accessories such as the sale of :
“What we found is that people are always looking for hundreds of items. New harvesting equipment, irrigation equipment of all kinds, soil amendments, organic soil fertilizers, organic pest control products, new extraction technologies and more,” said Perlowin. “As we expand this Division, we will strive to become the Amazon of the hemp industry.”
According to Perlowin, Hemp, Inc. is currently building out a new section of its website that will list all of the products. This information will be available on in the near future.

Division Seven – Research and Development
While Research and Development has been an integral part of Hemp, Inc. since day one, a more formal research and development project will be planned for later this year. This division will then start and expand rapidly.
The Company originally planned for Puerto Rico to be a research and development hub, but found the barrier to entrance was much too great and has therefore changed its position to focus its research and development division on states where hemp is already legal.
Hemp, Inc. is proud to have been a pioneer and leader in the early stages of the hemp industry in America with our strategy to build infrastructure even before legalization occurred in a state such as what was done in North Carolina and Arizona.
“It is now more economically advantageous to operate in a state that already has several years of legalization behind it because it makes it easier further down the road for hemp companies to thrive – just as we have done in :

Division Eight Industrial Hemp Investments and Joint Ventures
Hemp, Inc. established its eighth division (Industrial Hemp Investments and Joint Ventures). Since the passing of the 2018 hemp bill, Hemp, Inc. has been flooded with inquiries of people who want to invest in the hemp industry but don’t know where to start.
As the Avant-guard of the industrial hemp industry, Hemp, Inc. has put together numerous joint venture investment opportunities for the medium to large-scale investor. Those who are interested should email [email protected].
Millionaire investors, and in some cases billionaires and billion dollar hedge fund managers, are aggressively trying to get into the hemp industry since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill.
Our joint venture agreements are that they put up the money and we put up the expertise in a 50/50 revenue share (after all the initial investment money is paid back).
This will save the large-scale hemp investor often two years and dozens of multi-million dollar mistakes that they “WILL” often make without an expert in the hemp industry. This is where Hemp, Inc.’s vast network of experts and resources, built over a period of 10 years, in the industrial hemp industry come into play because this is something we can easily provide to those interested in entering this industry.

Division Nine Industrial Hemp Consulting
Hemp, Inc.’s Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Consulting Company (IHMMCC) was recently restructured as its ninth division and is now “Division Nine - Industrial Hemp Consulting”. With an influx of public companies wanting to expand into the industrial hemp industry, Hemp, Inc. has been inundated with potential consulting agreements.
To keep up, Hemp, Inc. revamped its consulting division to work hands-on with each company to provide its years of expertise. According to Perlowin, there is definitely a sense of a “Community of Companies” whereby a lot of companies are working together to pool their resources, marketing connections and strategies in order to grow simultaneously.
Typically, companies seeking in depth consulting services from Hemp, Inc. pay mostly in stock since cash flow is oftentimes tight during the developmental stage of start-up companies in this industry.
Through Hemp, Inc.’s Division Nine – Industrial Hemp Consulting, a wide range of services are forged from the experiences of creating the first publicly traded company in the cannabis sector (Medical Marijuana, Inc.) and having over a decade of experience in the industrial hemp industry’s public sector. Perlowin, Hemp, Inc.’s chief executive officer, also has over five decades in the industry.

Division Ten – Educational Entertainment
The Educational Entertainment division will cover everything from investing in the movie “The Adventures of the King of Pot” ( and other historical movies, books and documentaries representing our industry up to the current docuseries being made on “The Modern Day History of Hemp”. Those interested in investing in any one of these ventures should contact the division’s Project Manager, Chris Tinney, at 855-554-6834 or via email, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

Division Eleven – Medical and Recreational Marijuana
Hemp, Inc.’s newest division, Medical and Recreational Marijuana, is underway to enter the cannabis market in 2021 once marijuana is fully legalized across the country. According to Perlowin, banks and merchant account providers will be more open and accepting of marijuana companies. Right now, the banking regulations for marijuana companies are very draconian.
“I’ve known so many banks to close accounts merely because they were associated with the industry. Anyway, we don’t know if we’ll wait for full legalization yet but that decision won’t discount the building out of facilities and preparation for it. After legalization occurs and large scale marijuana grows are underway, this division will already be positioned as the ‘go-to’ consultant due to our industry expertise.”

According to Perlowin, the basic framework or overall plan of the Veteran Village Kins Communities is to create a holistic healing and learning center that is designed to educate and heal veterans with :
One thousand trees, on 36 of the 500-acres, have also been planted, with an additional 1,000 trees on order. The “Veteran Village Kins Community” will include :
“As Hemp, Inc. positions itself on the forefront of America’s industrial hemp revolution, we see our partnership with ‘Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.’ being paramount in supporting the small family farm movement that we are confident will reshape the American landscape,” said Perlowin. “As we work toward getting our eco-village up and running in Golden Valley, Arizona, we are also aggressively scouting strategic locations in other states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia.
Giving veterans and other Americans a place to learn new skills and take part in this multi-billion-dollar hemp CBD market is very exciting. It’s a big part of our mission to give back. Recently we have expanded our Kins Community concept internationally focusing on, but not limited to, Israel, New Zealand, Canada, Africa, and Australia.”
Hemp, Inc. executives are also continuing to scout new locations nationwide to open additional hemp processing centers in legal markets.
Hemp, Inc.’s stock buyback is a mechanism to dramatically reduce the outstanding shares in the open market. "Once our Stock Buy Back Plan begins, and all the legal requirements to do this are in place, it is our intention to use 10% to 50% of the revenues, at some time in the future, when all the complex legal requirements are in place.”
submitted by Xethernety to pennystocks_No_Rules [link] [comments]

Hemp, Inc. Settles Longstanding Lawsuit with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

HEMP (ASK @ 0.005)
This is a HUGE press release! (Thanks to cbrown146!) Grab a coffee! Lots of stuff to read! I could not put all the info because there is a 40000 caracter limit when posting. lol!
Hemp, Inc. announced that it has settled the longstanding 5-year old SEC civil case.
Hemp, Inc. and Bruce Perlowin have agreed to settle the civil suit against them without admitting or denying the SEC’s allegations. Perlowin is transitioning from CEO to Chief Visionary Consultant (CVC) and will not be managing the day-to-day tasks of the company. He will, however, remain as the true visionary Hemp, Inc. shareholders have come to admire and respect.
The Company remains committed to its longstanding goals and will be aggressively moving forward to add new blood and new ideas to the management of the company. In the first quarter 2021, Hemp, Inc. will expand its knowledge base by bringing in a new CEO and new members of its Board of Directors.

What is Hemp, Inc.? With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for :
The Company is on a mission to be a powerful engine for social change and economic revival, worldwide, by providing hemp products that are eco-friendly, sustainable and healthy. Hemp, Inc. executives believe there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan.
It has been Hemp, Inc.’s intent to continually invest in building its hemp infrastructure, especially since none existed previously. In fact, the Company has instinctively been following the same path as Amazon… reinvesting profits and operating capital back into building the infrastructure. This is a business strategy that has been proven and works well.
All the years leading up to this point were building and finishing the largest hemp infrastructure in America and now the Company is focusing 90% of its efforts on marketing and generating revenues.
The result, so far, has been almost crossing the million dollar mark in revenue in just 10 weeks!

Hemp, Inc.’s eleven divisions are as follows:

Division One – The Industrial Hemp Infrastructure
Division Two – The Hemp Farming Infrastructure
Division Three – The Hemp Extraction & Pre-Roll Blending Infrastructure
Division Four – The Hemp Educational Infrastructure
Division Five – The Hemp Marketing Infrastructure
Division Six – Accessories, Products and Services
Division Seven – Research and Development
Division Eight – Industrial Hemp Investments and Joint Ventures
Division Nine – Industrial Hemp Consulting
Division Ten – Educational Entertainment
Division Eleven – Medical and Recreational Marijuana

Division One – The Industrial Hemp Infrastructure
The Industrial Hemp Infrastructure (Division One) currently consists of two hemp processing facilities across the country, with two more under development, which will include an in-house third party testing laboratory.
The largest of the two is its multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation in Spring Hope, North Carolina. It’s the largest “industrial hemp processing center” in the western hemisphere and has grown to become one of the pre-eminent centers of the industrial hemp industry. The 85,000 square foot facility sits on 9-acres.
It is environmentally sustainable and was built from the ground up in hopes of “Making America Hemp Again.
" With a patent pending manufacturing process, the North Carolina facility is operating full time to process millions of pounds of the Company’s unique kenaf-hemp blend, to manufacture all-green natural loss circulation material (LCMs), called DrillWallTM.
The DrillWallTM is to be sold to the oil and gas drilling industry, along with an all-green natural oil spill absorbent, a second industrial kenaf-hemp product called Spill-Be-GoneTM.
"We currently have :
In addition to the company’s industrial hemp processing facility in Spring Hope, North Carolina, Hemp, Inc. also rents one of the most sophisticated local processing centers (LPC) in White City, Oregon which focuses on :
The Company’s main focus is the “King of Hemp®” pre-rolls and high CBD smokable buds… a new phenomenon of smoking hemp which has caught the marketplace by storm.
Hemp, Inc. and their associates also have 4,500 acres of land in Golden Valley, Arizona (100 miles from Las Vegas, 20 miles north of Kingman, AZ).
Out of the 4,500 acres of land, 500 acres are designated for the Veteran’s Village Kins Community (VVKC) for Arizona. Hemp, Inc. is preparing 80+ acres, of the 500 acres, for hemp cultivation. The company aims to boost the economies of these towns by offering affordable hemp processing services, which incentivizes local growers to add hemp to their crop rotation.
The company is continuing to scout new locations for local processing centers in :
Thus far, Hemp, Inc.’s Local Processing Center (LPC) in Oregon has employed over 200 employees during its 2018 harvest season and over 300 employees during its 2019 harvest season.
As of first quarter 2020, the Company has employed close to 50 employees who are:
Division One Products:
· DrillWallTM (a loss circulation material)
· Spill-Be-GoneTM (an oil spill cleanup product)
· Hemp bioplastics
As of first quarter 2020, Hemp, Inc. is fulfilling a $1 million dollar sales agreement, through its subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing (IHM), for its DrillWall™.
According to CEO, Bruce Perlowin, the Company has executed a sales agreement to sell $1 million worth of DrillWall™ over the course of one year.
IHM received its first
We expect the remaining balance from the $1,000,000 over the next few months,” said Perlowin. IHM is based in Spring Hope, North Carolina, and is the production facility for DrillWall™, along with other industrial hemp products.

Division Two – The Hemp Farming Infrastructure
The Hemp Farming Infrastructure (Division Two) consists of hundreds of acres of hemp and kenaf growing in

The progress Hemp, Inc. has made in its agricultural endeavors, over the course of four years, has been amazing. This year marks the fifth year that Hemp, Inc. has been growing hemp.
(To see Hemp, Inc.’s agricultural progress from 2016 through May, 2020, visit Bruce Perlowin’s personal Facebook page at and scroll through posts from 2016 to the present. Visit to see the videos of Hemp, Inc.’s grows in multiple locations.)
Hemp, Inc. also has two “Small Family Hemp Farm” models. The “Small Family Hemp Farm” in North Carolina is situated on 12 acres and consists of a cloning room, a greenhouse, and enough land to grow 2,000-3,000 high CBD or CBG hemp plants. (This model farm can be seen on Bruce Perlowin's Facebook page, in the Aug. 22nd - 26th, 2018 posts.)
The model shows farmers how to grow high CBD and CBG hemp plants, operate a greenhouse and turn a barn into a cloning room to earn up to $100,000+ a year.
This shows an example of how the “Small Family Hemp Farm” can be duplicated and reappear on the American landscape. After all, the original small family farms in America were able to survive economically by growing hemp as their main cash crop and the first five presidents of the United States were all hemp farmers.
A model “Small Family Hemp Farm” is located in Dolan Springs, Arizona. This “Small Family Hemp Farm” is referred to as “The Orchard” since it has a sizable organic orchard. There are 2 acres on which hemp will be grown; a cloning room; cold storage; and a greenhouse that is planned to be installed. This year mostly CBG hemp will be grown.
This year, according to Perlowin, the company is consulting on a 55-acre grow in Oregon, partnering with “Tractor Richard” for 40 acres of CBG hemp and 100 acres of kenaf in Mohave Valley, Arizona.
(See Bruce Perlowin’s Facebook page post for May 19, 2020.) The 10 – 40 acres in Golden Valley, Arizona for the Veteran Village Kins Community is based on how many people will sign up for the Hempathon (1 acre joint venture grows with Hemp, Inc.), hundreds of acres in North Carolina (a combination of hemp and kenaf), and an undetermined amount in other states.
It should be noted that the number of acreage and the amount to be grown has fluctuated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, Perlowin says collective sales from all of these grows will be extremely significant in terms of
“This year is about sales and marketing for us. Right now, I believe we have the largest footprint of bio-diverse hemp products with vertical integration in the hemp industry in America today. We are always looking for joint ventures where we have or can expand our footprint,” commented Perlowin.
Moreover, “A to Z” services for the farmers are available - from :

Division Two Products include:
· The King of Hemp® Pre-Roll Blends
· High premium CBD flower from the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon, North Carolina and Arizona
The super-premium King of Hemp® pre-rolls are in full production and use Hemp, Inc.’s A and B hemp colas. The A and B hemp colas are derived from Oregon-grown Pre-98 OG Bubba Kush, one of the top selling cultivars on the market. The strain, rich soil and climate lend themselves to these colas being among the highest quality buds, positioning them to be some of the best tasting for consumption.
Advocates say Oregon has a uniquely suited climate, politically and agriculturally, to dominate the fast-growing industry. Given that Oregon farmers have demonstrated the ability to grow world-renowned products, it makes sense that they would be able to produce some of the best hemp buds in the world.
Hemp Inc.’s grow operation in Oregon is among the best in the state and has yielded some of the highest quality hemp colas on the market. The company believes that they will hit the 20% mark of their grade A buds and the rest of the Company’s high-quality colas will be used for their new line of pre-rolls.
The King of Hemp® pre-roll line offers high-end products that are an effective and flavorful, smokable alternative to cigarettes and other hemp consumption methods. The remaining A and B colas used in the newly launched King of Hemp® pre-rolls are compliant with the 2018 Farm Bill, federal regulations, and regulations in the markets where they are available for purchase. The King of Hemp® pre-rolls can be purchased individually or in packs of 6. Each pre-roll is 1 gram and does not exceed 0.3% THC.
As of the first quarter, sales from the pre-rolls total $3,435.
The packaging (boxes) for the pre-rolls were delayed for two months due to COVID-19 but executives say everything is back on track and they have 100,000 boxes in inventory as well as 100,000 tubes for the pre-rolls in inventory. With everything back on track, pre-roll sales are expected to explode with massive revenues to be generated next quarter.
Consumers can also shop on the newly redesigned website for the King of Hemp® pre-rolls and hemp tinctures. Each pre-roll contains a smooth, nearly odorless natural hemp smoke. They are tightly rolled into a filtered cigarette rice paper for the ultimate discreet smoke. Many users have said the King of Hemp® pre-rolls present a calming experience, perfect for alleviating feelings of anxiousness and gaining mental clarity.
The King of Hemp® tinctures also hit the market with steady sales. While there was a slight interruption in sales due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sales are now back on track. The tinctures available on are fast-acting CBD oil tinctures that contain the full spectrum of hemp oil extracted from the flowers and leaves of hemp plants grown by the Company. It contains .3% or less THS so it’s federally legal nationwide.
Within the next 30 days, the Company expects to roll-out the second product in the King of Hemp® (KOH) product line “Midnight Express” in honor of Billy Hayes who made the name famous in the 1978 movie “Midnight Express” chronicling his suffering at the hands of Turkish authorities for trying to smuggle hash shish out of Turkey.
Hemp, Inc. is also hosting the Hempathon at the Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona. Contestants are growing 1 acre of hemp in a contest with other growers from around the country. Hemp, Inc. is providing
The Hempathon entry fee is $5,000 and a 50/50 revenue split. Winners of the Hempathon will share in several awards and prizes of up to $50,000.
The Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona has 6 domes and the overnight RV camping sites (see Bruce Perlowin’s Facebook page post on 5/16/20) are being set up so people can stay on the land during the Hempathon grow. Live streaming video cameras are also ready, so the world can watch the “The Great American Hempathon” in real time.
Also, as part of the Hempathon, Hemp, Inc.’s Hemp Academy (Arizona) will offer classes in one of its geodesic domes during the Hempathon, which will include hemp experts, product developers, field trips to the grow area, and more. This hands-on, interactive, educational experience is the chance of a lifetime for people to learn about this new emerging multi-billion dollar industry from hemp industry experts.
A 44-ft geodesic dome will be set up to show movies, documentaries and courses on everything from bio-dynamic farming, permaculture, organic farming practices to bees, predator pest control, soil amendments, cloning, grafting and other peripheral agricultural course materials.
“Knowledge is power and by sharing knowledge, we all grow together,” says CEO Perlowin.
Those interested in signing up for the Hempathon should contact Chris Tinney [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

Division Three – The Hemp Extraction & Pre-Roll Blending Infrastructure
The Hemp CBD Oil Extraction & Pre-Roll Blending Infrastructure (Division Three) originally consisted of a Supercritical C02 Extractor. After operating for over a year it has been determined that Hemp, Inc. will not be involved in the extraction industry and has changed its direction to focus primarily on the King of Hemp® pre-rolls and The King of Hemp® high CBD smokable flower. The CBD oil that was extracted from the 2018 hemp grows in North Carolina has been made into pure crystalline CBD isolate which was added to the Company’s “King of Hemp®” branded line of pre-rolls that are now in the marketplace across all 50 states.
In lieu of building its own extraction laboratories, Hemp, Inc. plans to utilize the facilities of other labs in the industry to manufacture its own line of CBD oil products while they continue to build and expand the infrastructure for pre-rolls and high CBD smokable buds.
The Company will hire or joint venture with other, already existing, labs to manufacture :
With 150 different cannabinoids, over 300 terpenes, and more of each being discovered almost monthly, the product range and possibilities in this area are endless.

Division Four – The Hemp Educational Infrastructure
The Hemp Educational Infrastructure (Division Four) includes Hemp, Inc.'s Hemp University which focuses on educating and empowering Hemp farmers and entrepreneurs with knowledge, processing, infrastructure and support. The educational seminars, through the Hemp University, are held periodically (as needed). These seminars teach farmers and landowners how to create a profitable income stream by maximizing the per-acre crop revenue. Through this division, Hemp, Inc. has trained well over 500 farmers in its first two years by doing a total of nine Hemp University seminars in North Carolina and Oregon, which included:
The New Leaf Symposium and Golden Grow Awards Gala - January 26, 2020 (Jacksonville, Oregon)
“The New Leaf Symposium’s” focus was “Regeneration" to celebrate optimism and resilience in the industry, the power of the plant, and faith in the hemp-producing community. The event sold out with over 180 attendees. The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly possible and the speakers were hailed as the best yet.
The educational symposium concluded with the “Golden Grow Awards Gala”. The Golden Grow Awards Gala honored Oregon's top cultivars and put Oregon’s best farmers head-to-head for some of the most prestigious hemp-industry accolades. There were four categories judged in the awards:
(See Bruce Perlowin’s personal Facebook post on 1/28/20 for a short video on this symposium.)

Division Five – The Hemp Marketing Infrastructure
While marketing is a critical facet of any business operation for increasing revenues, Hemp, Inc. believes there must be a keen focus on the infrastructure.
The demand for CBD, CBG and other hemp products is massive, some even say the demand is insatiable. In order to supply that type of volume/demand, there has to be a strong foundation or infrastructure in place.
While Hemp, Inc. continues to grow a rock solid Hemp Marketing Infrastructure, CEO Perlowin reminds us that this infrastructure has to be able to support a meteoric industry growth. The cannabidiol (CBD) market is on track to grow to $23.7 billion through 2023, according to the Brightfield Group.
The firm also estimated the smokable hemp market to be valued at $11.5 million in 2018, a growth of 250% from 2017. “This is why we consistently focused on infrastructure for so long. Since we made that a priority, we are now positioned to go into an aggressive marketing mode,” says Perlowin.
In late January, 2020 the first King of Hemp® Store had a soft launch in Kingman, Arizona.
This 5,000 square foot Wells Fargo bank building is in the heart of Old Town Kingman next to historic Route 66 and will showcase everything hemp, including the KOH pre-roll line, flower, tinctures, health and beauty products, and Hemp Blue’s hemp denim jeans ( The retrofitted, once Wells Fargo Bank building, will also retain the working vault.
The company has also recently joint-ventured with the retail store “Hemp Healthcare”, in Dolan Springs, Arizona, to sell high-end cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp-based products.
“Hemp Healthcare” is home to an array of renowned CBD and hemp products, including Hemp, Inc.’s cosmetic and wellness line that includes :
The retail storefront is conveniently located off Highway 93 in Arizona, in a highly trafficked tourist area. Specifically located on Pierce Ferry Road, “Hemp Healthcare” is next to “Dolan Station” – a location that welcomes numerous tour buses daily with visitors from around the world that stop there on trips to the Grand Canyon.
On some days, up to 40 tour buses stop at this location, filled to the brim with tourists on their way to the Sky Walk at the western realm of the Grand Canyon. The Company expects a very good return later this year. It should be noted that due to COVID-19, tour buses are not currently running but the store has become incredibly active due to COVID-19.

Division Six – Accessories, Products and Services
Division Six focuses on the sale of hemp industry accessories such as the sale of :
“What we found is that people are always looking for hundreds of items. New harvesting equipment, irrigation equipment of all kinds, soil amendments, organic soil fertilizers, organic pest control products, new extraction technologies and more,” said Perlowin. “As we expand this Division, we will strive to become the Amazon of the hemp industry.”
According to Perlowin, Hemp, Inc. is currently building out a new section of its website that will list all of the products. This information will be available on in the near future.

Division Seven – Research and Development
While Research and Development has been an integral part of Hemp, Inc. since day one, a more formal research and development project will be planned for later this year. This division will then start and expand rapidly.
The Company originally planned for Puerto Rico to be a research and development hub, but found the barrier to entrance was much too great and has therefore changed its position to focus its research and development division on states where hemp is already legal.
Hemp, Inc. is proud to have been a pioneer and leader in the early stages of the hemp industry in America with our strategy to build infrastructure even before legalization occurred in a state such as what was done in North Carolina and Arizona.
“It is now more economically advantageous to operate in a state that already has several years of legalization behind it because it makes it easier further down the road for hemp companies to thrive – just as we have done in :

Division Eight Industrial Hemp Investments and Joint Ventures
Hemp, Inc. established its eighth division (Industrial Hemp Investments and Joint Ventures). Since the passing of the 2018 hemp bill, Hemp, Inc. has been flooded with inquiries of people who want to invest in the hemp industry but don’t know where to start.
As the Avant-guard of the industrial hemp industry, Hemp, Inc. has put together numerous joint venture investment opportunities for the medium to large-scale investor. Those who are interested should email [email protected].
Millionaire investors, and in some cases billionaires and billion dollar hedge fund managers, are aggressively trying to get into the hemp industry since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill.
Our joint venture agreements are that they put up the money and we put up the expertise in a 50/50 revenue share (after all the initial investment money is paid back).
This will save the large-scale hemp investor often two years and dozens of multi-million dollar mistakes that they “WILL” often make without an expert in the hemp industry. This is where Hemp, Inc.’s vast network of experts and resources, built over a period of 10 years, in the industrial hemp industry come into play because this is something we can easily provide to those interested in entering this industry.

Division Nine Industrial Hemp Consulting
Hemp, Inc.’s Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Consulting Company (IHMMCC) was recently restructured as its ninth division and is now “Division Nine - Industrial Hemp Consulting”. With an influx of public companies wanting to expand into the industrial hemp industry, Hemp, Inc. has been inundated with potential consulting agreements.
To keep up, Hemp, Inc. revamped its consulting division to work hands-on with each company to provide its years of expertise. According to Perlowin, there is definitely a sense of a “Community of Companies” whereby a lot of companies are working together to pool their resources, marketing connections and strategies in order to grow simultaneously.
Typically, companies seeking in depth consulting services from Hemp, Inc. pay mostly in stock since cash flow is oftentimes tight during the developmental stage of start-up companies in this industry.
Through Hemp, Inc.’s Division Nine – Industrial Hemp Consulting, a wide range of services are forged from the experiences of creating the first publicly traded company in the cannabis sector (Medical Marijuana, Inc.) and having over a decade of experience in the industrial hemp industry’s public sector. Perlowin, Hemp, Inc.’s chief executive officer, also has over five decades in the industry.

Division Ten – Educational Entertainment
The Educational Entertainment division will cover everything from investing in the movie “The Adventures of the King of Pot” ( and other historical movies, books and documentaries representing our industry up to the current docuseries being made on “The Modern Day History of Hemp”. Those interested in investing in any one of these ventures should contact the division’s Project Manager, Chris Tinney, at 855-554-6834 or via email, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

Division Eleven – Medical and Recreational Marijuana
Hemp, Inc.’s newest division, Medical and Recreational Marijuana, is underway to enter the cannabis market in 2021 once marijuana is fully legalized across the country. According to Perlowin, banks and merchant account providers will be more open and accepting of marijuana companies. Right now, the banking regulations for marijuana companies are very draconian.
“I’ve known so many banks to close accounts merely because they were associated with the industry. Anyway, we don’t know if we’ll wait for full legalization yet but that decision won’t discount the building out of facilities and preparation for it. After legalization occurs and large scale marijuana grows are underway, this division will already be positioned as the ‘go-to’ consultant due to our industry expertise.”

According to Perlowin, the basic framework or overall plan of the Veteran Village Kins Communities is to create a holistic healing and learning center that is designed to educate and heal veterans with :
One thousand trees, on 36 of the 500-acres, have also been planted, with an additional 1,000 trees on order. The “Veteran Village Kins Community” will include :
“As Hemp, Inc. positions itself on the forefront of America’s industrial hemp revolution, we see our partnership with ‘Veteran Village Kins Community Arizona, Inc.’ being paramount in supporting the small family farm movement that we are confident will reshape the American landscape,” said Perlowin. “As we work toward getting our eco-village up and running in Golden Valley, Arizona, we are also aggressively scouting strategic locations in other states including North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia.
Giving veterans and other Americans a place to learn new skills and take part in this multi-billion-dollar hemp CBD market is very exciting. It’s a big part of our mission to give back. Recently we have expanded our Kins Community concept internationally focusing on, but not limited to, Israel, New Zealand, Canada, Africa, and Australia.”
Hemp, Inc. executives are also continuing to scout new locations nationwide to open additional hemp processing centers in legal markets.
Hemp, Inc.’s stock buyback is a mechanism to dramatically reduce the outstanding shares in the open market. "Once our Stock Buy Back Plan begins, and all the legal requirements to do this are in place, it is our intention to use 10% to 50% of the revenues, at some time in the future, when all the complex legal requirements are in place.”
submitted by Xethernety to Penny_Stock_USA [link] [comments]

NO LAWN LEFT BEHIND! Get free Bernie lawn signs, give Bernie lawn signs, SPREAD THE BERN!


Project Overview

The goal of this project is to get as many Bernie signs onto as many lawns, yards, and windowsills around the country as we can manage for FREE with your help! There are people in "red" states who feel the Bern but are afraid to speak up because they think they're alone in their communities. A Bernie sign in your lawn could be the push they need to get out and organize for Bernie. We're looking for help DISPLAYING, DISTRIBUTING and DONATING Bernie signs! So whether you're here for your free sign or you'd like to help out, find the section most relevant to you below!
We also have a channel on the SFP Discord! #volunteer-yard-signs

How to Get and DISPLAY Your FREE Bernie Lawn Sign

Have a lawn? Want to dress it up with a free, sexy Bernie lawn sign? There are two ways to get started!
Option 1
  1. Visit your nearest Bernie Campaign Office and request a lawn sign.
Option 2:
  1. Look at the "Where to Get Your Sign" section below and find a city near you (they're in alphabetical order). Click on the distributor's name to navigate to their profile.
  2. Send them a chat request using the "CHAT" button or an inbox message by clicking "More Options" "Send Message" letting them know that you're in need of a Bernie sign.
  3. Work with the distributor to arrange the Date, Time, Place, and Method by which the sign will be transferred into your possession.
  4. If there are no distributors near you, consider volunteering to to distribute for your area!
  5. Once you've obtained your Bernie lawn sign, be sure to take a picture of it installed in your yard and post it here on /SandersForPresident to reap the sweet, sweet karma!

How to DISTRIBUTE Bernie Lawn Signs

Want to volunteer to distribute Bernie signs in your area?
[Step 1]
Tell Infinite_Derp you want to volunteer! There are two ways to do this:
  1. Click on his name above to navigate to his profile, then click the "CHAT" button to send a chat request, or send him an inbox message by clicking "More Options" "Send Message"
  2. Alternatively, just make a top-level reply to this post!
Be sure to provide the following information:
[Step 2]
You will be added to the list of sign distributors below. Congratulations! You are now a volunteer distributor.
Here are the responsibilities and expectations for a volunteer sign distributor:
[Getting Your Signs]
There are two ways to get signs for distribution:
  1. Reach out to one of donors from the "Sign Donors" table below. If you are reaching out to multiple donors, be sure to let them know you've done this so they can prioritize sign deliveries accordingly.
  2. Some of our gracious donors have not opted to have their names displayed on the Sign Donors table below, and they may reach out to you via direct message or chat request.
Once you are in touch with a sign donor, work with them to coordinate the delivery of your Bernie signs.
They'll need:
When your signs arrive, be sure to send a direct message to Infinite_Derp documenting how many signs (or other materials) you received of each type (e.x. lawn sign or rally sign). This information will be used to keep the sign availability chart up-to-date.
[Taking Reservations and Distributing Signs to Redditors]
Redditors will reach out to you via direct message or reddit messenger to request signs.
[Distributing Signs Beyond S4P]
It may be the case that there aren't a lot of requests by S4P members for signs in a particular area. In such situations, it's important to find a home for your extra Bernie signs so that they can be put to good use. Here are some good ideas
As you give away signs, be sure to check in with Infinite_Derp to let him know what the situation is and your updated sign counts.
Note: Volunteers currently outpace sign donors. Please consider ordering signs for one of our volunteers to help spread the Bern around this great nation!

How to DONATE Bernie Lawn Signs

Generous individuals willing to donate signs to fellow Berners are the lifeblood of our program. If you are interested in being a donor, here's how to get started!
[Step 1]
Tell Infinite_Derp you want to volunteer! There are two ways to do this:
  1. Click on his name above to navigate to his profile, then click the "CHAT" button to send a chat request, or send him an inbox message by clicking "More Options" "Send Message"
  2. Alternatively, just make a top-level reply to this post!
Be sure to provide the following information:
[Step 2]
Find a volunteer distributor on the "Where to get your signs" table and send them a direct message explaining your interest in sending them signs. Work with the distributor to accomplish the following:
Once the signs have been purchased, be sure to contact Infinite_Derp and let him know who you're donating signs to and how many you're sending. This information will be used to update the sign availability chart. Also be sure to let distributors know when their signs have shipped so they can be prepared to receive them.
[NOTE: Shipping fees for lawn signs have gone through the roof. We have reached out to the Campaign store in the hopes of addressing the issue.]
Sign Pricing Info (Lawn Signs $3/ea.) (Rally Signs $1/ea.)
Sign Quantity Shipping Cost
1 Lawn Sign ~$5.20
2-26 2-13 Lawn Signs ~$9.90
100 Rally Signs or 26 13 Lawn Signs + 2 Rally Signs ~$9.90
27 13+ Lawn Signs ~ $33.33
101+ Rally Signs or 26 13 Lawn Signs+ 3 Rally Signs ~ $33.33

Where to Get Your Sign

Option 1: Visit your nearest Bernie Campaign Office
Option 2: Contact a distributor below.
Distributor Location Estimated Quantity Notes Donor Shoutouts
Bretters17 AK - Anchorage 10 Lawn Signs / 10 Rally Signs Order Placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! Thank you Bretters17 for sharing your signs!
5318008250714638 AK - Juneau 35 Rally Signs / 10 Yard Signs / 3 Large Organizing Packs RALLY SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! / Yard signs awaiting delivery. Reserve yours today! Thank you 5318008250714638 for sharing your signs!
cakeandeatitoo_ AL - Huntsville 26 Order placed, awaiting delivery Thank you kg1982 and giantsandbears/ for your donations of 13 signs!
Ignisleo AZ - Bullhead City 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
QuinoaKony CA - Descanso (Near San Diego) 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
SocksElGato CA - Monte 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
Choppedndscrewed CA - Riverside 10 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign now!
ksom44 CA - SF Bay 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
urdadsM18TRE88 CO - Boulder County 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
heimsins_konungr CO - Colorado Springs 13 Lawn Signs 2 Rally signs Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign now!
DubSanity CO - Denver [ ! ] Lawn Signs / Rally Signs Wants to know how many lawn signs / rally signs to order! Locals, PM with your RSVP
fuzzylojiq FL - Gainesville 0/26 Temporarily out of signs. Reserve your sign today!
paulderev FL - Tallahassee 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
ReSpekMyAuthoriitaaa GA - Atlanta 5 Lawn Signs / 5 Rally Signs Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign now!
The_Write_Girl_4_U IA - Hampton 13 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign now!
wakaflockarusa IA - Cedar Rapids 32 Ready to distribute your sign donations! Thank you Java1959 for your donation of 13 signs! / Thank you kg1982 for your donation of 13 signs! / Thank you bronzewtf for your donation of 6 signs!
catpooptv ID - Boise 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
djtomhanks IL - Chicago 10 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM!
allegedly_harmless IL - Chicago [ ! ] Taking RSVPs for signs! Reserve yours today! / Can distribute to North Shore
LadyDiaphanous KY - Paris 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations! / (Near Lexington)
Stevenjay2828 ME - York County 14 Lawn Signs 3 Rally Signs ALL SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! / "I'll have 13 lawn signs and a few rally signs for anyone in the southern Maine area or from Portsmouth to Seabrook NH, down to the 95 Mass border. :) Would prefer NH folks, but am glad to give to anyone that will proudly display it!"
joshp23 MI - Detroit 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
traviskellum MI - Kalamazoo 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
j5txyz MN - Minneapolis 26 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM!
chevybow MO - Kansas City 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations! / Looking for Lawn Signs + Rally Signs / Can distribute to Kansas City MO, Independence MO, Lawrence KS, Leavenworth KS, Overland Park KS, etc
deus_mortuus_est MS - Jackson 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
acoustic4meplz88 NC - Cary 6 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! Thank you acoustic4meplz88 for sharing your signs!
bronzewtf NC - Research Triangle 91 Signs, 0/248 Rally Signs ALL SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM!/ Can distribute in Triangle, NC (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill). Also can distribute to the local colleges UNC, Duke, NCSU etc. Thank you Java1959 for your massive donation of 91 lawn signs! / Thank you bronzewtf for purchasing a massive batch of 158 rally signs to share!
jspatte83 NH - Hillsborough / Nashua 13 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! / Can distribute between Concord and Nashua.
abbyrhodes14 NH - Milford 24 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! / "I can help distribute from Milford, NH to Keene, NH and nearly any NH/MA border town " Thank you kg1982 and allegedly_harmless for your donations of 13 signs!
Stevenjay2828 NH - Seacoast 14 Lawn Signs 3 Rally Signs ALL SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! / Can distibute from southern Maine area or from Portsmouth NH down to Seabrook and the 95 Mass border.
jhw549 NJ / NY Northern Metro Area 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
GromflomiteAssassin NV - Reno/Carson 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
staycrunchy ** NY - New York City 30 Rally Signs (10 Navy, 10 White, 5 Light Blue, 5 Pride) Order shipped! Reserve your rally sign now! / [Has requested rally signs for windows due to a shortage of lawns in the area!] Thank you kg1982 for your generous donation!
sweaterpillows NY - Syracuse 30 Order Placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign!
Dblcut3 OH - Akron / Youngstown 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
DowNxxxFaLL OH - Bowling Green 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
derekleighstark OH - Greenville 20 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM!
Guilloutinegirl OH - Kent 26 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! / Can distribute to Kent city & uni. Thank you Java1959 for your donation of 26 signs!
gay_infj OH - Kent 0 Rally Signs Has requested rally signs for their university Bernie group.
bronzewtf OR - Grants Pass 26 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! Thank you bronzewtf for donating 26 rally signs to OR Bernie groups!
BinanoSplat OR - Portland 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
snyder8359 PA - Hanover 10 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign!
pixiedreamsquirrell SC - Beaufort County 13 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! Thank you Java1959 for your donation of 13 signs!
salinger007 SC - Spartanburg 13 Ready to distribute your sign donations! Thank you Java1959 for your donation of 13 signs!
FridaysMom VA - Portsmouth 10 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! / Distributing to Portsmouth, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton. Thank you /uFridaysMom for sharing your signs!
BERNIEisLOVE2020 VA - Reston 13 LAWN SIGNS ARE HOT N' FRESH, COME GIT 'EM! Thank you kg1982 for your donation of 13 signs!
ChadRiden TN - Nashville 13 Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! Thank you kg1982 for your donation!
deserat TN - Morristown 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
Theromero6 TX - San Antonio 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
bronzewtf WA - Auburn 18 Yard Signs / 30 Rally Signs Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! Thank you bronzewtf for your donation!
crowber WA - Bellevue 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations! / Giving away rally signs and bumper stickers. Request yours today!
deltadawn6 WA - Centralia 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
9MileSkid WA - Tacoma 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
GrantMcF18 WA - Tri-cities area 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations!
aryucrazier WI - Dane County 0 Ready to distribute your sign donations! / PICKUP REQUIRED (No Car)
wJake1 WI - Waupaca County 13 Lawn Signs / 2 Rally Signs Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign! / Sign Donation needed / No car (pickup required)
AssicusCatticus WV - Parkersburg 10 Lawn Signs / 23 Rally Signs Order placed, awaiting delivery. Reserve your sign!
Volunteers - Please message Infinite_Derp when you have updates for sign availability!

Sign Donors - Volunteers, contact for signs to distribute in your area!

Donor # Of Signs In Budget Notes / Conditions
bronzewtf ~ Super-donor! Ready to donate!
allegedly_harmless ~ Ready to donate!
FridaysMom ~ Ready to donate!
Java1959 ~ DONOR MVP! Ready to donate!
giantsandbears 26 Ready to donate to Iowa and New Hampshire distributors!
kg1982 ~~ Communicating with volunteers!
master_of-my_domain 20 Ready to donate!
Don't see your city? — Volunteer to distribute lawn signs in your area by replying to this thread with your city!
Want to help spread the Bern? Contact one of our volunteer distributors above to coordinate a donation of Bernie lawn signs to be shipped to their address!
Also, complement your shiny new lawn sign with Bernie flyers on every issue!
Looking for other Bernie-related resources? Here's a map of Bernie Campaign Offices!

Already got your sign?

Take a picture and share it with the sub and on twitter!
Let's work together to ensure that no lawn in America goes without a Bernie sign!

Updated 11 AM PST 12/13


submitted by Infinite_Derp to SandersForPresident [link] [comments]

Sue Twitter for promoting and performing rape, violence, violence against women, violence against the disabled

My name is Kirstin Gayle McGavock-Bertrand Murray. For years I have been getting blamed and suspended for stupid fucking shit. I delete what goes against the rules. I have an impulse disorder from a traumatic brain injury I got in an accident in 2004. I was on my way to swearing into the marines and was in a military vehicle with an on-duty soldier who was taking me and another to Boston to get sworn in when he crashed the car right before exit 8 for airport rd on rt 24 north.
I had to sue the military because I was in the back seat of the car sleeping and the injuries were very bad. I had subarachnoid hemorrhage as well as the grey protective film/skin that surrounds your brain got separated from mine. My brain also hit the front and back walls of my skull. The front hard enough to leave damage on the frontal lobe of the brain as well. They had to release the pressure and "suck out" the extra fluid so they used a temporary shunt like thing. The needle from that killed the left lateral nerve in my eye so I have 6th nerve palsy as well in my left eye.
I was raped by a james michael weeks jr twice. Statutory rape because I gave in, but still rape and statutory because of the brain injury. I had thought at first he was a Michael Keane I knew in high school and middle school. I was wrong. I got raped and the 2nd time it was bad enough to where I couldnt leave the bed for 3 days. I said on, not in, and I clenched. He looks like a combo between Connor Saleema from the Cheshire County(NH) Dunkin Donuts (mostly keene and surry) as well as Jim Brid-watever in NASA. I lost a lot of memories that came back later when I stopped taking the drugs and switched to natural medications and vitamins instead.
I binge drank for a while but I don't drink anymore. I may one day just to get it off my bucket list try absinthe but other than that I would rather cook and use alcohol in food rather than drink it. I never shot up and the only time my veins ever had issues from something like that was when I was in the coma and they were taking so much blood my veins collapsed twice. My only injections have been birth control and vaccines.
I again have an impulse disorder and am extremely fucking angry at what's going on and if you're one to make the situation worse you should die. I know that's hypocritical kind of but I don't flip out for no reason. I am actually a very cool, calm, and collected person. I flip out a lot vocally but I always try to make it up as best as I can given the situation I'm in which hasnt been helped at all by all this shit.
Black Lives Matter is racist and defeats the purpose of fighting racism, because even though I know black isnt a race, some people consider black a race. All Lives Matter and Africans have not been abused longer than everyone else IN FACT, blacks are newer to this world than the lighters. Complicated: but they're finding giant skeletons, so humans maybe were around with the dinosaurs but used to be a lot bigger and when pangaea split up, that's when the color difference started to appear because of evolution and the amount of sunlight. Theory, but so is it all because we cant go back and see if we were right. "They" dont even get abused worse than anyone else. The only one out of all of these riots that was even close to worth it was the one with the 2 fat white guys that chased down the black guy who stole from them. George was a drug addict and was high at the time. The chokehold is with your arms and that still the officer was obviously grabbing something out of his pocket, Involuntary Manslaughter, not murder. Breeona was shot because her boyfriend fired the first shot and the officers, who had a no-knock warrant (which also means they were suspected of something really bad and maybe the firing proves the guilt) shot back and she got killed.
Joe Biden is a sex offender. He inappropriately touched little girls and women and the sniffs....and the touching of the hips near the front around the genital area? Tara Reade looks like she went through some fucking hell now, but her and that black woman that came out....I believe them and I think joe biden is also a rapist. There's more solid proof against him than Trump and against MY rapist.
The coronavirus I still feel is NOT a virus but an allergic reaction to radiation from the satellites and the vehicles from nasa which they're other fuel made with aluminum using ammonia and some other shit for the chemical reaction is what's preventing our plants from using their chlorophyll which means they're not taking in the hydrogen and sunlight, so they're just getting hot and burning up. There's a lot more involved but I dont know it all. I just know the lead up. If there is a virus involved, it's not anything new. The best bet would be to NOT wear the masks, create inhalers instead, and social limiting over social distancing. Let people say get away from me and limit the amount of people together at once like...not thousands of people together in one location. Not only the chance of the maybe virus spreading but also anxiety is also contagious. So is stress.
Anise Oil, Marjoram Oil, Clary Sage oil - anti-flu essential oils. Topical, edible, and inhalable.
Lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, spearmint oil, chamomile oil, ginger root oil, and a few others work for both headaches/migraines as well as anxiety
I again know I can say some horrible and scary things but really I am a fucking angel. So was Satan, but i'm not Satan.
submitted by KushyMakeke to Twitter [link] [comments]

I'm an Illusionist by Trade, I am in the strangest prison

I should not have cast Real Magic (Part 1)
My Future is looking Dark (Part 2)
Real Magic Harms more than it Heals (Part 3)
My Days of Freedom are Over (Part 4)
My heart sank as I realized they captured me and I had stumbled through to my worst destiny, despite my grandmother’s best efforts.
The angel looked down on me, his expression began to soften. “Zithero, I am no emperor.”
I looked up to the Angel, “the woman terrorized me for… God knows how long…” I rubbed my temples, groaning, “and… if you aren’t the emperor than who are you?”
The angel turned to Sofia, “What is he on about Sofia?”
“Tim,” she began, walking close to the large angel, Tim, I assumed, “I think he’s high.”
“High?” Tim asked, looking me over.
“Perhaps Tasha can take him to the fountain and cleanse him of his affliction?” Sofia suggested.
I heard a beautiful woman’s voice, “no-no! Xei must see him first!”
My head turned, and I saw the red-winged creature turn her back and skulk off.
“First? Who else is here?” I asked.
“Where is he!?” I heard a woman shout.
I now turned and saw her: a woman I had dreamed about. But something was strange about her. Every person has a life force about them, something I see so often I forget about making a note of it. Most refer to it as an Aura. But this woman? She had none around her, yet she continued to move towards me.
Her hair was crimson, she had one eye, her short hair combed over her left eye. Her skin was pale, her lips thin, and her body was lithe and agile looking.
I found myself on my feet, staring at the beautiful woman who had traveled through my dreams for years.
“Do I know you?” I asked.
She walked up to me, grabbed me by the shirt. She pulled me tight against her and kissed me fiercely.
I kissed back, grinning ear to ear as she kissed me. Despite the coldness of her lips, I welcomed the attention and embrace. It felt strange yet familiar.
When the kiss broke, I grinned dumbly, “Well, hello.”
The red-headed woman smiled, “When you left…. I made a promise to you Zithero, and I will honor that promise.”
“What was the promise?” I asked.
She smiled sweetly, “that if you died on that mission, which you could have refused, that I’d find you in your next life, and give you what you have coming to you.”
Before I could react, a vicious slap soared across my face. I was reeling on the floor, dazed.
“That is for dying!” she growled, turned on her heel, and stormed off.
I rubbed my cheek but grinned to the floor. A slap across the face was a fair price to pay for the kiss.
“Zithero, let me help you up,” the angel Tim knelt next to me, getting me to my feet.
I stumbled, unsteady as I did so, pulling my backpack up off the floor. “Sorry for the theatrics, I have that effect on women,” I said looking at my surroundings.
“Let me introduce myself,” Tim explained, “My name is Timothy Crestfall. You’ve already met Sofia.”
I shrunk back from Sofia, “I have.”
Timothy continued, “This is Trevor Macaione, one of our exorcists.”
Trevor walked over to me, he was the man who smelled like a farm. “Nice to meet yah,” he said with a hint of a North Eastern American accent.
I shook his hand, as I did, I could tell I was jittery still. “Hi,” was all I could muster.
“Timothy, I don’t think he’s doing too well,” Trevor explained.
The black snake-woman slithered towards me, and I tried to jump back, stumbling over my own feet.
“Get away!” I shouted.
The woman cocked her hip to the side and raised an eyebrow, “I will not hurt you, little guy, I was trying to help,” she turned to Trevor, “He’s tweaked.”
Trevor motioned to the snake-woman, “Zith, this is Lilith.”
I looked her up and down, “she’s a snake.”
Lilith rolled her eyes, “he’s also Captain Obvious.”
The red woman from earlier now came into view. She was a spitting image of the other red-head, though far more voluptuous. She had red and pink horns on her head, large leathery wings on her back, and a spaded tail wrapped around her waist like a belt. She wore white robes and gloves otherwise, ending just above her goat-like feet.
“I think before we overwhelm Zithero, we should get his mind settled,” she explained, “my name is Tasha. The one who slapped you is my twin sister Xei.”
I looked her over, “The face is the same but the rest is vastly… more.”
Tasha’s eye closed and a forced smile spread over her face. “Follow me,” she said without another word.
I did so, wondering if I offended her, “If I insulted you I want to apologize-” but she cut me off before I could finish.
“Just come with me,” she glanced back to me, “we’ll get your head on straight.”
I stammered as I dragged my backpack with Rose behind me, “Listen, I’m sure this is all a terrible trip…” but as she led me down a large set of stairs I saw floating bits of spiritual power drifting about the air.
Tasha seemed to ignore me as she led me down the stairs. “Once your head is on straight, Timothy can address everything you need.”
“Why is everyone so keen on getting my head on straight? What if I enjoy being high?” I complained.
Tasha harrumphed to herself, again, but paid me little mind.
“Are you ignoring me on purpose or jus-”
Tasha spun around, her long hair swung past her face revealing a hideous scar that reached from her left brow down to her cheek. “Zithero, I will be honest because I have no other way to be,” she explained, “For as long as I have known you, you have been a lecturous and selfish man. Lusting after me, and after I rebuked you a thousand times over, you latched onto my sister. She seemed perfectly keen on your advances but I still felt you were merely trying to get to me by proxy. I never felt you ever cared for her feelings then, and I’m doubtful you care much about her now.”
I frowned, “I don’t recall-”
“And because you do not remember, I have no animosity towards you,” she said, turning from me as she continued down the stairs, “but you must know I am spoken for. So if you wish to rekindle your attention for my sister Xei, then do so with the purest intentions,” she stopped outside a doorway, behind it the sounds of rushing water echoed gently.
“Uh, as beautiful as you are,” I looked her over, finding that I didn’t have a follow-up to that. She was more than alluring, and the wings, horns, and hooves did not dissuade me. “I… uh…”
“If you produce a flower out of your palm and offer it to me,” she said, turning back to me, “I will do little because I am not a violent woman.”
“Oh, well, that’s good-” she cut me off once more.
“However I cannot control the one whom I love. His anger becomes rather obvious if he loses control,” her smile grew, “so my advice would be to do nothing to make him angry, or jealous, understand?”
I nodded.
With that, she turned and walked into the room.
I followed her once more inside. What I saw shocked me.
I fuel magic by two things: friendly or agreeable spirits, and their spiritual energy. Normally spirits bring their own power, and thus magic can happen. But that energy has a name.
“Manna,” I said as I staggered into the room to see a massive wall of water imbued with potent and purified manna.
It rushed down the wall and pooled into a basin which, to me anyway, glowed a brilliant white.
“Yes,” Tasha said, turning to me, “You can see it too?”
I nodded, kneeling before the basin. “It’s… it’s amazing.”
“Manna from Heaven,” Tasha said as she handed me a cup full of manna enriched water, “Drink. This will purify your mind and remove your addiction to whatever it is you’ve put into your system.”
I frowned, “I don’t do this to myself for pleasure,” I explained, turning from the cup.
“Why else do you do anything, Zithero? You always act for your own pleasure,” she set the cup down before me firmly, “that’s all you ever cared about for as long as I knew you. Your own pleasure your own actions. When you proposed to Xei, it was to use her and attempt to make me jealous: which failed.”
“That’s not me,” I explained.
“It was you once,” Tasha informed me, “Have you changed, Zithero?”
“I do drugs to dampen my magic,” I explained, “because when I used my magic, an innocent woman lost her hand, and another man suffered an even worse fate that I hope ended by the sweet release of death.”
Tasha was silent as I explained.
I glanced at my backpack and thought of Rose.
“Worse yet I brought a life into this world I have no business caring for, or having with me. She sleeps now, and that is best for her because I’m not worthy to raise her,” I pushed the cup into the basin.
Tasha reached out to the cup, and refilled it, handing it to me, “Zithero…”
I turned to see a genuine smile on her beautiful face.
“You have changed, haven’t you?” she offered me the cup, “we can make it all right, I promise. It’s no reason to hurt yourself anymore. Drink.”
I looked up to see her red eye beaming down at me, a warm smile on her face. It was a beautiful smile, but I recalled her warning. The last thing I needed was some jealous boyfriend storming up to me and making a scene.
It wasn’t a situation I wasn’t used to, mind you. I’d charmed many a disenchanted young woman from their boring or neglectful mate. That doesn’t mean said mate didn’t become enraged to find me in their woman’s bed.
I picked up the water, looking at my haggard reflection staring back at me, “I don’t want to hurt anyone ever again.”
Tasha’s hand now rested on my shoulder, “we can work to fix what’s broken,” she beamed at me, “it’s what they meant this place to do.”
“If you think you can help, then…” I trailed off and drank the water quickly.
As I did, the world shuddered a bit, and I felt sensations in my nose as the numbness wore off and I discovered I could smell things again. They never talk about how cocaine can ruin your sense of smell, but, well now I could smell the moist water from the fountain.
An effervescence filled my body as the manna surged through me. I did not just feel myself come down from my high, but a stronger sensation pulsed through me.
It was then I saw spirits pulsing and seething throughout the floor, walls, ceiling, and even the water from the fountain.
They were many spirits, all of a rather benevolent sort, something I had not seen before.
That’s when a thought occurred to me, and I opened up my backpack quickly.
“Zithero?” Tasha said, raising an eyebrow to me as I took out the plant.
I set Rose’s pot, now just having a small slightly green stem, on the edge of the basin. With a trembling hand, I poured a cup of water over Rose’s stem. For the past few years, I kept telling myself: Plants differ from humans. Now is the truth, did I end up killing my Rose, or was she as I suspected? Just dormant?
For a moment or two I watched as the water wet the soil of the pot, and manna swirled around the dark green stem.
Soon it grew a deeper green and thickened. Next, it grew taller, leaves splitting out of the side as the top swelled and rose upward.
Finally, the swollen bud took shape, and Rose’s face appeared at the base of the new bud. Her bud finally split at the top, and her crimson petals unfurled.
Rose opened her eyes, and stretched her leaves out as if they were arms, the tips curling like a pair of hands, “oh that was a good nap!”
“Rose!” I exclaimed.
Rose smiled, “hello father! How are you?”
Tasha leaned over, examining Rose, “Oh my, how adorable! Hello there!”
Rose shrieked and leaned away, “big scary demon! Father help!”
Tasha just smiled, “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
Rose leaned back, tilting her pot towards the basin, “says you!” her pot tilted too far and tipped into the basin entirely.
I leaned over and tried to pull her pot out of the water, grunting as the increased weight of the pot was making it difficult.
“Ah! I don’t want to drown!” Rose cried out, blinking for a moment or two, “oh, oh wow!”
Tasha helped me pull her pot out of the water, setting her on a bench near the fountain. As we did, Rose sprouted up to a surprising four feet tall, her stem growing distinct shoulders and hips, her leaf-like arms now far more solid, and the ends had split into three fingers.
“Woah!” she exclaimed, wiggling her new digits, “what is that stuff?”
I stared at her in shock, answering her flatly, “Manna.”
“That stuff is great!” Rose chirped.
“She’s just the sweetest thing!” Tasha beamed, “My name is Tasha,” she said extending her gloved hand.
Rose frowned, looking to me for approval.
I just gave her a nod, “she’s fine Rose.”
Rose tentatively shook Tasha’s hand, staring at her new-found fingers in surprise, “I want to shake everyone’s hand! This is amazing!”
A deep voice echoed from the staircase, “what’s amazing?”
Tasha turned, and smiled brightly to the voice, “Monty!” she rushed towards the entryway, her hooves making audible clip-clopping noises as she crossed the marble floor. “You’re back!”
A tall dark-skinned man caught Tasha effortlessly as she leaped into the air. He towered over most at nearly 200cm, and he wore a military uniform, similar to that of Timothy. Without a care, he kissed Tasha, spinning her around.
“Hey Tash,” he grinned to her, his canine teeth slightly larger than I would expect, his eyes were strange. They were yellow, not a light brown, but a rather clear bright yellow color.
As I observed him longer, however, earthen spirits had an attunement to him, in a way that normally befits wild animals.
The man eventually placed Tasha down, and turned to Rose and me, “Oh, hey. You must be Zithero, the Major mentioned you.”
“The Major?” I asked.
He chuckled, “Yes, Major Timothy.” He approached me with confidence, “Staff Sergeant Demond Winter, nice to meet you.”
Tasha followed behind him, her eye not leaving him as she did, “I was showing Zithero the Fountain.”
Rose coughed, glancing at me, “Father?”
“Oh, uh, this is my daughter Rose,” I said, motioning to Rose, who extended her new hand.
Demond smiled, “Well, nice to meet you Rose.” Demond then faced me, “Earth spirits like your company.”
“And yours,” I remarked.
Demond chuckled, “Yeah, I’m kind of the Avatar of Ariel, Angel of Nature and Protection.”
“Really?” I looked him up and down, “I was unaware there was an angel of nature. Does she watch over all earth spirits?”
Demond then looked behind me, an eyebrow raised, “Well, you could ask her yourself.”
I turned around and to my shock, a vision of a woman stood before me. Her large eyes were silvery, almost iridescent, and her hair was long and white. Flowers and moss appeared rooted in her hair. She spread a pair of brown and black wings behind her; she crossed her arms over her chest as she gave me a judgemental gaze. She wore a flowing green gossamer gown, and her feet were bare and dirtied with earth.
Earth spirits surrounded her, swirling and caressing her every which way. She herself was a powerful spirit, like a dryad of old legends, despite this I was unlikely to ever cast magic enough to convince her to do my bidding. She was a strong-willed spirit, and those have their own thoughts and actions.
“Zithero…” she said in a high-pitched feminine voice, “you and I have a lot to discuss.”
I swallowed hard, “Is this about Hannah?”
She poked my nose, “It’s about running from your gifts, you know how few of your sort there are?”
Demond walked next to Ariel, “Who’s Hannah?”
I frowned, but the angel answered for me.
“A woman imbued, rather painfully, with the thorns of a rose in place of her right hand, in exchange for a piece of her life force imparted to this lovely creature,” Ariel knelt before Rose, “Hello my little darling!”
Rose waved, “Hi! I’m Rose!”
“I know!” Airel tittered, “You’re such a sweet little thing! I’m sorry your father put you into a deep sleep out of his own personal fears,” Ariel glared at me.
I shrunk back.
Rose smiled back, “It’s okay! I know he did it for good reasons.”
Ariel shook her head, “The path to hell is paved with good intentions… oh, listen to me I sound like Uriel now!” she giggled, turning to me, “us earth spirits may like you, but behave yourself mister!” she scoffed and vanished into a vision of several butterflies.
Demond chuckled, “She’s a trip, huh?”
I nodded, “how, may I ask, are you so in tune with nature, especially to be so in touch with such a powerful earth spirit?”
Rose giggled, “Daddy he’s a wolf!”
“What do you mean?” I asked as I turned to face Rose.
Demond let lose a low laugh, “she’s a smart flower,” he walked over to me, placing a large hand on my shoulder, “Maybe I’ll show you sometime.” He approached Tasha, his hand sliding off my shoulder.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” Tasha said, taking his hand.
“It was only six hours,” Demond informed.
“That’s almost an entire day here,” Tasha whined.
Demond’s smile faded, “Tash, I have a mission I’ve got to go out on. Captain Vasquez will run point, but she needs me and Elon.”
“I’m coming with you then,” Tasha informed.
“Tash, we’re heading to Panama to help soldiers escape an invading army, Timothy thinks it’s Ragna’s forces. It might be dangerous,” Demond pleaded.
Tasha beamed, “Well then you’ll need a medic to heal the injured for transport, won’t you?”
Demond chuckled, “You must clear it with Captain Sofia.”
“I’m sure she’ll be happy to see me in the fray,” Tasha turned to me, “Zithero, why don’t you bring Rose up with you, and I’ll see if Jorge can get you situated into a room.”
As we made our way up the stairs, I spotted Timothy, Sofia, and a shorter fellow with the same complexion as Demond.
“Yo, Elon!” Demond shouted, moving towards the group.
“Sup Demond,” the shorter man responded. He then turned to me.
I stopped as I saw him. This man had no life force, not unlike Xei, however.
Rather than a warm aura surrounding him, there was a faint hint of something inside of him, keeping him animated.
“Is… is that man…?” I stuttered a bit as I spotted him.
Elon, the lifeless man, approached me, “Hey, I’m Elon. Are you the new guy?”
“Are you… dead?” I stammered.
Elon laughed, “I believe the preferred term is the undead. Xei and I share that trait.”
That made sense, surprise took me with Xei, but it was very different from this man. Whatever was keeping him animated was something deep inside of himself, which is not normally how someone’s life force works. Normally it surrounds them, not just a powerful single point within.
“I see,” I explained.
Sofia soon interrupted, “Let’s move out.”
Demond and Elon snapped to attention.
Tasha stepped up, “I’m coming with.”
Sofia looked Tasha up and down, “only if you take a human form.”
“I will when I’m outside,” Tasha assured.
“Good then,” Sofia turned to Timothy, and kissed him sweetly on the lips, “I will give you a full debriefing when the mission is over.”
“Stay in contact,” Timothy grinned to her, “and be careful.”
“I’m always careful,” Sofia said as she made her way to the door, Elon, Demond, and Tasha in tow.
As they walked to the doors I had fallen into this place from, they opened to a location that was different from the theater. A lush jungle greeted the doors as Sofia walked out, and once the rest had walked out with her, she shut the door.
Timothy now turned to me, “I’m very glad you’re here Zithero, feeling better?” he looked to Rose, an eyebrow raised, “What’s this now?”
I cleared my throat, “I’m feeling better, this is Rose, and I’d like to know where I am.”
Timothy smiled to Rose, “Welcome, Rose, to the Guardian Temple.”
Rose smiled, “thanks Mr. Angel-Man!”
Timothy chuckled, “My name is Timothy Crestfall.”
“Saint Timothy,” a Latino man’s voice echoed as he came down from a set of stairs between a pair of huge angelic statues.
I turned to see a man in a neat business suit, of Latino descent, smiling at us.
“He is too modest.”
Timothy beamed to him, “Zithero, this is my partner, Jorge. He’s the curator of the temple.”
Jorge bowed, “Saint Timothy has been expecting you for some time Zithero. I’m happy to see you made it here safely.”
“I barely made it! That mad-woman Sofia nearly killed me!” I protested.
“Sofia can be a wildcard,” Timothy said, chuckling. He glanced at Jorge, “Jorge, why don’t you show Zithero to his room?”
I shook my head, “no, I need to know what you want with me!”
Timothy fixed me with a curious gaze, “To be honest, Zithero, I only wanted to keep you from my father.”
“What?” I asked.
Timothy’s smile faded, “I’m sorry, but I’m just trying to protect you from my father.”
“Your father?” I frowned.
Timothy nodded, “Yes, my father, Rasper’s master. Xyphiel.”
The Hierophant, I thought to myself.

Jorge had led me to a room, where I had found a bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling.
A strange window of sorts was installed in the corner where Rose sat in what appeared to be some kind of UV light emanating from the other side of the glass.
“This is so lovely father!” Rose said happily.
I laid there, nervous, but happy to hear Rose’s voice again. I heaved a sigh, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too!” Rose chirped.
“I need to shut my eyes,” I said as I drifted off to sleep.

I staggered through a strange landscape.
A harsh wind blew through my hair and stung my face as I pushed onwards passed ruined streets, wrecked cars, and destroyed buildings.
It looked like a bomb had gone off in the area, though I was unsure where I was exactly.
As I continued to walk forward, I found that I was heading towards Boston airport.
I realized where I was moving too, the hole in the concrete was a grim reminder of what I left behind.
As I got there, I found the tree that I had left was dead, and nothing but a puddle of blood sat in the hole.
“Did he die?”
A woman’s voice echoed through the air, “Oh, he did.”
I spun on my heels to see the witch from the plane smiling at me, dark spirits coiling around her, now ten times the size they used to be, like massive snakes.
“What have you done?” I shouted.
She gave a haughty laugh, “Don’t like what I’ve done with the place?” she grinned. She wore a sleeveless dress, and on her right shoulder, something etched a brand into her skin. The scars left by the brand pulsed with a dark green light.
The brand was a circle within a circle, the outermost circle had roman alphabet lettering around the outside, “A” was at the top, I spotted an “S” and a “D” counter to one another, but I couldn’t make out the whole name. Within was a spaded arrow, its shaft twisting, and weaving around a central shaft going from top to bottom of the inner circle. An Iron Cross sat to the right of the central shaft within.
“What happened?”
She smiled, the dark spirits unwrapping around her body, “My task, boy. I’ve opened the gate.”
“I’m dreaming,” I narrowed my eyes, “don’t think you can scare me!”
The woman grinned, her eyes changing from the hazel green pools with lizard-like irises. “This isn’t a dream,” She appeared next to me in an instant, holding me near the pool of blood, “this is a vision, flower boy!”
I struggled against her but found her strength too much. I could hear a snapping noise behind me and a red spaded tail soon bound my hands together. “This is your future, Zithero. A fate I will seal.”
The blood rose out of the ground and formed into a giant creature. Before me stood a massive dragon-like figure, though it stood on two legs. Its scales were red. It wore a uniform, though its clawed hands and feet were bare.
“Bella, make him kneel before his Master,” the creature roared.
“Mighty Xyphiel,” I felt something kick my knees out from under me.
I looked to my right, spotting Rasper with his hands bound, “Sorry brotha, I am.”
I looked up to Xyphiel, and though I was looking up at him, I saw strings attached to his arms, hands, and neck.
“Now, bring him into the coven. Restore my great power.”
Far in the air, above Xyphiel, I saw a marionette operating cross; the strings led up high from Xyphiel and to this strange apparatus. The hand controlling it had long black nails, and the black clouds above it began to part.
I saw green eyes and an evil grin behind beautiful lips. The witch’s face glared down on me.
“Break the seal, Zithero!” Xyphiel shouted he flicked his wrist as strings attached to my own hands.
My hands moved without my consent, and soon they were on the ground, the blood below swirling and showing a vision of absolute horror below me.
The hole in the ground’s edges appeared more flesh-like than earth-like, and countless horrors and mutations writhed below.
A mass of human bodies seethed as people crawled over one another coated in blood and gore attempting to escape the horrors around them.
“Break the seal!” Xyphiel’s voice boomed.
Rasper’s voice was soon next to me, “It’s not us doin’ it,” I saw strings leading to Xyphiel from his hands. “We’re just his pawns.”
I glared at Rasper, “Who’s pawn is he?”
Rasper looked up to the operating cross above him. “We know not what we do.”
Soon I noticed my hands had moved on their own, and now the hole in the ground is widening.
As it does, Xyphiel laughs, and I can hear the witch laugh with him.
The ground opens up, bodies rushing upwards from the pit below. Heaps of bodies pile around us, and I find myself up to my neck in blood.
I try to escape, try to run away, but I’m unable to move, unable to breathe! I gasp as frantic hands and bodies push me below the blood. The coppery taste and smell flood my nose, my mouth, I gasp but no air rushes into my lungs.
Screaming builds to a crescendo until, mercifully, I am surrounded in darkness.

I woke up to a cold sweat, unsure of where I was for a moment. With a hurried purpose, I threw myself out of the bed and rushed to a mirror.
Hanging from my hand, attached by a string, is a small marionette operator cross. Written across it, as if etched by some kind of hot iron, were two words: “Be Free.”
Part 6
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